I've lost my photomojo!!!

February 21st, 2013
Gahhhhh where has it gone!?

I was on such a massive high, loving this project... then BAM 3 days ago i just couldn't be bothered and every photo i've taken since i've hated!!!!

sigh... im in such a rut.

what do you do to get yourself out of these ruts?!?!?
February 21st, 2013
Well - I've got two approaches... One is put the camera down for a couple of days and the other is just keep shooting... After a year I've learned that the phojo comes on cycles... Angsting while it is gone wont make it come back faster and only stresses me out... But I expect everyone is different in this regard... Hope the phojo is back with you soon!
February 21st, 2013
Iv'e only being going for 51 days (so you are welcome to ignore my post!). My only suggestion is to soak up your favourite photos that you have already picked and enjoy them (with no pressure). Failing that photograph toys doing stuff. The act of setting up a scene is as much fun as the finished photo!
February 21st, 2013
Yep, I'm on track with Northy ( @northy ). Either I leave the cameras alone and don't even think about it for a few days, or I put the nifty-fifty on and start looking at things. A macro works too. Before long, I am snapping away. I also have a folder full of "photo ideas" that I've pulled from different sites on the internet. If I'm surfing, and something sparks an interest, I push it into my folder. But I digress, the best solution for me is the 50mm; works every time.
February 21st, 2013
We probably all know exactly how you feel! After having hugely successful shots, it's a bit like a slap in the face to have a regular shot. I think, just go with the flow and don't expect too much of yourself. We would love to exhibit something brilliant every day and there are a few people on here that can do that, but they're just freaks ;-) I mean that in the nicest way possible. @orangecrush @jodmuli are just a couple that spring to mind :)
February 21st, 2013
@bella_ss Ya, don't those people just annoy you? :)

@orangecrush @jodmuli
February 21st, 2013
I've had heaps of these times. You could try doing one of the challenges, then you're not having to think so hard about what to shoot - the tag challenge can be good for that. I also find that taking a drive or a walk without my camera is good, those are the times when you seem to find a great shot but no camera!! A moment missed can be quite inspirational! Good luck and I hope you find your phojo soon.
February 21st, 2013
lol lol i find that the word of the day or a challenge helps a lot. mind you I was thinking cardboard??? what??? but have to say i had fun with it tonight. Same thing with the paperclip...sometimes it's ok not to have to think about it so much. hope your phojo comes back soon!
February 21st, 2013
@grizzlysghost Hehe, totally get under my skin! Although, just looking through your album... I'm sorry to say I have to lump you in with them :)
February 21st, 2013
@northy what north said. The first year i simply had to put down my cam sometime but now i just keep shooting... There is a change of subject though during these periods. I change from my every day life to patterns and objects. Give it a rest, the mojo will come back in time. Just takes a while.
February 21st, 2013
I also haven't been at this that long, but one thing I remind myself of when I'm feeling like I don't have it in me to do a good photo is that no one is making me do this. All the advice on the site reminds us over and over that it is our project and we can make our own rules. So, you can take a break without guilt, do some editing on an older unused photo and post, use tags or other outside ideas, etc. But if you aren't having fun, then allow yourself a break.
February 21st, 2013
Keep shooting! It might just take one thing to spark you off again.

Put some random words in the search bar or have a look on Pintrest etc for some ideas.

When I'm stuck I head to the kitchen, there's loads of junk in every kitchen to play about with...

I'm doing the Feature 4 Feb this month, and whatever the word is, I'll try to put a spin on it. It's a lot easier to have a bit of a place to start, even if you don't stick to it as gospel. Todays word is Knot if you fancy giving it a go :)
February 21st, 2013
I think we all go though this, which is why I use the month word challenges for insperation..
Why not think you words for March, suggest them here and then give it a go?
February 21st, 2013

Sam I suggest you give up, you clearly are not a photographer, even you are bored by your pictures, and bored by the thought of using a camera - so clearly it is not the hobby for you!!......

..... and if ANY of that felt unfair, unkind, or uncalled for to you (as was the intention in a tongue in cheek way) - then you have just proved to yourself that there still is a mojo hiding away somewhere and that you can do this!!

Take a few days off if needed, browse other peoples work, and make sure you carry your camera at all times (so you are not heading out with the sole intention of producing pictures) Perhaps set yourself a theme per week?

It will return!!


Feeling Blue - my 365

February 21st, 2013
oh i feel your pain! Im posting mostly fillers at the moment, and hate them all. and when you see all these wonderful pics, you wonder why keep going :( yep Im going to have to try one of the theme things, as Im flat out of ideas.
February 21st, 2013
As the others have said I think either stop for a few days, keep going, or maybe pick up a lens you dont use much or even buy a new lens if you have the cash. I never hardly use my 55 - 250 lens but went to chester zoo and found a new love for it again.
February 21st, 2013
I think in just about anything artistic/creative the creative juices ebb and flow.
I can be so full of ideas one week and next week nothing!
It can be frustrating but choosing themes, concentrating on on form or technical aspect of photography for a set time, the monthly word of the day.
February 21st, 2013
I have been in a bit of a rut lately and I have found @grizzlysghost Idea of trawling the internet for ideas works for me as well espesialy when I'm swamped with work so dont have time for a hike I think the od chalenge comes in handy as well.

Try looking at your old photo's and put a new twist on them have a bit of fun ...:-D
February 21st, 2013
@markjohnstone Thats a thought, i look back on all my old photos and *boring snoring* but i've never thought to look back and see what i can improve or re-shoot... :) ta!

@mummarazzii Need to check out this word of the day thingo!!

@brav I should go back through the lenses, i O.D'd... i got the lens baby fish eye and spark too close together... i need to get big bertha out again and hit the zoo... its just so heavy i never take it! LOL!

@trailertrash you've got some smashing shots! Perhaps the link that bulldog @gphelps5 posted just up there will help both of us!!

@styru LOL i smerked at that first line... ahhh some days, some days i think that... others i'm the best photographer in the freaking world and someone should pay me a gazillion dollars just because im awesome ;) ahhahaha...

@amyamoeba knot, would have been a good one... i stuck a little person in a pile of flour before i crumbed my schnitzel at dinner time... hoping that will do for the day! hahaha yikes.

@taffy @mastermek @sunshinephoto5 @joeymc @buccleugh @northy thank you for taking the time to reply and hitting me up with some ideas... nice to know we're in a community where we all suffer the same ruts and can help each other battle through them!! xx

@bella_ss @grizzlysghost LOL... *eye roll* those people... with their epic camera skills... hahaha...
February 21st, 2013
A week or so ago I found myself getting a little obsessed with the 365 project, to the point of distraction, so I took the dog out for a very long walk and left the camera at home.

On our walk two birds took off in flight right infront of me, one was a heron and the other a buzzard - nightmare!

Photography and art are appreciated so differently by people, so don't be too critical of your pics hun. Keep saying this to my son whose art teacher is fixated on the kids producing art through her eyes - I've told tell him to tell her that's not what art is about!

I've got pics in my project that I absolutely hate, but I think my project will show a progression (even one that goes up and down) which I guess is one of the reasons I started it.

I think just allow it to rollercoaster sometimes without getting fed up about it, I know where your coming from I go through it too but then I stop and reflect and realise that a project is all about progress and enjoyment.

Maybe have a look at some photos on the internet and see if you can find some inspiration. Or have a look at some of the skills and technique tutorials.

February 21st, 2013
@grizzlysghost I do the same with a folder! When I lack inspiration, I go to my desktop, open up the 'Ideas for photographs' folder and sit back and get inspired while I browse through the shots! Generally works for me. :)
February 21st, 2013
Changing lenses can help change perspective. Getting outside with the camera and playing around with settings, exposure, dof etc can help. Do some of the challenges, go monochromatic for a while, do a theme... Any of these ideas help me when I'm lost. Or as Northy said, walk away from the camera when necessary for a day or two. Or go thru old albums and see what can be played around with. Or go to an art gallery, look through magazines, use movies for inspiration... sometimes getting off the computer or equivalent works wonders. I usually find just going for a walk the best thing.
February 21st, 2013
I think there are 2 types of photos I take, photos of picturesque things, and pictures of less picturesque things. The former are much easier to spot and be enthusiastic about, the latter are usually when I'm feeling that bit more creative.

If you have anywhere you like to go, lierally anywhere so long as you enjoy it, go there and shoot. Get some enjoyment from doing it, even revisit a location from one of your favourite photos you'll probably spot a new alternative POV.

Good luck!
February 21st, 2013
I think we've all been there. I had a mini one recently. Early last year I didn't touch my Camera for three months. Realised later that I had lost it. Was pushed by an online friend to join an online community. Thats when I discovered 365. A month ago I felt the same. Nothing was working. I took the kids to the beach, tried hard and got nothing. Then I just sat down and stopped thinking about it. Eventually I got some really good ones, when I was not even looking. I think, for me, it just happens spontaneously. Its when I'm trying hard that I know I'm in trouble.
Anyway, good luck with it :-)
Maybe we can organise a photowalk or social meet with other Sydney photogs
February 21st, 2013
I'm in the same boat at the mo. Everything is mediocre lately and I found myself giving my camera bag the stink eye yesterday.
I know that getting out there and going somewhere new will fix that, but it won't happen till Sunday. Cummon Sunday!!
February 21st, 2013
Yup I'm with ya. Get away if you can, a holiday, day trip, or whatever. Being somewhere different normally sorts it out for me.
February 21st, 2013
You have been around here long enough to know it happens to everyone. I doubt you will get anything different from what others have posted during your time here. For you, I'd suggest a break by taking simple shots. Nothing fancy because that is where the brain gets overloaded and we tend to shut down. It needs a rest. Take the next month and do one of the month-long challenges. You will know what to expect and you won't spend energy thinking about other things you could be doing. I think you will find it a refreshing change.
February 21st, 2013
I like to buy a photography books cheap at thrift stores or book sales and I find this a great way to get inspired.
February 21st, 2013
I know more about running than photography and I can tell you that what works for me with running is buying something new. Yea I am that shallow. I wore a brand new running shirt this morning to reward myself for getting out there on yet another cold morning.

Maybe with photography the trick is to buy a book, filter, some sort of prop to get yourself something new to play with or maybe try something different like an orb picture.
February 21st, 2013
@grizzlysghost Thanks for the idea of the folder of "photo ideas". I'll have to start one up.
February 21st, 2013
I was feeling like this also few days back, especially on Tuesday which i mentioned on one of my photos! Luckily for me i got some support from my followers and got a bit of oomph back. Come Wednesday i shot my best shot (imo) and the motivation game rushing back!!! This was the shot:

This is a challenge, and will be a roller coaster, but you just have to battle it out and get there to the end, it will help develop a life skill.

Don't put the camera down, just shoot shoot shoot!!!
February 21st, 2013
@demmie superb concentration on that left view, and a nicely put together set.


>>Feeling Blue - my 365
February 21st, 2013
yep, Been there.. often
February 22nd, 2013
I poke around on my Tag Cloud (on Ace Your Stats page) sometimes to inform myself about what I like to take pictures of. I don't have a "style" that I know of, but I become more conscious of what subjects naturally interest me. "Oh I really like People with umbrellas on rainy days, reflections, neon signs..."

My project has been an ongoing mix of: beautiful artistic; well- done documentary of life, mundane snapshot doc of life, and desperate "what can I take a pic of before I go to bed" photos.

I go to the occasional class /workshop/ photowalk/meetup. That usually gets my photography juices flowing again.
June 21st, 2013
Oh me too, don't even feel like picking up the camera. Might try the EOTB challenge, see if I can't find something ugly to make look good. I've also heard that the 100 step technique can be good for photo block - you walk 100 steps, stop and find something to take a photo of, then another 100 steps and another shot and so on ...

Good luck, hope you find your mojo.
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