Colour Challenge

January 11th, 2014
In 2013 I challenged myself to photograph one colour per month.

This is the results of my year in colour.

I have come across a few members who are attempting this challenge themselves this year.

Are you one of them ?
Wanting to follow to see how you go - please comment here and I will follow.

Thanks :))
January 11th, 2014
@sewsharyn awesome job Sharyn.
January 11th, 2014
What a great final image for the year!
January 11th, 2014
Wow! That is really impressive!
January 11th, 2014
wow...very creative and unique
January 11th, 2014
I thought your collage is awesome and huge kudos to you for achieving a whole year of colours. I was very tempted to start one but didn't want to use my remaining album but would love to follow someone who is doing it.
There is an app on iPhone called Collect that is a 365 project and I have been using that since 1st Jan to see if I can do it!
January 11th, 2014
This is amazing!
January 11th, 2014
Oh wow this is gorgeous! Well done on such a fabulous result, and having the foresight and discipline to stick with it. I did a rainbow month which was hard enough...! :)
January 11th, 2014
It's amazing Sharyn, both the shots, the collage and your overall determination. Like Phil @filsie65 I did the month of rainbow shots and found that hard enough but at least there's the variety from day to day. I'm not sure I'd have your determination to do a whole month of the same colour.

January 11th, 2014
Idid a month of metal and found that challenging and really admire what you have done !! You have been inspiring"
January 11th, 2014
Oh brilliant, thanks for starting the thread - I'm doing it, and I got the idea from you but then I couldn't find you again when I wanted to look at your album again! I'm doing it in one of my extras albums, 12 colours. Have almost worked out what colours I want to do for each month. I believe @overalvandaan is doing it too.
January 11th, 2014
I'm trying it this year but not sure if I'll stick to colours or will do themes will see how I go Jan is white on white
January 11th, 2014
I am doing this, currently doing grey/white which has merged into a b&w month too
January 11th, 2014
I'm trying it this year, starting with b/w this month. Saw your collage i thought how awesome! Do you think it would be a good idea to add a tag colour-challenge?
January 11th, 2014
LOVE! I'm going to attempt a rainbow month, looks great! I don't think I could make the cut do complete one colour a month for a full year lol

January 11th, 2014
Congratulations, this is so impressive.
January 11th, 2014
@sewsharyn @boxplayer

Fantastic to see your colour project Sharyn!
And yes, I going to give it a go.
January 11th, 2014
Wow!!! How cool....and huge congratulations for making the year!
January 11th, 2014
@bizziebeeme Yes, I think you should post a challenge and give it a tag so we can view all of the photos by tag.
January 12th, 2014
@dtigani @taffy @mzzhope @dmdfday @sarahgarey @nicolecampbell @cmc1200
Thank you for your kind words and support :))

@teejay14 Thanks Tia. That app looks like a great way to do it - you could do it in a 3rd album if you wanted to too.

@filsie65 Phil your rainbow month is awesome - Well done.

@psychographer Awesome month Lisa. It was definitely a challenge at times but I am glad that I set the challenge and stuck with it.

@debilz Thanks Deb. Your metal month was great - have you any plans for doing another month challenge ?

@boxplayer That's fantastic Boxplayer - your first month is looking fabulous. Will follow to see what you come up with.

@scolgs Oooh very exciting Sarah. Your white-on-white month is brilliant so far. I had a lot of fun with this 'colour' - its really all about the lighting and once you manage that there are many possibilities. I photographed most of my shots in front of a large sunny window. Looking forward to your challenge.

@cazink That's great Carly. Will follow and see what you come up with. You have some great shots so far.

@bizziebeeme Very Cool Loopy-Lou. Will follow. B&W was initially a challenge for me - I wanted to emphasise texture and tone in my month more than just b&w colouring. I look forward to seeing how you go.

@trudibartley A rainbow month sounds fantastic. Will follow - looking forward to seeing it.

@overalvandaan Great start to your colour challenge Saxa. Will follow and see how you go.

@kimshawball Perhaps we can tag our screen shots of a completed month - the images on their own may not represent the challenge in the same way.

Each of us may have chosen a different colour for the month which is obviously okay just not sure how a collection of individual 'colour' images will show the month as a collective.

Lets tag our calendar view images 'colour-a-month'.

I will go back and tag my shots.

Thanks again to all of you for your support.
January 12th, 2014

A link to the 'colour-a-month' tag page.
January 12th, 2014
@sewsharyn - It's very cool to see them together like that!

January 12th, 2014
They were so beautiful I tried one from photos I had already taken...

January 14th, 2014
I got the idea from you and tried it in December (red) and doing yellow in Jan. I don't think it is nearly as nicely done as yours but it is kind of fun. I am doing it in a separate album from my main one.
February 1st, 2014
The month is finished for most of us, don't forget to collage your month and tag the photo 'colour-a-month'
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