Anyone still here from 2010-12/13?

March 27th, 2016
I don't know how many people will still be on here who were around way back when I was doing this before...

At the start of my 22nd year, I thought I'd bring this project back.

In the past year my life has changed a lot. My Mum was very ill for a while before dying. I left uni, lost where I was living, lost my job and lost a lot of friends. I've been slowly trying to rebuild my life. I have somewhere to live, I have a job (with very few hours but it's all I can manage right now), I'm beginning to meet people again who I hope will become friends. I'm beginning to dabble in faith again for the first time since I was 14.

I've also become incredibly unwell will depression, anxiety, and anorexia, especially in recent months. This has brought it's own challenges and I'm trying to rebuild a purposeful life alongside the limitations these conditions impose. They have taken a lot of 'me', including my creativity, something which I hope doing this will help me to rekindle somewhat.

I can't promise that this account will always be happy or positive, but I will always try to keep it real.
March 27th, 2016
Welcome back, Naomi. I've been here since 2012. Photography is my best therapy. There's nothing so effective as taking a walk with my camera to lift me out of the doldrums. I also belng to a wonderful Christian twelve step support group called Celebrate Recovery which I highly recommend if you are trying to rebuild a purposeful life.
March 27th, 2016
Welcome Back! I've been here since 2011.
March 27th, 2016
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother and all the troubles you've been going through but am pleased to hear you being so positive. Welcome back Naomi.
March 27th, 2016
@naomi @skstein I agree with Sandy's suggestion about Celebrate Recovery. Photography can be a good distraction. I have been here since Jan. 1, 2011.
March 27th, 2016
I started Nov. 2011. Welcome back.
March 27th, 2016
Welcome back and I hope this wonderful community can help you rebuild a purposeful life.
March 27th, 2016
Welcome back, I began in 2012 and love the photographic therapy and the discipline 365 brings. Sad to read about your troubling times, how life can change. I speak from recent life changing experiences and my camera is a source of solace for me. Be gentle with yourself and take care Xx
March 27th, 2016
I was here in 2012. If I remember correctly I used to follow you and you had some fantastic photos. Was the one with the water droplet reflecting the word "revise" yours? I'm sorry to hear of the things you are going through but I also started 365 as a way to keep my anxiety and depression at bay. Following again :) welcome back!
March 27th, 2016
I began in 2010 and there are quite a few folk still here from around that time. I did have a few months off when, like you i was going through a bad time. If you get to know people here through their photos, you will find that many have been through some tough times and find this site a great support in many ways. Welcome back and I hope you find your light at the end of the tunnel. I'm heading that way!
March 27th, 2016
I started here back in 2012 and have had good and and years since. I'm sorry to hear all that you have been going through but welcome back. I hope that you enjoy being back and that you find it somehow therapeutic. Looking forward to seeing your album come together.
March 27th, 2016
Welcome back, Naomi. I've been here since 2011.
March 27th, 2016
Welcome back. 365 has helped me a lot during the many years of battling a heart condition and I've shared the days of my life seen through a camera with my friends here since the beginning of January 2010.
March 27th, 2016
Jan 1, 2012
Welcome back. Good luck and white light
March 27th, 2016
hi yeah been on here since about 2011
March 27th, 2016
Hope things continue to improve for you.
March 27th, 2016
hi Naomi...i'm a newbie as i only started this year but i hope you come back and use 365 to improve your health and mental well's a great tool to use...i've found a wonderful community here...supportive and encouraging...hang in've been through and are still going through lots of'll get out the other side eventually...wish you all the best... :o)
March 27th, 2016
Welcome back
March 27th, 2016
I attempted it back in 2010 and 2011 and did my first successful full year over 2012-2013. I left after that, but started up again last November. Welcome back and best of luck to you. Like the others have said, this can be such great therapy - creating the art itself, but also the supportive, friendly community. I wish you the best and am glad you're jumping back into this!
March 27th, 2016
I've been here since the beginning of 2012 and every word written above is what makes this site so outstanding - it's the support and friendships and understanding you find here. Photography has been a wonderful therapy for me the last several years and hope you find that it brings you some release and optimism to continue your battle. You've faced down a lot at your young age and you can make a better life. Welcome back.
March 28th, 2016
@naomi Welcome back! I began in Jan 2010, and I remember you from the early days! I'm so sorry your life has been such a difficult struggle, but you'll find camaraderie here and you'll see your's not alone. Coming out of depression, my own daughter led me to this site, and it's be a joyous turn around. I'll be delighted to follow you (we old-timers stick together!) and hope you'll find your days and your photography just keep getting better!
March 28th, 2016
Welcome back :) I remember you and still follow you ! I'm not very active but its good to see you back
March 28th, 2016
I've only been here for just over a year but I'm always happy to make new friends. I look forward to your posts. :)
March 28th, 2016
Hi Naomi, I was here in 2013, welcome back :) so sorry to hear about your mum and your own health issues. Picking up my camera every day is giving purpose to days as I am currently fighting with anorexia myself. Throw yourself back into 365, it's a wonderful place to be x
March 29th, 2016
Hi, I started in 2011 though I don't post much anymore but I still like checking out what everybody else is doing.......welcome back I hope you enjoy the ride :)
April 4th, 2016
hi, welcome back! i remember you from 2011 :) i'm not really active here anymore since having kids but i do check in from time to time!
April 4th, 2016
I have been here since December 13th 2011.
I have not been on as often or as active but can't seem to stay away permanently
April 4th, 2016
Heyy @naomi - it's good to hear from you again, I was around 2011-2013 and I remember you! I was using a different account then (@izzymathie) which I'll probably delete in a few days to avoid clogging up this site.

I'm so sorry to hear how much you've been through - it's amazing that you're coming out the other side and using your creativity to process and heal what you've been experiencing. I'm a student and my mum is also terminally ill so can offer some kind of sympathy - sending lots of 365 love and best wishes for the future. Izzy xx
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