do you show your photos to your non-photog friends, family, etc?

July 27th, 2012
just curious... no one ever asks to see my photos... and on the few occasions i've asked people to look at them, i've kind of had to drag folks over to the puter...

that's ok - it's not like they are disrespectful - just not interested...

but i'm curious as to what others experience... and whether you make a point of showing others your photos, or would only do so on request...

tx :)
July 27th, 2012
I post my 365 photos in a facebook album every month. My family is kind of addicted to that now. If I don't post it on the first of every month them get on my case about it (lol).
July 27th, 2012
well, my mom likes to show my pictures to her friends, and lately my best friend has been looking through my 365 project and has started taking pictures. she says i gave her the "photography bug". other than that though not many people look at my pictures. I always make a point of showing my parents my photos, but mostly just my 365 ones.
July 27th, 2012
... I don't have any non-photog friends... because well, what's the point? :)

Actually, like Cromwell, I post to facebook albums and some people comment but most are just "meh" about it. I also like talking camera geek talk to some of my relatives and time how long it takes for their eyes to glass over. They often continue nodding even after I have finished talking. Pretty amusing really :)
July 27th, 2012
Northy I find I don't usually share my creative endeavours either, unless someone is directly involved and wants to see them. My hubby only likes viewing the photos I take of him :) I sometimes show my daughter the odd thing I think worthy. I actually get more involvement from the people in my art classes. Been thinking of doing a photography course just for this purpose. My hubby hates me taking pics of people, he thinks it's wrong, he isn't interested in anything artsy, he may indulge me with my sunsets or sunrises. I hate flooding facebook but I do upload the odd thing now and again. Thinking I need to connect with more people who share the experience.
July 27th, 2012
I share each pic on my PF page - I have lots of friends who wait to see what I post... I love it - and they comment on them too. My mum even says she's waiting for my daily photo if i've been a bit slow :)
July 27th, 2012
@cromwell @grizzlysghost , do you have facebook pages just for your photos? i have added a few to my FB page, but I hate to add to
many. I don't want to be an know one of those ppl who clog up the news feed. Although, I think my photos would be much more interesting than all of the political stuff I am seeing at the moment.....haha
July 27th, 2012
@northy Your mistake might be 'dragging them over to the computer'. Print some out! Whether you frame them and hang them around the house, or just put them in an album on the coffee table, photos take on a new life when printed out, and photographers and non-photographers will often take more interest in them compared to viewing them on a screen. With so many cheap ways to print out photos these days, it's a shame to confine them to a screen.

(My one piece of advice when printing photos -- get them with a satin, matte or lustre finish, rather than glossy -- most photo printing places offer this for the same price. Glossy is 'traditional', but in my opinion they look so much better when they're not glossy).

I get a good response from non-photography friends on my photos on Facebook, but don't post too many -- if you post an album of 20 photos at once, most people won't see past the first one, if you post those 20 photos over 20 days, you'll get much more interest (and from more people).
July 27th, 2012
My non photography friends do not seen interested unless the photo is about them, not in a mean way, but they don't 'get it' when I get excited about a photograph, but I don't mind as I am the same with them about babies and diets!!!!
July 27th, 2012
I share mine on FB, and have a flickr account as well, that's mainly for my sister who will not get a FB account. I need to upload to that more often though. I laso has started to get some of mine printed, and putting them in an album.
July 27th, 2012
@paulaag -- No, my fb page is strictly a personal friend and family one. I may start a photo only one at some point, but I'm leaning towards a regular website for that.
July 27th, 2012
@northy , sorry, I didn't answer your question. My daughter looks at my 365 page every day. She sends me an email every once in a while when she really likes something (she reserves her comments for pics that she things are extra I love it when I hear from her!) my husband also checks out my 365 album on a regular basis. I've shown a few to my brothers and mom and they are always nice about looking.....haha.
You don't do FB, do you?
July 27th, 2012
@paulaag no - no fb for me, and no interest in it... i'm not so much looking to get more people to see my photos (different story), it was more that i was curious as to whether others' friends and family showed active interest in looking... and what kind of response folks got...
July 27th, 2012
@abirkill yeah... i know... but i wouldn't want to hang them up unless my husband actually liked them, and so far, i'm lucky to get a laid back "that's cool" out of him... ;p and the last time i printed photos of the kids to send to my mother in law, my husband barely looked at them... oh well... sounds like my experience isn't so different from many others... so at least i know i'm not alone!
July 27th, 2012
@grizzlysghost too funny Aaron... in defence of my family who show so little interest, my mom actually took on the husband of a friend of hers when he asked me what kind of camera he should get in order to be able to take pictures like mine... my mom instantly lit into him that having a good camera isn't enough... which surprised the heck outta me, 'cos it's not like she sees many of my photos (i do post family pics to flickr with privacy protection and send her links on occasion), and she almost never says anything about them other than "thanx"...
July 27th, 2012
@cromwell i think you are probably unique... but then, i knew that anyway :D
July 27th, 2012
@northy That's a shame, you have some photos that I think would print really well -- and once you've framed them it's really easy to swap them out for new photos (of the same relative dimensions).
July 27th, 2012
@paulaag I do have a page just for my photos :) But I also post to my albums on occasion.
July 27th, 2012
Facebook your pictures. That will get their attention. ;-)
July 27th, 2012
I used to post my pics to my personal facebook, bu for some reason facebook decided to put them all out of wack and so I decided it was too much of a hassle.

Nobody ever really asks to see my photos ( I don't blame them), but I have no problem forcing people to see a photo or two if I think it's decent looking. lol.
July 27th, 2012
my partner would scout photo ops for me when he's going about town and would take me there on weekends; or he would read the papers and see where we can go for me to take pics. but that's about the extent of his interest. sometimes when we've gone on a really good excursion, he'd ask to see what i've posted. and that's it.

i gave some printed photos as a gift last Christmas. and for our united way campaign last year, i donated 3 of my photos and they got quite decent bids - they sold for more than $200 total.

i post some of my 365 photos on my facebook account to let people know i'm still alive and that they haven't got rid of me yet. most people like them and would comment or leave a private message.
July 27th, 2012
I share my 365 posts on my facebook page everyday. I have a cousin in San Francisco that says, keep them coming. It is still amazing how subjective the interest in photography is.
July 27th, 2012
I share mine on facebook as my "Pic of the Day" and have a fairly loyal group of people who look and comment on them, many of whom are non-photographers. What I find interesting is when I see facebook friends in the real world who never comment on my pictures: they often tell me how much they enjoy looking at my images.
July 27th, 2012
@abirkill Thank you so much for saying that, Alexis!
July 27th, 2012
@dmortega I am so NOT a facebook kinda person... oh well... maybe i do better in relative obscurity anyway ;p
July 27th, 2012
Most of my friends know I'm really into photography and 365. And if a picture I've shot comes up in a conversation they don't mind looking at it- but I've never tried just asking them to look. I think they'd oblige knowing how much it means to me. Now my family is a different story! They'd probably roll their eyes and say "Here she goes again!"
July 27th, 2012
Funny I never thought about it, I guess I only share a few on FB. This is for me on a rare occasion I print one or two off for me or a gift. Interesting to know many others feel the same way.
July 27th, 2012
Isn't that part of the reason we do this project? Partly for our own reasons but also partly because we want to share them? I find most people have little to no patience to look through my photos or FB pages. They are only interested in what they are interested in. So, I push out my photos and hear nothing but ocassionally I meet up with people in real life who say they like my photos even though they say nothing. I wouldn't know that unless they say something. Just think about how your behave. So, the more I show them, the more people start to pay attention. I don't know, it's very strange but I do know I enjoy sharing my pictures and most people take a moment to look at them even if they don't share that with me.
July 27th, 2012
Before I joined 365 I used to post photos on FB periodically, putting together albums of three to eight pics maximum each time. I would get some comments and likes from people but not a lot (full disclosure: I have less than 60 people on my FB list) so I decided to stop posting on FB once I started doing 365. I show my pictures to my husband when I think I have something good or when I can't decide what to post and also to Adrian, one of my colleagues at work, for the same reason and because he has no problem telling me when he thinks that what I'm showing him is crap. He's always interested in seeing what I have but maybe it's because he's bored at work.
July 27th, 2012
I put one or two a week on FB. I get very nice compliments. They may or maynot dabble in photography, but they know what the like. I'm not a musician but I sure appreciate good music.
July 27th, 2012
I post a link from here on Facebook every day for my FB friends to see. I was at a dinner party last night and a friend asked to see our camping photos, so we produced an iPad and showed them to her on that via this site.
July 27th, 2012
Curious about facebook...I thought that any photos you put there allowed them the 'right' to use for advertising, etc with no reimbursement to the photographer! So those that post to FB, do you put the actual photo or a link to your 365 account or what?
July 27th, 2012
@lynnb ---- I do both. AND for what it's worth, FB does not reuse anything that you haven't given permission to use. Check your settings. This is where you have the control.
July 27th, 2012
@dmortega thanks. I will check my settings...they're pretty much set at highest privacy currently.
July 27th, 2012
@northy Yes my parents do but mostly because my photos often involve pics of the grandchildren. Other friends will sometimes comment on my photos - but largely because I have taken pics if their children or animals for free (LOL)! Otherwise when I post to Facebook it is mostly my photography friends who comment with the odd comment from friends or family. Although since printing out some of my photos at home - people visiting will often comment - but when it is an 11x14 in their face hard not to :-)
July 27th, 2012
I post mine on FB daily (just like I do here). I have my 365 albums on my FB. People comment and like my photos daily. I also get tons of questions from my friends about how to do different things related to photography.
July 27th, 2012
Each month I start up a new 'One a day' album on Facebook so I can share with my friends there.
July 27th, 2012
My husband is very good at looking at my stuff and now he is viewing lots of people's albums. Sometimes my friends go on to see what I've done. That is about it. I don't put these on Facebook very often.
July 27th, 2012
I post to Facebook and get a good amount of comments and interaction from my friends there. Frequently they steal, wait I mean "share" my entire albums on their pages and often leave me notes when they have taken a photo to use as their desktop.

365 has been tons of fun with the positive comments and all the really great photographers here. I enjoy the creative nudge this group gives me and the fabulous photos.

But as for getting people to interact with me regarding my photography, I get plenty of that both on and off the internet.
July 27th, 2012
I'm lucky in that Andrew (my hubby) is really interested in my photos & loves to see them, when I took a break after my 1st year he told me he actually missed seeing them & checking out the comments I was getting every day! Of course I've been really bad lately at posting but hope to get back into it properly again soon.

I've also got family in England who check out my 365 page regularly & enjoy my shots as we get emails from them with comments quite regularly :)

Re FB I put my photos there as I started it with my 1st year of 365 & it went down really well with my "friends" (real & FB) & a lot of them asked me to continue posting after I'd finished so I still do when I take a shot!!
July 27th, 2012
I don't use Face Book and just share my images here on the project. My wife looks at my daily captures but has no interest in the comments.

I did get noticed by the local Newspaper who published a small article on me and the project. Since then some of the people I meet on my morning walk will tell me about the great rainbow they saw yesterday 8-)

The only way I create interest from my teenage granddaughters is by creating a DVD Slideshow and putting that on the TV as a background when they visit.

Happy to be appreciated by many here on the project. Some dedicated individuals view and comment every day !!
July 27th, 2012
I print 16x20inch prints once or twice a month for my camera club competitions and bring them into work with me because I don't want them out in the heat in my car. I showed them to a couple friends, who brought over a few more people to see them, etc. Now when I come in with my porfolio, I have quite an audience.

For my family, one year I didn't know what to get my mother-in-law for Christmas, so I made a calendar of images from a cruise we took together. Suddenly, everyone in the family wanted one and gets their feelings hurt if they're not included. I print about 20 calendars, which is actually pretty expensive - it would be a lot cheaper to buy them a themed calendar, but it wouldn't be my pictures. One year, I did flowers, another, frogs and lizards from a photo class I took. This year, I think it's going to be images from my trip to Rapid City and Mt Rushmore. They also enjoy looking at photo books I've done on Shutterfly or Picaboo.
July 27th, 2012
I have a facebook page for my photographs because I felt like I was spamming my non photog friends, every so often I put a link to that on my facebook but generally I get a better response when I put a badly lit phone pic of my dinner than one of my better photos.
Every so often I get my photo in the 'photo of the week' in the local paper...thats a bit of a buzz.
My Mum always looks and loves seeing all your comments. Hubby and the kids dont care
Thats why this project is so cool....we are getting a response with like minded people. :)
July 27th, 2012
Last year, when I started this project for my first year, my daughter and I used it as a way of staying in contact - she still checks my Flickr account when she's sitting on the bus travelling to and from work, but I don't always hear anything back. I did get work interested last year, but I taught kids an art and design course including a photography unit, so it was relevant what I was doing
July 27th, 2012
I do sometimes. My friends and daughter who like photography look from time to time. Otherwise they don't really want to see :-)
July 27th, 2012
My family and friends do not ask to see my pictures, but I do post a lot on Facebook and depending on the subject, I will get comments/compliments on my pictures and some will even ask if they can "tag" the picture. I also take a lot of pictures of family and friends so when I do, I will tag the pictures to them. I am not a professional by any means so I'm happy to share with them...or even make prints at times.
July 27th, 2012
No, not really... I'm a bit shy! I have mentioned to friends that I do this (it explains the regular appearance of battered old camera) and a couple have tried (and managed) to find me if they are interested enough. My sister looks sometimes too - or used to!
July 27th, 2012
@alena lol.. I love your comment about your mom waiting for your daily photo.
Reminded me of a day when I was all day at the library to learn and didn't answer my phone.
She was worried (she's always worried) and at the end she said also because I didn't even upload my picture ;-)
July 27th, 2012
I'm in the not really camp too. My wife, a non-practicing photog, looks at them regularly, so does a photog colleague of mine. I'm really into this project for myself, to express my ideas and experiences through photography. Most of my friends and family don't have that view on photography, they just want to see something pretty or someone they know. It's like sending me poems and expecting some kind of sound response, I just don't get poetry ;-)
July 27th, 2012
i feel very much the same as you, I occasionally post a link from here to facebook, or upload a handful now and then and do get some nice comments or 'likes' but I feel funny about asking people to look at my photos. and no one asks to see them.

something that i do find amusing is that a friend of mine, who has decided to buy a camera and do a photography course with the thought of doing it as a job isn't interested in my photos or this site.

I know my parents, sister and hubby look at this site nearly every day to see my pics and the other day my cousin completely floored me by telling me he looks nearly every day too!

I have even 'forced' the odd print/calendar upon family of my pictures as presents and i still feel weird at doing that even thou they seem to really love them (essentially ones of the kids).

I think its because i completely lack confidence in my photos! want to show them off but dont think any one will be interested or think they are any good!
July 27th, 2012
When I lived in PNG, I printed off 200 shots and placed them in a little album, when I returned to Australia, friends said "how was PNG? Did you get chopped up by a bushknife?" and I would simply hand them the album. They would be silent for a while looking through the shots...
July 27th, 2012
I post my pics daily to my fb like i do here, because my mum and aunts like to see them. Im in the middle of getting a fb page just for photographs but that's just because i dont want to "spam" my personal fb all the time. Im not expecting a lot of likes or traffic but it means that anyone who isn't interested doesn't have to see them =)
July 27th, 2012
Oh yes - my family can't come round without a session with me looking at 365!
July 27th, 2012
I send a link to family members when I post something that I think would be particularly interesting to them. My sister looks kinda regularly. She even opened a 365 account just so she could look and comment on my stuff. I'll link to facebook once in a while but many of my pictures wind up there anyway. I have a few regular lookers/commenters on fb too. My husaband likes my pictures but he has to be dragged to the computer and forced to look. He likes that I like my hobby but can he get back to the game now?
July 27th, 2012
I have some non-photography friends that call me "photo nerd" or more specifically "PN" but also ask to see and comment on the photos I post on FB. When I see people I haven't seen in a while they always mention my photos which is a fairly nice feeling that people are admiring them.
July 27th, 2012
My mom follows my 365 project but wants them on Snapfish too so she can print and show to her friends. My son looked when he visited but mostly he liked what I had printed as @abirkill said. I now have 3 canvas prints and they get more attention than anything on the computer.
July 27th, 2012
I don't always feel comfortable sharing my 365 pics on FaceBook. Many friends are not really interested in pics and I tend to get more comments and encouragement from this community rather than FB. Maybe it's because on 365 we are all in the same boat and we can appreciate skills and art in photography more than others who aren't.
Anyway I just wanted to show my appreciation and am thankful this site exists.
Thank you my fellow photogs :)
July 27th, 2012
What i do is a DVD slide show and have friends round, and just play it in the background while chatting, there is no escaping. Lol hehehehehe : )
July 27th, 2012
My work friends ask a lot, I used to email my pics to my grandparents before one of them got Facebook (cringe) but other than that I talk about my photos more than I show. Mostly as my confidence goes out the window and I get all "change the subject"! I love 365 as it is a kind of like minded but only comment if you want rather than being pressured face to face!!!
July 27th, 2012
I think if you post too many pictures on Facebook it annoys people after a while, especially the artistic ones. In addition, I've learned Facebook isn't a place to post artistic photos since most people do not appreciate the effort put into making it. Depending on the person you may get a really odd comment which then just blows the mood. Sites like this are much better- sites where people have the same passion. With regards to sharing photos, I've learned to upload my favorites and share them with people via the iPad. This works really well for my mom who's in an assisted living facility.
July 28th, 2012
No, quite simply I don't. This is my project - for myself :) If that makes sense. When my partner was away he looked at my pics every day, I suppose just to check on what I was doing. :) And nobody else is really interested so .. no to your question. But that's okay - I'm doing it for myself :)
July 28th, 2012
I post some of mine on my Facebook page and I alway hear when I have been slacking off and not posting. I get asked where the daily images are. I was pretty surprised as I just snap and when I look around here I still have sooooooooo much to learn. I love looking at your photos so please dont stop taking them and posting.
July 28th, 2012
I pop the odd photo on fb if it relates to friends & family. Generally my husband looks through my 365 every now and then & is thoroughly supportive. He's fascinated by the photos of others too and knows who everyone is that I regularly interact with. My daughter loves looking through now and then, my sisters glaze over so I show them only if they ask. My parents are quite disinterested. If friends appear interested I'll email a link. I'm quite private about it. I stayed with friends recently one of whom is a photographer. Her partner ended up viewing my entire project on the tv after dinner which was quite hard for me, it had taken a lot of courage to agree to let him. Probably because she is a professional photographer. They were totally supportive so I guess I'm getting braver. I definitely pick my audience in real life, I'm much braver re sharing online plus everyone here is on a similar journey.
Northy- your photos are wonderful and so deserve to be seen! I agree about printing them out, creating a small Northy gallery or photo album. Let people view them at their leisure. Often I am surprised at who is interested.
July 28th, 2012
Many non-photographer friends say they LOVE them and look at them frequently. However, those closest to me, are the least interested. It's strange to me, but what are you going to do?

I show when I feel like it, but I am learning not to expect any kind of reaction from anyone, because that is when I am let down the most.
July 28th, 2012
My husband and kids could care less, so they never (almost never) see what I post. I have a few family members who keep up on my photos through 365, so I luckily get their positive mojo and feedback without having to affirmatively throw myself at their mercy. :)
July 29th, 2012
@cfitzgerald i know exactly what you mean... i took some photos of my niece which i thought turned out wonderfully... i sent them to my brother and my mom and barely got any reaction! oh well... what can ya do?!!
July 29th, 2012
I get asked all the time, especially to see before and after pictures of some special edits. My husband and kids are my number 1 fans they always put my pictures as their desktop images :D lol it's very flattering.
July 29th, 2012
For me this project really started out as a way to find myself again, hoping to see some color in a world I felt was black and white and having a way to express feelings I would otherwise keep to myself. I have to admit that it kind of hurt that most of the people I expected to support that journey and show interest never even mentioned it (seriously, at all..)

On the other hand, it feels even better when someone I didn't expect to follow my project tells me they liked a photo, or aksing me to take a photo because they've seen my photos.

There's also someone at work who has been interested in the project from the start and always has great advice.

I started this project for myself and that didn't change but every now and then it's the conversations that it's starts that keep me going.
July 29th, 2012
I post mine on FB every day in my 365 albums (x2). Some time after I started doing this I thought "this is a bit embarrassing, people must be really sick of me forcing them on them. It is amazing how many people have said that they really look out forward to seeing them or actually seek them out if they haven't seen them for a couple of days - quite flattering really.
July 29th, 2012
I got so much interest when I started the project with people asking for the link, that I decided to post to facebook as well. I find it rewarding because those that get the most attention on 365 are often the artier, less personal images, whereas on facebook, I get the most attention for the pictures that have more personal meaning, so it's a nice balance of encouragement!
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