Free 4 week "Art of Photography" course - RMIT Uni Australia

February 3rd, 2014
Hi all,

Before I go and get some Zzzz's, I just wanted to share a quick free on-line photography course that I have just (easily) enrolled for. I need something to focus me again and to hopefully learn more about the technical as well as the art of photography. Seems to be open worldwide and the modules look like just what I need.

Starts February 17th.

I hope you can join me and be a study buddy lol

Night night!

February 3rd, 2014
@kazlamont Thanks Kazzy I am going to enrol too and then like you am off to bed!
February 3rd, 2014
I've enrolled too, not sure whether I'll be able to keep up with it on top of my other work loads but I'm going to give it a stab. Seems like a lot of the good basics I could do with learning! Thanks for sharing.
February 3rd, 2014
thanks for sharing!
February 3rd, 2014
Looks interesting, I've signed up!
February 3rd, 2014
I signed up. Thanks for sharing!
February 3rd, 2014
@kazlamont on a whim, i've entrolled too. have never done such a thing before. hope it is fun
should we make a group somewhere?
February 3rd, 2014
I've signed up.... So its safe to say its a worldwide free course... Just been going through the modules and I cant wait..

Thank you for sharing, I agree, we need to perhaps create some sort of group... :)
February 3rd, 2014
I signed up. I hope I can keep up with the course.
February 3rd, 2014
I thought I would have a go too! Thanks for sharing and yes a group would be good
February 3rd, 2014
Oooh, this looks interesting - I wonder if it'll be helpful to one such as me with my little point & shoot camera rather than a "proper" SLR? Only one way to find out I guess!
February 3rd, 2014
not sure how the classmates connection tab works, but maybe if we all connect there we will have a room that we can all share help and advice with each other. :)
I am claire-louise wood same picture as here :)

I am really looking forward to this...
February 3rd, 2014
I did too. Thanks!
February 3rd, 2014
Well I have enrolled too - sounds interesting!! Thanks for sharing @kazlamont. I have never done anything like this before - I hope it's not too complicated!!
February 3rd, 2014
signed up! thanks for sharing!
@clairelouise, I connected with you.
looking forward to the course and being study buddies with you guys! :)
February 3rd, 2014
HEY I signed up! whoooo, thanks.
February 3rd, 2014
@taleweaver woohoo... look forward to studying with you :)
February 3rd, 2014
Looks interesting -- I'm going to try to keep up with it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
February 3rd, 2014
I have enrolled now too. Thanks.
February 3rd, 2014
I am in...looking forward to it! Thanks!
February 3rd, 2014
@kazlamont Thanks a bunch! I've just enrolled. Whoot Whoot!
February 3rd, 2014
have enrolled! 365 dominated class i think :o) fun!
February 3rd, 2014
I'm in too :-) @kazlamont thanks for sharing!
February 3rd, 2014
I've signed up too.
February 3rd, 2014
I've just signed up. Hope I can meet all the deadlines!!!
What about a 365 group mentioned by Abhijit @abhijit?
February 3rd, 2014
@mara19500 @abhiji - It looks like we can create a type of a group by using the "connections" feature. But, we will need to know what name each of us is enrolled as.
February 3rd, 2014
@dlaxton I'm enrolled with my full name Mara Dani
February 3rd, 2014
@elaine55 @cgarner @luka365 @sjodell @cheribug @abhijit @clairelouise @kcoda @pamknowler @taleweaver @chewyteeth @taffy @la_photographic @nanderson @jdowd @gozoinklings @kimcrisp @kiwiflora @mara19500 @dlaxton

Awesome stuff! Just so you know...I intend to be Dux of the Class :p

As Dave said, there is the connections feature. How about you all connect with me to find each other...I've placed a comment in the forum under my name Karen Lamont and perhaps we all put a 365 comment against our profiles. I like that idea as this may also lead some other students to this wonderful project.

@sarah365 looks more like it's learning rather then shooting so I'm sure the DSLR information will still be of interest...and it just may help you decide if you want/need to upgrade lol
February 3rd, 2014
I've signed up too. Looks like fun :)
February 3rd, 2014
Thanks so much for this link. I've signed up and passed this on to a friend. Looking forward to it!
February 3rd, 2014
So @kazlamont - What exactly do you want us to put where? Sorry if I'm being a duh. Thanks. - Kathy
February 3rd, 2014
I signed up as well!
February 3rd, 2014
@kazlamont I connected with you (request sent) but I can find your comment in the forum. Under which topic?
February 3rd, 2014
@kazlamont @abhijit @dlaxton I signed up as well and would love to be included in your group. I hope this will help me and would love any input from you all as well.
February 3rd, 2014
@kazlamont This is a good start i can't work out how to find you as a connection. They give me a list of names but none of the above - is there a search that I haven't seen? This bodes well for me!! LOL!!
February 3rd, 2014
From your Open2Study dashboard, click the blue 'Go to Classroom' button. At the bottom of the page is the classroom forum, scroll down to find the entry from Karen Lamont, click her name, then click the 'Connect' button....
February 3rd, 2014
I've signed up with my name - Francoise Hurt.
February 3rd, 2014
Thanks for sharing I've signed up to
February 3rd, 2014
@kazlamont Thanks for bringing it to our attention - here's hoping we all have fun while we 'learn' something new.
February 3rd, 2014
Kazzy, I found you and did the connection. I signed up under Taffy Raphael, so should be easy to find. I mentioned 365 in the profile, but is there a special comment section where it would make sense to enter it?
February 3rd, 2014
@carokennedy Thanks for that I have found a few 365 names in the forum and have requested to connect.
February 3rd, 2014
I put 365 right before my name from the profile tab :)
I dont imagine you expected the post to get the result it has overnight? What a god send you are for sharing this :)
I also started a thread in the forums, kind of like a 365 base :)
February 3rd, 2014
Thank you for sharing! I wonder how I'll find time... but if it helps me focus and learn... I'll make the time!! :)
February 3rd, 2014
Hmmm, maybe I will try this too!!
February 3rd, 2014
@clairelouise Thanks for the thread.
February 3rd, 2014
I signed up -- but I'll be traveling a LOT during that time so it may be that I'm dreaming that I can actually do it. But I'll try.
February 4th, 2014
I got a completely garbled email from them -- did anyone else? I wonder how to confirm email when I can't read it -- is it a mac problem? browser? I can't find a "contact us for help" email . . . has anyone else found it?
February 4th, 2014
Looks like we've flooded RMIT. I'm in too
February 4th, 2014
Signed up and have requested connections with those of you I've found so far! I'm in under my full name, Sarah Allsopp :)
February 4th, 2014
It's all very exciting now :)

@clairelouise Thanks for the class forum thread, brilliant! This has really taken off, so I hope everyone finds the course worthwhile!

I've been connecting when I can (helps that I'm home for the day!) but the thread will be helpful for people to easily find each other. I have 12 365 connections already :)

Of course, don't feel as if you have to connect.

@kcoda I put my initial comment in the forum - you need to click Go to Classroom to see that, but hopefully, the forum link will be helpful too.

@taffy Maybe putting a 365 link in the main forum for the Photography subject would be the way to introduce 365 site to the other students? It would be good to "pay it forward" for Ross. Not sure of the Open2study rules about that though, will have to investigate.

@jyokota I had no problems with the confirm email requirement. Let's hope it's just a temporary glitch! Try the FORUM tab - along the big green bar. It seems site moderators answers queries when needed.

February 4th, 2014
@elaine55 @cgarner @luka365 @sjodell @cheribug @abhijit @clairelouise @kcoda @pamknowler @taleweaver @chewyteeth @taffy @la_photographic @nanderson @jdowd @gozoinklings @kimcrisp @kiwiflora @mara19500 @dlaxton @carokennedy @lisatargowska @hopess13 @jyokota @swilde @sarah365

Hopefully I have everyone in this far!

Additional info in the above comment. @carokennedy advised how to find each other. There is a main FORUM for all courses then a Forum within the The Art of Photography subject - click Go to Classroom - at the bottom of the page is the Photography forum :)

I think using the connections with in the site and having a nifty little 365 group will be helpful for me and hopefully for you all too :)

For when we start our course, one thing we should all be mindful of is that any discussions related to the on-line course should remain on the Open2study site...let's not clog up the 365 threads if we can help it. OR tag each other in this thread if you need too.

If we find that the course forum is not right for us, we can consider starting another separate group...maybe on Facebook. Let's wait and see how we go.

Thanks so much to you all for joining me in this taste of on-line study...I like multiple choice questions haha :)
February 4th, 2014
Ok I got 12 names from Kazzy's O2S page & have requested connections so hopefully we should get the group going soon!?!
February 9th, 2014
Ok signed up :) as Nia H with same I'd image as here. Thanks @kazlamont. I found you doing a 365 search at the top of the class forums. Need to go back in and make connections with others.
February 16th, 2014
I am in.
February 19th, 2014
@kazlamont Hi - I signed up. Is there a forum or group on the course site for all of us to connect?
February 20th, 2014
@jdowd Hi Jennifer, there is a 365 Project thread on the forum. Put this in your browser :

@elaine55 @cgarner @luka365 @sjodell @cheribug @abhijit @clairelouise @kcoda @pamknowler @taleweaver @chewyteeth @taffy @la_photographic @nanderson @jdowd @gozoinklings @kimcrisp @kiwiflora @mara19500 @dlaxton @carokennedy @lisatargowska @hopess13 @jyokota @swilde @sarah365 @sianipops @lifepause

Hi Guys,

I hope you have all been able to start the course. For me, I've been under the weather this week so have put it off til the weekend. I hope it is all that you expected it to be...and more!

Happy learning, folks!
February 20th, 2014
@kazlamont Hi Kazzy!
I completed Module 1 and it was fun. So far, I didn't learn anything new...we'll see in the future Modules.
Sorry to hear you're not in the greatest mood..hope you cheer up soon.
February 20th, 2014
No time at the moment to do the course - so busy with my sister's move in with me and getting her house ready for sale. I am hoping to get a chance at the weekend to look at Module 1 but this is not a good time for me.
February 20th, 2014
@kazlamont I have looked at the first two videos so far, I am hoping to do more either tonight or tomorrow.
February 20th, 2014
I completed the first module. Takes a little over an hour if you want to do it a stretch. As @mara19500 says, didn't learn anything new. But didn't feel like a waste of time either
February 20th, 2014
Have been unable to start it as I need to be at home to do it so hopefully tonight (although it will be Saturday or Sunday normally when I can do it as am at college on Thursday evenings just not this week as it is half term).
February 20th, 2014
just finished the first module. pretty basic but nice review.

has anyone joined their community or posted on google+?
is anyone doing the photo challenge on their 365? :)
February 20th, 2014
I take it you need to have a google plus account to upload pictures? I enjoyed the first module, some stuff about composition it was nice to hear again, and the artist references were quite nice.
February 20th, 2014
Module 1 done and dusted. Had house guests the past couple of days, who are here til Sunday afternoon, so will probably get onto Module 2 early next week. I learnt a bit about apertures and shutter speeds - did kind of know it from years ago, but good to go over it, especially with the chart that he provided.
February 20th, 2014
Hello ... Will have to get started when I return from UK ... Can we catch up?
February 20th, 2014
Hey study pals... :) I started it, I am on last topic of first module... I'm loving learning how to forget about the auto setting on my camera..

Hope you recover quickly x
March 14th, 2014
Hey All - I finished the Art of Photography course and scored an overall 80% (even though I got 90% on my last two modules) How did everyone else do? I found the first module re: lighting to be the most challenging, what about you?
March 16th, 2014
@jdowd @elaine55 @cgarner @luka365 @sjodell @cheribug @abhijit @clairelouise @kcoda @pamknowler @taleweaver @chewyteeth @taffy @la_photographic @nanderson @jdowd @gozoinklings @kimcrisp @kiwiflora @mara19500 @dlaxton @carokennedy @lisatargowska @hopess13 @jyokota @swilde @sarah365 @sianipops @lifepause

Hey Jennifer, I've just completed and am expecting an 80%. I only attempted the assessments the once - I had to cram the course into the last two weeks - I was very sick the first couple of weeks and had no real energy or brain power to do it. I'd sought out an on-line course because I was ready for some structured learning and was disappointed for myself that my body and mind were not totally up to getting as involved as I wanted to. The whole idea of inviting you all along for the ride was to really share the experience and I'm sorry that I couldn't get involved with you along the way.

I am going to have to explore the further reading section more in the future, beyond the course, as I am interested in learning more about other photographers and their styles and I haven't really worked out my style or genre yet!

I found the course very helpful - it covered so many topics in it's 40 modules that I think this course is great for beginners (how the camera and lighting works) and then for more experienced photographers with getting into the art of photography and getting exposure to other "great" photographers work. If you want, you can breeze through it or if you are like me -I spent time taking notes (that's how I learn...seeing words on the paper...I'm a visual person - I wonder why I picked photography as a hobby hahaha) So the course doesn't have to be taxing in time or effort, it's up to the student.

I still have house guests (since mid Jan) and am not spending time on 365 due to that and a busy life - but it's just a break, not a break-up lol
Now the course is finished, I think I will have time to play with my new Canon 6D - and may get a chance to upload and share soon...I hope !!!

Thanks all! Like Jennifer has asked ^...share your results and your experience - if you want!
March 16th, 2014
@taleweaver I haven't joined the Google+ but will have a closer look now that I've finished - so much to see so little time lol! I'm thinking though, that our site here maybe enough for me...I love sharing here and perhaps won't have time to juggle a couple of sites. Did you join? Have you uploaded any images? Share a link if you have :)

@gozoinklings Catherine, did you get started and will you complete before the end of this course? Otherwise I think you may need to wait for the next round of the course. This current round closes in 2 days.

@chewyteeth Dave, I guess by now you have worked out that you do need a Google+ account to upload images. Did you upload anything? Can you share a link here so we can all have a look?

Sorry all for the late reply to your questions! It seems a bit redundant now the course is over and I haven't been much on 365 either!
March 16th, 2014
@kazlamont it closes in 2 days! Dang I am only half way through module 2. Better get cracking tomorrow.
March 16th, 2014
@jdowd @kazlamont I finished the course on Friday and like you Kazzy I found I didn't have time to do the further reading which I am interested in following up so I have downloaded the reading material and will gradually work through. I enjoyed doing the course as I felt I learnt quite a lot from it, especially post processing which I haven't done a great deal of up until now and now have a much better understanding. I too took notes and found this invaluable instead of just watching the videos. I was pleased that I got 97.5%.
March 16th, 2014
@kazlamont Thanks for letting everyone on here know about the course.
March 16th, 2014
@kazlamont oh I never got started as my dad died and then I was in England with my mum ... if I can do the next one I'll be thrilled as you and Elaine seemed to get a lot out of it :0)
March 16th, 2014
@jdowd @kazlamont I finished it earlier in the week - average of 87.5% - I got 100%, 90%, 60% and 100% - I thought the 3rd module was quite tricky (Digital Darkroom), but decided up front that I was only having one go at each assessment, and not trying 3 times like they allow.

@gozoinklings Sorry for your loss Catherine - I think that they repeat the courses later in the year again, so keep a look out for it on the Uni website - it's well worth it. Lots of good technical (theory) lessons.
March 16th, 2014
@kiwiflora thanks for that francoise
March 16th, 2014
@gozoinklings Just been on the site to sign up for something else, and I see that the Art of Photography is starting on 24th March again.
March 16th, 2014
@kiwiflora :o) you are very kind - i shall go and have a look!
March 17th, 2014
@gozoinklings I'm so sorry to hear that Catherine. I lost my father 2 years go this past I totally understand. My condolences to you and your family.
March 17th, 2014
@kazlamont congrats! it was for sure a challenging course but glad I did it. Hope you are feeling better.
March 17th, 2014
@kazlamont just finished the course, was delayed due to the flu so had to cram the last module but really enjoyed it, it's pretty basic but will be very helpful to beginners & is still interesting to intermediates!
March 18th, 2014
I just haven't had time to do this unfortunately - helping my Mum with her down size and move took up way more time and energy than I expected and is still on-going - we moved last week but now have all the unpacking to do! Haven't even managed to get a photo up for a week, so have some catching up to do in between the unpacking...
Glad to see the course has been useful to so many of you, and that it's being repeated. Hope to have time for it next time round!
March 20th, 2014
Hi everybdody!
I completed the course and got 90%. I found the last module a bit tricky (or maybe I was too sleepy to work better - i did it very late at night!!!.
I found the course very interesting, the speaker clear and motivating, the modules well structured and graded.
What I liked most what the insight into photographers and their contribution to the development of modern photography. This stimulated me to note down a series of authors I want to study in more depth.

Thank you @kazlamont Kazzy for suggeting the course to us. If you have further suggestions, please do let us know.
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