Photos won't upload

May 24th, 2013
I haven't been able to upload since yesterday. It says the photos have uploaded but when I click to add tags/make sure the date is correct the screen just clears to my home page. Anyone else?
May 24th, 2013
May 24th, 2013
Ugh, hate when that happens. Try another chrome or explorer.
May 24th, 2013
Yep same here I'm afraid, is there some problem?
May 24th, 2013
I just uploaded two @edie Edie, but only one has made it to my album ....tried the second again (about 5 times) and it;s failed in both firefox and chrome !!
May 24th, 2013
i was fine uploading last night... occasionally i've had problems when i've uploaded two, but only one shows for adding tags... i hit refresh a few times and then i get to see both...

however, back a few weeks i tried to upload a very large image and it got stuck in lala land and is still there... i had to shrink it to get it to upload... shrunk - it was fine...

so - my first thought is - maybe try shrinking the file size?
May 24th, 2013
@phil_howcroft @amandal @edie Will try by email.
May 24th, 2013
Taking a while to upload my reply too.
May 24th, 2013
@denidouble I think so.
@northy I will. Thanks. It is the same size as all my other shots though. I think there is something going on.
@phil_howcroft Yay. It's not just me.
@amandal Phil says he did. I'll wait an hour and see what happens.
May 24th, 2013
@denidouble yep - and now i'm having the same issue
May 24th, 2013
@northy Definitely not just me there. Hope Ross isn't sleeping yet...
May 24th, 2013
*then not there
May 24th, 2013
Never had any problems before but it's not working today for some reason with the basic uploader.
May 24th, 2013
Blimey - never had that before. Me too.
May 24th, 2013
Mine won't upload this morning either. Has anyone had success yet?
May 24th, 2013
No success here either
May 24th, 2013
No joy via email either and it;s nearly 23.30 so I quit, have work tomorrow, will try later.
May 24th, 2013
When in doubt, I try the basic uploader available on the upload page, but I haven't uploaded anything in the past 3 hours....
May 24th, 2013
Had the same problem. Finally it's working.
May 24th, 2013
Tried it again and it worked!! It's 8.16am here.
May 24th, 2013
Basic no go at all, had it now, night night folks.
May 24th, 2013
No go here either. I just edited one of my already uploaded shots via picmonkey and the changes didn't even upload. I'll be back in a bit.
May 24th, 2013
No I can't upload tonight either?
May 24th, 2013
@edie Yes, I have tried uploading a photo 2x, and same problem, yet I uploaded a different picture, and it worked!?
May 24th, 2013
I sometimes get that. I try it twice. Then I try the basic uploader, and then I take it as a sign that my photo is not meant for sharing. Only partially joking :-)
May 24th, 2013
Yes, it just happened to me a well. tried it twice with no luck.
May 24th, 2013
Nope, I can't get mine to upload - tried 3 times but it doesn't appear for the titling (time 11.31pm - UK time)
May 24th, 2013
I've tried twice to upload a shot and it has gone to my home page when I have tried to add info
May 24th, 2013
Yeh just tried and wont load either cant update and tag
May 24th, 2013
I'm stuck as well. Just spent over an hour processing my shot and now can't post it!!
May 24th, 2013
I've got the same problem.
May 24th, 2013
Likewise I am having problems, tried three browsers and two different devices
May 24th, 2013
I'm having trouble commenting - maybe Ross is doing some maintenance?
May 24th, 2013
Mine won't load either. Tried the regular and basic uploader. Tried clearing my history, closing the browser. I guess I'll try later.

May 24th, 2013
Same problems here. Just tried twice. Will have to try again later
May 24th, 2013
Same problem.
May 24th, 2013
Me too for what it's worth, so it's been going on awhile.
May 24th, 2013
Yup, me too. Just tried to upload one. No luck.
May 24th, 2013
May 24th, 2013
I've been absent here all week but just tried to upload one photo and it's not happening. I haven't had this problem before but I know it happens sometimes. I'll try again tomorrow.
May 24th, 2013
happy its not just me then, thought was going nuts!
May 24th, 2013
Failed in Opera, failed by e-mail, but worked for me in Chrome.
But even then, something isn't quite right!
May 24th, 2013
phew yep same problem, glad to know I'm not alone!
May 25th, 2013
Same here! Grrrrrrr....
May 25th, 2013
@harveyzone Must be random, as I'm using Chrome and it won't upload within that. I'm also having trouble with commenting occasionally -- won't post, but have always been able to get it to post if I try a second time.
May 25th, 2013
Mine just worked! After about twenty five tries. The photo uploaded AND the picmonkey edit worked. Try again. Don't know if I can tag everyone so I hope you are checking in.
May 25th, 2013
Me too. Is there an email for tech support?
May 25th, 2013
@megsyq We've tagged Ross in this thread. I just had success about five minutes ago though.
May 25th, 2013
Hey guys,

slight technical problem tonight, sorry about that, you should be able to upload again soon.
May 25th, 2013
Yay, it's working. Thanks.
May 25th, 2013
Working fine now. Thanks @Scrivna
May 25th, 2013
Working now. Thank you Ross @scrivna
May 25th, 2013
Working ok now.
May 25th, 2013
On my way to work just been able to upload one photo, catch up later. Least it wasn't me being a dimbat ;-D
July 1st, 2013
Having problems uploading my photo shows that it has uploaded but when I click on the confirm dates, it apparently times out. Guess I will try later?
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