How many of you photoshop, and talk about it?

January 14th, 2014
I think I just got in trouble because I added a reflection to a skyline in Photoshop. Problem was that I did not declare it in the caption.

How many of you guys creatively enhance your shots and not declare them? Truth is I didn't even think about mentioning it.
January 14th, 2014
I guess it is worth posting the image.

January 14th, 2014
If it's just simple editing like correcting color to be how I saw them, fixing rotation, or things that most people do I don't really mention it. I only mention it if I changed something drastically.
January 14th, 2014
I have not done anything like this, (not even sure I could!) but does not anything go so long as you don't say it is straight out if camera?
It is a super bit of editing!
January 14th, 2014
Unless I say SOOC (straight out of camera) then my shots may or may not be altered.
The problem is how do you define "alteration"?
Cropping the image is alteration and so is lightening a dark image.
I think we get into difficult area when there in manipulation such as putting s figure into a photo or taking one out.
I would be interested to read other views on this.
January 14th, 2014
Was this here on 365, or was it for something like a newspaper? I would think that it would depend on all sorts of things, such as what was the purpose of the photo, was it personal photography or commercial, and whether the addition of the reflection significantly changed the photo or just enhanced it.

Since I don't do photography for commercial purposes, and don't take photo to be published by a news organization or magazine, I generally don't mention the post production tweaking I do to it.

I do say that I used Photoshop or Lightroom, etc., when I'm doing a picture for a challenge here at 365, because sometimes people want to know how got what effect I was using in the image.
January 14th, 2014
Hey guys thanks for the replies.

I really do photoshop everything, from head swaps to reflections to simple color edits. I would never share anything SOOC, so for me I took offense when I read the comments. I know it was not personal, but just thought it strange that someone would call me out on this.

Maybe cause I'm a newb.
January 14th, 2014
@bernicrumb This happened here on 365.
January 14th, 2014
This is my first year ever using Photoshop, because I just bought in to the $10 a month thing. I guess I'm surprised it is an issue since I see SO many heavily edited images on here... I used to get all up in arms about photoshop and photographic purity and blah blah blah but more and more it has become creating art and images for me rather than being strict about "SOOC".

That said, I'm still not advanced enough to have done anything more than tweak levels and colors in my own photos.
January 14th, 2014
@jbucovetsky I'm sorry that someone slammed you.

I just popped over to your album and I personally LOVE the skyline picture, and the reflection you added.

I've only just started using Photoshop and Lightroom in a major way on my photos, and I have a long way to go to get even close to the great job you do processing yours. :-D
January 14th, 2014
Most of mine are run through some sort of post production. If I'm at home photoshop for a tweak noise reduction curves and sharpening and maybe a crop.
On my iPad same thing in photoshop touch.
However I always shoot in RAW so need to do this.
I don't think any of these are "alteration" just interpretation however adding reflections that's not there probably pushing it!!
January 14th, 2014
I have stopped using PS and now use Zoner Photo Studio 16. ZPS is better and easier to use than LR.
January 14th, 2014
@bernicrumb Thanks for that great comment.

Photoshop is all about practice. It will come.

@polarvrtx I'm also on the $10 deal. Isn't it awesome?
January 14th, 2014
I automatically assumed the photo was edited. Can you even get a SOOC reflection like that?
January 14th, 2014
Well it's a great edit for sure. Take the ruffled feathers as a complement. If you'd done a rubbish job noone would have cared!
January 14th, 2014
There is so much artistic licence used on many of the shots on 365 that I cannot see what the problem is.

I have seen many similar shots to this where people don't feel the need to say it has been photoshopped because if you look very closely you can normally tell anyhow.

Many of the sunsets and blue skies are embellished - so what is the problem with this? I just judge the finished article.
January 14th, 2014
I shoot in Raw so every shot I do has an element of Camera Raw processing and more often than not, a bit of tidying in Photoshop. Sometimes more. If I have blatantly done something, I 'fess up to it. If I have just sharpened or cropped then I don't. I don't tend to use any commercial actions but I know people on here who do. If it adds to the shot then I have no problem with it.
January 14th, 2014
1. Their are no rules on altering your images on this site
2. Their is no rule that states you have to declare that the image is altered on this site.

All of my images go through lightroom and photoshop to some extent, some are composites and some are just slightly adjusted. I don't always say what has been edited, but if asked I explain what I did. Michael is a great photographer but he isn't the moral authority on what you can and can't do on this site. Great image BTW
January 14th, 2014

@soren @steampowered @virtualbrownie @virtualbrownie @fueast

Wow, I did not realize that this was such a dynamic message board. Thanks so much for all the responses. I do feel much better now.

Although I feel the need to fess up. This is my day seven pic. This is a sky swap.

January 14th, 2014
I quit my project this morning because of the silliness I see on this site, and I see I made the right choice at the right time. I've looked at your original upload and the comments. I'm flat out appalled that you were slammed in the manner you were and especially by whom. But I've too consistently seen other types of this thing happening in other aspects or areas and so I've had enough of this site.

And NO, you do NOT have to state what you have or haven't Photoshopped and if the viewers aren't able to distinguish that on their own then maybe they need to educate themselves a bit. This was ridiculous and its shameful you had to experience it.
January 14th, 2014
@soren - Everybody edits. That is part of photogrpahy. But if you add a supermoon to your shot, or impose some other major subject into a photo like the entire reflection, then people have generally disclosed that so as not to decieve. That said, nevertheless this was a great shot and the photoshopped effect is excellent! Jake why are you mentioning me with moral authority? If you knew me you would'nt say that ;)
January 14th, 2014
@jbucovetsky - Jeff of course editing is part of photography and we all do to various degrees. I was not takling about editing, but rather completly adding a major element. And even that is totally cool and part of photography. My only point was that if there is a major created addition, its a good idea to disclose that because people on this site have been vicious in the past attacking people who purposely try to pass that major addition as a real capture. You obvioulsy did not try to do that here. And I said its a great photo and a very skilled effect.
January 14th, 2014
@michaelelliott Thanks Michael. I appreciate the comment.
January 14th, 2014
@rellimdj Joe, I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving. I wish you the best of luck, and thanks for the encouragement.
January 14th, 2014
@michaelelliott lol sorry Michael, but it was you that was giving him a hard time. You know I love your photography and you have always been really helpful to people on this site. I understand where you and others come from on the crazy super moon shots on this site, but I have come to the conclusion that it isn't the image with the superimposed moon in the skyline that drives me crazy it is the people who believe every image is reality. I try to judge images on their artistic merit and not on how well they represent real life. I know that many people don't share that view of photography.
January 14th, 2014
@michaelelliott I see you have retracted one of your comments on the original post
January 14th, 2014
Just my ten pence, I think it would have been nice without the reflection :-) personal preference
January 14th, 2014
@soren - I wasnt trying to give him a hard time, but I guess it came off wrong. I laughed at your comment because "morality"? Dude if you make it to NYC we'll party hahaha.
January 14th, 2014
@michaelelliott hopefully someday I will take you up on that!
January 14th, 2014
@virtualbrownie - yeah I wasnt trying to bust balls. Just expressing a simple point concerning major creations not editing at all. I retracted the exchange since it was taken the wrong way and I dint want Jeff to feel any more uncomfortable about it.
January 14th, 2014
Ha, the "supermoon incident", those were the days.....
January 14th, 2014
@jase_again - oh those were the days Jase right? We havn't had a good broohaha in a while. Very funny my friend that you picked up on that :)
January 14th, 2014
@amyamoeba Hi Amy, Posted one for tomorrows shot.
January 14th, 2014
I shoot raw so I edit everything. I love the editing process. I guess some see post processing as "cheating" but I think the post processing is an art in itself! As long as you aren't claiming it WASN'T edited then why would anyone care???
January 14th, 2014
The rule here at 365 seems to be that there are no rules. We each tackle the project from our own context. Modest Photoshopping seems appropriate to me, but I think it should be more about the photographic process than the product. But that's my approach.

That being said, there is nothing more satisfying than 'shopping the daylights out of a mediocre photo to produce something outrageously wonderful.(I have taught classes in Photoshop for almost twenty years. I am a diehard addict.) If you want to feed the digital beast within, scamper over to I apologize in advance, as your life may never be the same. Just my two cents worth.
January 14th, 2014
There are no rules, and I'm sorry if people were rude to you about it.

To take this from a different angle, I do know what when I was first starting out on this site (way back when), I saw a lot of amazing images and could not figure out why my SOOC images seemed not even in the same league. As I went on, I realized how much a role Photoshop and other programs have in some 365ers regimes. Personally, I always appreciated when people were honest or informative about the things that they were doing with their images, so that I could a) learn from it and b) better understand the differences I was seeing. Some people edit, swap, etsooi, whatever a lot, and it can be confusing as a newbie if you think all photos are coming SOOC at you.
January 14th, 2014
Edit: Looking over the comments on the image, it doesn't look like anyone really 'slammed' the image or was rude, just that people were asking questions (unless someones' comments have been deleted). I think anyone on the site has the right to ask if a photograph is Photoshopped. Whether/How you choose to rely is up to you.
January 14th, 2014
@archaeofrog @rlaughy Thanks for the comment.

@archaeofrog Yes, they were deleted.
January 14th, 2014
@jbucovetsky Just made it to the bottom of the discussion. There were still some comments where people starting questioning the image and the use of Photoshop, and I still maintain that it is always ok to ask.
January 14th, 2014
@soren @michaelelliott Hug it out! ... and post the pics... ;)

And that's about all I have to say about this.

Oh, except fuck.

And fuckity fuck.

Most everyone already knows how I feel about "tricking the ignorant" (willfully or otherwise). There have only been one thousand three hundred and twenty three discussions about it. :)

On that note, fantastic processing Jeff! I do hope to be able to do that sort of editing sometime in the future but for now those skills are way beyond me, so my hat is sincerely off to you because I know that's not easy (and @soren will testify to the truth of this, I do envy PS skills)! But if it isn't a "real" moment in time, I'd like to know before I make an ass out of myself with a "fantastic timing" comment or some such. NOT that I'm any stranger to making an ass out of myself mind you... ;)

And though this sort of thing might bother me a bit, I'm not about to quit 365 over it. I'm no pussy. I can take a hit, and I can get along with anyone. This site has a huge mix of experience, cultures, and beliefs. There's always something around here to bitch about! I think you're a great fit here, and the images you create are fantastic in their own right! Rock On! :)
January 14th, 2014
@grizzlysghost Lol. Awesome reply!
January 14th, 2014
No one has to say anything about what they do to their photos. As long as it's your own work. Photographers all have their own ideas about how far editing should go. Your photo is good with or without the added reflection. It shows pretty decent editing skills. Personally, I'm working to improve mine all the time. Don't feel bad because you didn't specify what you did. It's not required. It was just a differing opinion, that's all. :-)
January 14th, 2014
@jase_again @michaelelliott Haha, those were the days!
January 14th, 2014
Funny discussion since, in my opinion, there is, in this case, nothing to discus about :-) I think, along with all commentators above, the edit is well done and obviously fake :-)
January 14th, 2014
One of my goals for my project is to use Photoshop (well Gimpshop actually) as little as possible. So far I have only edited one photo and that was a simple crop and I stated that I cropped the photo. I don't care if others want to use it but I don't get the point in completely changing a photo to the point that the original shot is lost.
January 14th, 2014
I always say SOOC if the shot hasn't been edited at all and ETSOOI when it's the polar opposite. All my other shots are edited to a degree.
January 14th, 2014
A highly contentious and amusing thread. Its all about perspective. Oh the irony.
January 14th, 2014
@michaelelliott sorry mate but when I pick up a magazine with various images, I don't see any catch lines (except maybe cosmetic ads) that say it's been edited - and some have been edited quite a lot.

Even publications such as sports illustrated edit quite a bit. I don't really see them putting in information with "model has had skin smoothing by applying a High pass method, flyaways removed, liquify on hips, cloning hair and enhancing of eyes. Lens flare added using the Emily soto effect and extra lighting with Glyn Dewis never ending lighting rig"

It's completely his image and how he wants to represent it is his call. Sometimes what we try to do in an image is the create what we wish was there in real life. I see no intent by Jeff to pass this off as totally unedited or to deceive.

As for people wanting to know what was done to an imagine - if someone really wants to know they can ask. I for one would rather tell someone what I've done if they've asked me and shown that they want to learn as opposed to just splashing information to all and sundry. For me it shows initiative on behalf of the person asking for information.
January 14th, 2014
I am a newb on this site, and edit almost all of my photos in one way or another. I personally am jealous that I don't have the skills to do that kind of editing. I think a site like this is a great venue for anyone from beginner to novice who just enjoys taking pics (edited or not).
January 14th, 2014
@grizzlysghost @soren - well said bro n of course me n jake cool. I laughed at morality comment because hehehe yeah right nuff said.
January 14th, 2014
@toast - who the f$!k are you! I never said he intended to deceive. Read my comments or eat my dust!
January 14th, 2014
@toast - you are a guy right? If not I apologize and retract my comment. Haha
January 14th, 2014
@dmortega - another missed point. No one was saying anything about rules or what do to.
January 14th, 2014
@mastermek - thank you MEK ! Finally a voice of reason !
January 15th, 2014
Has anyone thrown their shoe, yet?
January 15th, 2014
@riverlandphotos - I'm about to and a lot more. So many people totally missing the point and the fact that I praised Jeff.
January 15th, 2014
A great read...
January 15th, 2014
so tempting to ask about cake ;p and yeah @jase_again @michaelelliott @grizzlysghost there's been a noticeable lack of drama here in last few months... on the whole it's likely a good thing, but the imp in me, well... 'nuff said...

as for photoshop and editing and all that stuff... what the others said - no hard and fast rules... i edit a LOT and tend to prefer to be transparent about what i do - but that's just me (years ago i had a boss who chastised me for being too honest - go figure ;p)... but there are also times when i think it's got to be obvious that i PS'd the image into submission and don't explain, but then no one realizes it and it bothers me to no end because then i feel like i've lied and i hate that... but again, that's just me... at the end of the day, an awesome image is an awesome image - end of story... your skyline and reflection are pretty fabulous...

ok - enough of rambling... off in search of chocolate...
January 15th, 2014
oh my!
January 15th, 2014
@northy - Hi northy jump in the fray. I'm mostly on flickr because getting boring here not like the old days. Did you say cake? Hehe
January 15th, 2014
@jsw0109 - my man where you been hiding?
January 15th, 2014
@michaelelliott I just got home and walked in on this! :)
January 15th, 2014
@michaelelliott chocolate cake to be precise... Possibly w whipped cream...

Sorry @jbucovetsky - old joke!
January 15th, 2014
@northy - oh whipped cream too! Now you've done it!
January 15th, 2014
Just go do it! If people really care about it, they can often see it. Some folks here actually like talking about how they have shot and/or edited an image. I sometimes do it myself. Does anyone question those "beauty shots" of film stars and the beautiful people? Edited and retouched to death and no one mentions it!
January 15th, 2014
@jbucovetsky I don't have a problem with anyone editing their photos any way they want to on this site, and the one you posted is georgeous! My personal system is, that if I'm just making routine adjustments to get the photo to look the way I remember the scene looking, or cropping, I don't necessarily mention it. If I go further than that, or use filters, or if I knew enough to do sky swaps or add reflections, I mention it (or would mention it), not in the caption but in the comment, because I find it an interesting part of the process and it's possible some of the people who are following me and are at about my level might be interested in the info.
January 15th, 2014
I don't think it is necessary to add whether the shot was edited or not. I edit all of my photos before I post. The point of the project is to use your artistic abilities and to grow on them. Shouldn't matter if it is SOOC or edited.
January 15th, 2014
@archaeofrog Ah -- now I know what you were referring to in my reflection shot! Interesting exchange! I do want to learn PS some day!
January 15th, 2014
I don't care whether anyone tells anyone they photoshopped anything or not. It's part of today's processing for a lot of people...and most of us use it to make the photo look the way we want it to - more like artwork in a sense. It's your STYLE. Still a photo, regardless. Would I notice that you photoshopped a reflection?? Maybe, maybe not. Do I care? Nope. I think it shows a lot of talent to be able to work photoshop so well. It's not easy in a lot of cases. So SHOW OFF YOUR WORK because it's YOURS. The people that love it will love it, and the people that don't will find other photos to look at. You shoot for YOU, not for what other people think. :) Just my input!! Keep on shootin' and photoshoppin'! And heck yeah- I use photoshop for post processing. Depends on my mood. Meh!
January 15th, 2014
Just my opinion at the end of a long discussion, but I think you're being a bit overly defensive. You posted a highly processed image, and some folks who know the location where it was taken recognized that it had to be a created, not taken, shot while other viewers praised it, assuming it was a masterful captured shot. Should you be required to include disclaimers that you did a LOT of post-processing to create your images? No. Should you get your hackles up when you're called on your blending of graphic art with photography? No, not really.

What I personally find quite sad in what you've said is this telling statement: "I would never share anything SOOC."

Wow. That is really just sad. (In my opinion.)
January 15th, 2014
OK. I may as well add a disclaimer to my profile cos apart from maybe 10 shots in my project, everything has had some level of editing... usually more than a little bit.
January 15th, 2014
Hi my name is April and I Ps....
January 15th, 2014
@aprilmilani Well done April... You have taken a vital step forward... :o)
January 15th, 2014
@jbucovetsky I'm a fan of photos straight from the camera and photos that have been processed, some lightly, some heavily. I think it really depends on the shot, the subject, the feel the photographer is going for etc. For example, for a shot of a newborn I would probably prefer it straight from the camera. For a shot of a landscape or skyscape, I might feel like the finished outcome would be best after some editing to express and emphasize what the photographer 'saw' through his/her eyes at the time of shooting.

I went through your photos and they are amazing, even those that may be heavily-processed, or with photoshopped reflections it doesn't matter, it all comes together so well. You are extremely talented in what you do, remember post-processing takes skill as well, especially to produce such beautiful bold photos while keeping the realistic aspect of it all. Beautiful work! :)
January 15th, 2014
@michaelelliott no I'm a guy and you go right ahead and say what you need to say, that's what forums are for. As to who I am? I'm a guy that reads comments... As you've made the point below and @jbucovetsky did not disclosed there's an implication of deception. Whether you made this implication on behalf of yourself or others is not clear. To be clear I'm not accusing you of this, I'm just addressing the point. so back at you - read my comments or eat my dust heh heh

@soren - Everybody edits. That is part of photogrpahy. But if you add a supermoon to your shot, or impose some other major subject into a photo like the entire reflection, then people have generally disclosed that so as not to decieve. That said, nevertheless this was a great
January 15th, 2014
@michaelelliott " who the f$!k are you! I never said he intended to deceive. Read my comments or eat my dust!"

So the now deleted" it's a fake" comment mean't what?
January 15th, 2014
I certainly enhance all of my images, whether it's photoshop or a photoapp, why wouldn't you? It's only day 15 of my 365 journey, but the images that stand out are clearly tweaked/enhanced and they are amazing! @jbucovetsky
January 15th, 2014
@sjoblues I totally agree.
January 15th, 2014
@jbucovetsky In a public forum like this your always going to get the good with the bad. Personally, its your project, so you should do as you please without explanation. I post a photo for me and my satisfaction, I learn from others on here with how they compose, so Im happy for the photo to appear any way people want. If I have questions, I ask. Enjoy 365!
January 15th, 2014
I have never seen a controversial discussion on this site yet, interesting! I think it is easy to misread the tones of written messages. I dont know @michaelelliott other then his amazing photography but to me it appeared just as a query from knowing the place well. your pictures are brilliant and love to see people's artistic interpretations on any images. all my shots are edited to some extent and my selfies's heavily edited! but then I am not massively interested in reality and if my skills permitted they probably would be edited more! looking fwd to seeing more brilliant pictures from all of you!
January 15th, 2014
@roseolivia - Thank you Rachel. You nailed it! I had initially simply made an inquiry having known the location like the back of my hand. I never once uttered any remarks about editing, yet that somehow became the focus of discussion and led to all the misunderstandings. Thx again :)
January 15th, 2014
@virtualbrownie - You talk'n to me? You talk'n to me? You talk'n to me? (DeNiro in Taxi Driver) Brownie its a new day. Go live it.
January 15th, 2014
In my experience there can be an awful lot of snobbery from 'purists' of any art form eg some guitarists frown on using a Capo, some water colour painters frown on using white paint and some photographers frown on using post processing. Each to his own I say and I really enjoy getting more 'creative' with my Paintshop Pro. Most 365 ers I believe would like to have more info when particular images are posted so that they can try things out for themselves, or at least use it as a jumping off point for their own creativity. I make a point of saying what post processing I've done so that others are encouraged to do the same and have fun!
January 15th, 2014
@virtualbrownie its all cool... @michaelelliott and i will hug it out lol, he's just stirring and i'm also a guy that likes to stir the pot a bit :)
January 15th, 2014
I think people should be forced to state when they haven't edited - they're the real bad dudes. Gives photography a bad name... ;-) It would save a lot of key strokes though...
January 15th, 2014
@aprilmilani You go straight in at number 1 on the list of comments on 365 that have made me laugh out loud for real.
January 15th, 2014
I think that everyone should be forced to follow everyone else.... That is all
January 15th, 2014
@snaggy "I think people should be forced to state when they haven't edited - they're the real bad dudes."

Amen to that! :)
January 15th, 2014
First, I would like to thank all who posted positive editing posts. Thanks!

Second, I never really took offense at what was posted by Michael, and I truly don't think he was trying to give me a hard time. He did in fact appreciate the actual image. The real Impetus for this thread was that I found it strange that I was expected to disclose what I have done to an image.

My intention with this thread was no to start a pissing contest, but find out how many people photoshop and disclose it.

@sjoblues I'm not sure I follow why it is sad to say I would never post anything SOOC. I only shoot RAW, and to get the most of an image it needs to be edited. IMO of course.
January 16th, 2014
Your project, your choice what you disclose!!
I shoot RAW so all my images are edited in one way or another. I have enhanced, swapped, cloned, headswapped, dodged and burned....I don't tend to include my editing steps and don't feel the need to but if someone asks I am happy to answer.
January 16th, 2014
My theory....never declare or tell ME the truth... unless I ask. if I can't trust my instinct...what I find appealing, what I am fascinated with, what I see with my own eyes...if I can't figure out if it is real or not, so what. I crave fantasy, unrealistic circumstances, why would I deny my eyes that frivolity, they feed my brain, enhance my wonder, cure me from dullness. This can be an educational site, but wonder to me is much more to strive for than explanations. Photography is art, a manipulation of light and many other things. I had a get pushed once that asked me to make a shot SOOC ...I'll add it in a minute
January 16th, 2014

If you click you can see my opinions way back when
January 16th, 2014
@gigiz You mean that shot was't SOOC?
January 16th, 2014
I edit many/most of my shots in Photoshop. Some are just a small tweak and others are major work.
If someone asks me how I achieved a certain effect I'm happy to tell them otherwise, I mostly just post the images. I'm not a reporter and I'm not trying to use the photos as evidence in a court of law, I'm producing images that create an effect I like...and I don't even post at the top of my page that I use Photoshop. Maybe I should post at the top of my page that, if you only want SOOC move along, nothing to see here. LOL
January 16th, 2014
I love SOOC. My profile pic is SOOC, because I didn't think I could improve on it! However, most of the shots I've seen on here are edited in some form, even my own. Some are obvious edits, some not so obvious. But, it's your project, do what you want. I'm surprised someone gave you grief. I've only experience very positive feedback and constructive criticism.
January 16th, 2014
365 has a long and distinguished photoshop history, here is some of the finest:
January 16th, 2014
@suebarni What an awesome thread.
January 16th, 2014
..Have you seen the WWYD challenge Jeff?
Great fun, you should give it a go!
January 17th, 2014
Ha! I NEVER mention it! That's the fun of it! I want people to question what they're seeing. However, I wouldn't lie about it, like saying an edited photo was SOOC. That would be wrong.
January 17th, 2014
This triggered a long discussion...but I didn't see much mention about how helpful it would be if people WOULD discuss how they processed their photos or how they created a certain effect. That way this becomes a place to share, not just to show off.
January 17th, 2014
@michaelelliott omg duhramaaahh! Guys, seriously though if you're going to add a whole upside down city to your shot, just tell us in advance. Dumbos like me, who have never opened PS, think that shit is real man. I genuinely cried when superimposed moon happened... not even joking.
And frankly I hardly think you "got into trouble".
Disclaimer: I don't speak like a sixteen year old teenage boy normally but this kind of drama was asking for it :P
January 17th, 2014
@dishaparekh176 - thank you :)
January 17th, 2014
"Oh what a tangled web we weave..."

January 19th, 2014
I wish I had the knowledge and skills to edit the way some of you do. Most of mine are SOOC. I have Photoshop elements but so far have just used it to create scrapbooking pages, i need to learn these skills, but hwere do i start?? any suggestions greatly appreciated.
January 19th, 2014
@kazprincess Hi karen, I learn't everything from Kelby training. I joined for a year and did their online courses. It does take time to go through them, but they are pretty complete.

You tube is also a good source for tutorials.
January 19th, 2014
@jbucovetsky Thanks Jeff will have a look.
January 23rd, 2014
hi Karen, you don't get many options with elements, see if you can get an older generation of photoshop such as CS4, you need the options of using curves, dodging and burning which elements doesn't give you.@kazprincess
January 24th, 2014
@therubysusan Exactly what I do! Saved me a big long message! You go girl!
January 25th, 2014
I only say anything if its a SOOC otherwise I expect people to use their own imagination. Like someone said, its your project you do what you want!
June 24th, 2014
This project is a personal challenge? If someone wants to spend 10 hours making their photograph better, God bless them. That would be 10 hours practice that they probably would not have had otherwise. I am not doing this to impress strangers? I'm just seeing if I can survive shooting for 365 days.
If you quit because others are using photoshop, your just a baby looking for a reason to quit. You don't need a reason to stop? Just stop!
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