Project Complete! Top Ten Things Learned

November 3rd, 2013
I am a list-maker so I just couldn't resist!

1. A YEAR DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. In spite of all the days I felt uninspired, unmotivated, frustrated or was too busy, sick or just lazy, I still managed to improve! I am comfortable carrying my camera around. I know where most of the buttons are even without my glasses. I don't have to refer to my "cheat sheet" to download (but still to do some processing). And I feel okay about people seeing me take pictures....I really don't need a cloak of invisibility! Although I still chant to myself that I am one with my environment....I am one...

Even at a festival I was ready...

2. BETTER EQUIPMENT MAKES A DIFFERENCE ONLY IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT. My camera died on vacation this year and I impulsively bought an upgrade (I needed to complete my project!). Transition was exciting instead of frustrating because of the knowledge I had already acquired. On the flip side a good photographer can get an excellent image with any camera.

3. IT IS MY PROJECT THEREFORE IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER MY REASONS FOR STARTING IT. I can get off track by my own competitiveness and unreasonable expectations. For example: I must take, download, process and post daily. Regardless! Well, my circumstances prevented that pretty quickly. So, my choices were to quit or (drum roll) press on toward the goal of learning and growing as a photographer.

4. MY TRIPOD IS MY FRIEND. Almost BFFs! I went from not wanting to lug it around to taking her everywhere...Don't tell her but I think I need an upgrade.

I could not have achieved this shot without my tripod!

5. SOCIAL NETWORKS ARE NOT SCARY PLACES. My life is very social although by nature I am not. I have failed at facebook. I thought I would just lurk and post on 365. But there are so many diverse, amazing, creatively talented people I just couldn't help myself! I have SLOWLY commented, followed and fav'ed until I have made friends in spite of myself. And I like it.

I weirdly had 544 views on this image which amazes me.

6. ANYTHING HAS THE POTENTIAL TO MAKE A GREAT IMAGE. You just need the right camera settings, point of view and lighting. Persistance and sometimes acrobatic skills can be an asset too!

7. BROWSING THROUGH OTHERS PHOTOS IS A GREAT WAY TO LEARN AND BE INSPIRED. School has ingrained the thought that plagiarism is wrong. Well, I am not a good enough photographer to copy someone elses work. But to see the differences in how we interpret sameness is challenging and promotes growth.

I never thought it would be so fun to photograph a flower.

8. IF NO ONE SEES YOUR WORK YOU WILL NOT RECIEVE INSTRUCTION OR ENCOURAGEMENT. For years I wrote poetry no one saw.....guess you would call that journaling! Lately I had someone approach me at the salon and say they really liked my work. It took me a minute to realize they were refering to the photographs decorating the salon not the hair-do I was doing. Without 365 I am not sure I would have been willing to share so much of myself.

9. YOU CANNOT TAKE A PHOTO WITHOUT YOUR CAMERA, A CHARGED BATTERY AND A MEMORY CARD. Ugh. This one speaks for itself! You can also be limited by a dirty lens and misplaced equipment. That pesky remote is much too small to keep up with!

10. YOU GET OUT OF YOUR PROJECT WHAT YOU PUT IN. There is a story about a young woman who approached a concert violinist after a moving performance. She said, "I would give my life to play like that!" to which the violinist replied, "I did." Well, maybe not my life but I have certainly turned a sometimes hobby into a passion....or an obsession, depends upon who you ask!

Me and my obses.. (ahem) passion!

Well, I have written a book thanks for letting me share!
November 3rd, 2013
Congratulations on completing your project! Thanks for sharing your "Top Ten Things Learned". Lots of great tips and inspiration here!
November 3rd, 2013
Thanks for sharing your thoughts - its what makes 365 such an exciting place to be.
November 3rd, 2013
Congratulations on finishing your project. Reading this was so interesting, loads of inspiration and tips and so very wise words!!!
November 3rd, 2013
Well done you! That is a magnificent achievement, and you should be patting yourself on the back bigstyle. Your work is clearly very good indeed, and the great thing is we can all go on learning, from wherever we are right now!
November 3rd, 2013
hey Deanna that is fantastic - well done! - and love your story here - a wonderful read -and - we got to know a bit more about you :)
November 3rd, 2013
Firstly well done for completing the year, secondly what a great article this is to read. Very helpful and motivating for those still working our way through. Thank you.
November 3rd, 2013
What a great post!! Thank you for sharing (which you seem to be getting quite good at!LOL)
November 3rd, 2013
Well said! And congrats on completing your FIRST 365! I'm glad you've let me tag along with you on your journey... of course, I hope you haven't reached your destination and that you will journey on! I'm about ready for a field trip! :) Some great photos in this post!
November 3rd, 2013
Congratulations on finishing your project with skill and humor! Best wishes as you continue on your photographic journey!
November 3rd, 2013
As someone new to the Project, I wanted to say thanks for the encouraging and inspiring words.
November 3rd, 2013
Congratulations on completing and thank you for sharing your inspiration!
November 4th, 2013
Love your post! And congratulations!
November 4th, 2013
To see the differences in how we interpret sameness...this phrase will stick with me. You inspire me. And did someone say field trip??
November 4th, 2013
Fantastic, and I agree on all points. :)
November 4th, 2013
Echo everyone of your top ten! Congratulations! As someone who took way more than a year to post 365 photos I can say that it doesn't matter when you post that 365th shot the elation and sense of accomplishment is amazing!
November 4th, 2013
Congrats! Great accomplishment. Loved your post.
November 4th, 2013
Congrats on completing. And thank you for such an inspiring post!
November 4th, 2013
Agree with it all. Thanks for the carefully thought out initial post. I might add two from my one year here.

Perhaps as well as tripods being our friends, we should add Image Stabilized lenses. I find I can hand hold most shots under 1/4 second with Nikon (at least four, usually 5, stops of safety with their VRiii) and Sigma (up to four) technology, except at extreme telephoto distance, 300mm and beyond.

Every image is better brought into a good editor, judiciously examined and adjusted with taste and care.
November 4th, 2013
Congratulations for completing, and thanks for the inspiration for those of us still working on year one! Great tips, too!
November 4th, 2013
Well Done on 365...welcone to year 2!!
November 4th, 2013
Congratualtions on finishing your first 365 days and for a wonderful post. I finish mine in two weeks and several of your point rang true with me.
November 4th, 2013
spot on. well done. hope a few of the new faces read this
November 4th, 2013
Well done on finishing. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that there are lots of wonderful people here on 365project who are willing to offer advice, help, support or whatever. Make use of it.
November 4th, 2013
@frankhymus Thanks Frank! I certainly have learned about Image Stabilization. I am experiencing some heath issues at the moment and honestly didn't realize my macro lens did not have it until then. I was so frustruated to keep seeing slightly fuzzy shots I almost gave up the macro!! Now I know I will just have to always depend on my tripod until I am a bit more steady!!
Editing is my weakest link. I spend alot of time staring (and speaking in different tones-- in case it makes a difference) at the screen and wondering why we can't be better friends. Year two will definitely be spent trying to overcome this hangup!
November 4th, 2013
@lizzyjane66 I can always count on you to pick up on my more thoughty words. :) Yes field trip.
November 4th, 2013
@drussell :) All the best for year 2! Trust you will get yourself totally steady on your feet.
November 4th, 2013
I haven't been following you, but have really enjoyed reading your Top Ten Things Learned. Thanks for sharing, and congratulations on making it right through the year.
November 4th, 2013
Thank you for posting this list and congratulations on completing your project. I empathise and agree with all 10 of your points (except I'm too lazy to lug the tripod around too often) :)
November 4th, 2013
Thank you for your very insightful post, congratulations on completing the project. Agree with all our post and still along way or me to imp complete this wonderful journey
November 4th, 2013
Congrats - you've done really well it looks like. Good luck with Year 2. I am almost through Year 3.......and just now considering this being my last year, but so much support and friendship here......from people I've never even met! isn't it such a weird and awesome thing!?
November 5th, 2013
Congratulations...and very helpful tips. I made through my first year and into my second without befriending that tripod....but maybe I will give him another try. Thanks.
November 5th, 2013
You are as creative with words as your are with your camera. What interesting reading! I find this the most wonderful site for inspiration and encouragement - and enjoyment. Congratulations on a most successful first year.
November 5th, 2013
congrats on your first year.... and loved the read.... still looking for my tiny remote... grrrrr
November 5th, 2013
Congrats on completing year 1... so many things you said here rang so true! lol... very insightful =)
November 6th, 2013
Wow, impressive!
November 6th, 2013
Congratulations. Great list with examples. Thank you.
November 6th, 2013
November 21st, 2013
So glad I found this! Great top ten list and fabulous photos to illustrate! Without you I would have never found this site. I feel blessed to have been able to share in this journey together.
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