Lego photos

January 21st, 2013
So today I attempted to take some lego pictures.. If you swing over to my project, you'll see a shot.

I was curious to hear what everyones opinion about lego pictures are. Do you buy sets and photograph them? Or do you create your own thing? How about action? How do you get your photographs to seem like the legos are people with movement, instead of just still life objects?
January 21st, 2013
I bought a large castle set and took pictures of me building it. It took like 50 times longer but the result was kind of funny to see the lego's self build themselves.
January 21st, 2013
@clgphotography do you have an example?
January 21st, 2013

I quite like using them to tell a story
January 21st, 2013
@sparkle interesting!
January 21st, 2013
@louienumber4 It was not as seamless as I wanted, but I was letting my children help. We all had fun...

January 21st, 2013
@clgphotography Some of the shots my kids placed the blocks on and some of them they took turns with the remote (hence why my hands are caught a few times)

Children add a level of difficulty to all projects but they always add a whole different level of fun!
January 21st, 2013
I just raided the boys lego box ..:-D

My son age 9 had a go as well...this is what he came up with...

January 21st, 2013
I have just done this one for todays word "Dream"

Tell your own story with them and have fun. There are load of ideas here
January 21st, 2013
This was a daily journal type shot, not set up.

January 21st, 2013
I'm old school (or maybe just old) and stick with "classic" Legos

January 21st, 2013
Oh i LOVE lego photos...
heres some of mine..

January 21st, 2013
I have used Lego a few times for various reasons. Here's one.

If you do a search on lego photos you can find heaps.
January 21st, 2013
Lego - the best toy in the world. Ever.

Love your Lego snow shot. It works really well.

Film week - Big Fish (but could also be Jaws)...

Just some Lego...

Alphabet April - U is for Universal Joint...
January 21st, 2013
Loving all of these. Been thinking about doing a Lego shot as well =)

January 21st, 2013
@sam_cr Love them Sam, might have to try something like that myself =)
January 21st, 2013
I haven't played with my lego's in a year or two... maybe its time to revisit!
January 21st, 2013
I could fill my project with lego shots. I try to just take what the kids have left out but will plan a shoot after finding my stride.
January 21st, 2013
I don't have any Lego people! =(
January 21st, 2013
So glad that I kept those boxes of Legos that belonged to my two youngest. Little did they know that I would have such a ball with them.

January 21st, 2013
This is my first ever lego pic. Word of the day was "play". Unfortunately I wasn't trying to get any action into it...just learning to shoot in low light :)

January 21st, 2013
My little one had his first lego for Christmas and I've got 3 in my 365 (so far!) - no doubt there will be more . . .

January 21st, 2013
I love lego shots too. I haven't bought any specifically for a photo but when ordering my sons Christmas presents I did start imagining all of the fun scenarios I could put them in.

Here are a few of my lego shots

I also used mini toy story figures for about a week last January.
January 21st, 2013
I bought this figure and occasionally use him for fun shots
January 21st, 2013
Legos are so much:

And these are from LEGOLAND:

January 22nd, 2013
Lego is such fun!

And so is Legoland!

January 22nd, 2013
I blame Jan2013, which I have thoroughly enjoyed! :D

There is a story to accompany this picture
January 22nd, 2013
This is one I did. I just raided the kids lego. I forgot how much fun it is to build!
January 22nd, 2013
@sparkle Very clever idea.
January 22nd, 2013
i have a few... mostly raided the kids' bins (yes - plural) of lego... this was my first and the one i think i like the most...
January 22nd, 2013
So far I have only one Lego minifigure (and actually he is about 2x size of minifigure). But I've realized that only with one figure you can do so much.

January 22nd, 2013
American Psycho
January 22nd, 2013
January 22nd, 2013
I have really enjoyed this article. What a good idea to have some wee figurines to improve your shots. Easier than trying to use the cat. thankyou all.:)
January 22nd, 2013
I love lego. My sons do have a lot, including the retro stuff comming from my parental home. So, no buying for a shot.
January 22nd, 2013
Some of these are very creative!

January 22nd, 2013
Not strictly lego but I have lots of figures called Kubricks. Like lego but a little bit bigger and more detail. Actually did a story set with some of my stormtroopers a while back. Here are some of my favorites.

January 22nd, 2013
The Olympic lego gave some amusement...;-)
January 22nd, 2013
and of course there's always free petrol gifts you just can't refuse!!
January 22nd, 2013

January 22nd, 2013
My mom has a box of all the left over bits of lego from when my siblings and I were kids... we don't really have any complete sets... I just make my own things... here are the lego shots I've one so far!

January 22nd, 2013
I have only done 2 lego shots so far, my daughter loves legos and spends just about every spare penny she has on legos so I just borrow from her

January 22nd, 2013
Love Legos. Think they make a perfect subject for photography.
January 22nd, 2013
I added some shots to this thread yesterday, and then realised that it was a while since I did a Lego shot, so here is today's shot:

"I told you we shouldn't have come out walking with the snow as deep as this!"
January 22nd, 2013
Have loved all these pics... definately off to get some lego and get playing now! Thanks x
April 21st, 2013
As all these photos show Lego is a fantastic idea, I've stocked up and it has opened up my creative side

Here are a few I've taken in the last month

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