Explanation and Question

January 8th, 2021
Happy New Year, 365 Community!!

I will not be showing photos today. I have not really been taking many pics over the holiday.

Yeah – my health has slipped once again. I have been spending time in the hospital both before and after Christmas. Was really hoping to be able to get through the holidays without going in but it was not to be.

I had another blood transfusion on New Year’s Day – a great way to start the New Year!!

The absolute worst part of this whole thing is how this condition robs me of absolutely all energy. It takes so much energy to even walk up the stairs or do the dishes. So, of course I milk that problem every opportunity I can with Hubby. He now carries the laundry up and down the stairs, feeds the chickens, sweeps the floors .....

But, I do cook a lot of easy meals that can be re-heated such as chili and stew. I make sure they are high in iron and nutritious as well.

Christmas was great. We were able to go to my daughter’s place for the day where we exchanged gifts and had Christmas dinner. We split the cooking so that neither of us had a huge chore to do.

I will not be going back driving bus after the holidays. The doctor did not feel it was a good idea. My hemoglobin is low enough that I am in heart attack area since the heart does not always get enough oxygen and will accelerate when stressed. (and we all know that driving a bus load of noisy kids can be stressful!!)

So – that is my life in a nutshell.

I am sleeping much of the day since I do get tired easily. But – I am going to really work on getting my health back now that I am not driving bus. I have even started walking up and down the driveway every day (we have a LONG driveway!!) Hopefully better maintenance of this old body will turn things around, though I really do not know what I was doing wrong in the first place!

This whole episode has got me thinking “Why Photography?” For me, it is a way to express myself. I have ideas and photography is a way to bring those ideas to life. It is so frustrating when the photos do not work out the way I ‘see’ them in my mind’s eye, but they are ecstasy when they do.

So I ask you, in this New Year, Why Photography?

I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s photos once again. And starting to post again.

Keep well and thank you all once more.
You are the best!!
Wendy @farmreporter
January 8th, 2021
Ah Wendy I had no idea you were having health issues! That makes your sacrifice of doing the week SH*T list even more appreciated. I will be adding you to my prayer list starting tonight! Get better!♥

To answer the question, basically the same as you but I feel you do a far better job of bringing you ideas to life than I do! I do feel elated when one of them turns out "right " though!
January 8th, 2021
Wow, so sorry to hear of your health issues, and hope they settle out / improve.

To your question: "Why photography?" What a hard question! For me, I think it's a way that I connect to the world, a way to capture a moment that resonates with me. At least when it works, which is nowhere near as often as I wish it would. I love watching my screen saver and remembering the moments as they pass by....
January 8th, 2021
Oh Wendy...so sorry to hear that your health situation is challenging...

ok, why photography...well, one, the results are much better(and faster) than what I do with pen and ink or watercolor. and also, there always seems to me so much more...new concepts, techniques, levels of my own feeble achievement. And, this community has kept me motivated...thank you for that...you were/are one of my first "friends" here.

Wishing you well, sending virtual chicken soup if I could,

January 8th, 2021
Wendy, I noticed your absence. I was hoping it was because you were busy with life. Rather you were dealing with your (lack of) health. Prayers for your recovery.

Why photography? It's a creative outlet for me most days. I want to paint, to write, to draw, but having little talent for those things, I knit and I take photos.
January 8th, 2021
Why?? Because I've become addicted to 365, the camaraderie, the support, the laughs and advice. It's become routine to do my one-a-day; and if I see a 'shot' in my mind's eye and the camera sees it too that's a result.

Having my camera with me authenticates me having a stop to admire the scenery during my daily permissible exercise, and it's become a diary without words.

You're very brave to disclose your ill-health to friends and strangers. May you continue to gain back your strength, through nutrition and photogging, stay safe my friend 😗

January 8th, 2021
So sorry to hear about your health issue. Why? Because I believe what Dorthea Lange said: “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” So I notice more and appreciate more that is around me.
January 8th, 2021
Why photography? For me it's a sort of proof. That these things exist, that I saw them, that I was there. That I exist, even. It's like the "if tree falls in the forest" conundrum. But as I can't be everywhere, there's 365. The world turns, we live our lives, we strive - and we record it. And yet we hide.

January 9th, 2021
there is so much in this world that is beautiful, and we don't use our eyes enough to see them. photography changed me in that way. i started to see even the most mundane things differently and appreciated their hidden beauty; even the rusty pipes and the worn down walls. and whilst i love staring at clouds and looking at the images i thought i see in them, i also started to appreciate the light of the sun as they moved, the different colour of blue that the sky radiated. i stare at someone on the bus or on the train and i imagine how or where i would position the light to bring out the curve of one's cheekbones or nose. i study the lighting in a room even when i don't have my camera.

and then of course, i have a lot of friends who are more than good photographers with whom i interact almost everyday, good friends that i yet have to meet, like you. and it breaks my heart to find out only now that you are sick and i wish this pandemic is gone so i can drive up to ottawa and meet you and we can go around and take photos.

take care, wendy. be strong. you will beat this, and there are so many of us who will be praying for you.
January 9th, 2021
oh Wendy so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. prayers for you to get to 100% and pick up the camera once again.
I have no real reason for photography. I have been the "photographer" from the time I got my first 110. just natural for me to take photos. I guess there has been the challenge of improving my skills, technically and creatively for the last few years but camera use came long before that!
please rest as much as necessary, heal and come back to us!
January 9th, 2021
Praying you start feeling better soon, Wendy.
January 9th, 2021
so sorry to hear about your ill health, wendy, and again please accept my grateful appreciation to you for keeping the incredibly helpful weekly list going. i only started taking photographs seven years ago and just got hooked. increasingly i realise how the process allows me to be mindful and notice so many things in the world that i never did before. and over the years i've got into editing in both lightroom and photoshop, and creating images absorbs and distracts and fulfils me like nothing else. thanks for asking - such an interesting thread!
January 10th, 2021
Sorry to hear your health issues are continuing into the new year.....thank you for keeping the weekly sh*t list going...it really helps me keep up with all the themes and challenges...
as for why photography....all the reasons mentioned above...creativity, sanity, seeing the beauty in the world around us, the joy of sharing with this community...
take care and wishing you leaps and bounds in health improvements :)
January 10th, 2021
Why photography? For me, it is a way to bring the outside world to those who rarely venture there. I'm a city boy and most of my friends, relatives and associates are urbanites. What I do that most of them don't is go to parks and nature preserves. I like to capture what I see there...plants, animals, scenery...and bring it to them to widen their world and maybe, just maybe, lure them to a place where they can see and hear a bird they've never encountered before.

I'm praying for you.
January 10th, 2021
Happy new year Wendy. I hope you are getting stronger each day and find the energy to post your beautiful shots again. I wish you all the best in 2021.
Why photography. Good question. Photography is a form of art and I love art! I started photography in March 2020 when I as out of my job due to covid. Seeing nature and wild life though the camera gave me so the opportunity to see there is more than just me. I get so much joy of seeing natures beauty. I always enjoyed nature but now seeing it more up close and detailed I appreciate even more that we all have to take care of our world. It is nice to share what I see with others and I love to watch what others are seeing. I like that photography is an ongoing learning environment . I can keep challenging myself. Oh, and all photographers are the nicest people!! Take care and see you soon at 365!
January 10th, 2021
Happy New Year Wendy, and I am so sorry to hear your health has been such a challenge. Sending you lots of comforting thoughts.

Why Photography? For me, it's an extension of (and oftentimes a replacement) for my writing. Whenever someone asks me what my style of photography is, I say "Narrative Photography." So I practice photography because it allows me to write my own story in fewer words every day. I am at my happiest also when a camera is in my hand, so it's for sanity as well. :)
January 10th, 2021
Thank you for adding me to your prayer list, Katy!
I like your answer - like me - it is so hard to get what I see in my mind's eye into a shot and I guess that is what keeps my camera in my hand.
January 10th, 2021
Larry - I am so glad to know that there is someone else who puts their shots on their screen saver to scroll through memory lane! Yes - photography is a wonderful way to stay connected to the world!
January 10th, 2021
I am so impressed with how far you have come with your photography! You have worked so hard at it and it really shows.
January 10th, 2021
Kathy - you are one talented and creative lady! You amaze me with the responses to your challenges which are so different from what I could have thought of!
Sometimes we do not realize our own strengths and tend to dismiss them.
January 10th, 2021
Jackie - So good that you have established a routine and think of photography first when you see a shot. The fun you find with photography really shows in your shots.
Thank you for being my friend and a much needed ray of sunshine when I desperately need one!
January 10th, 2021
Love that quote you gave - it is such a perfect response to the question. Yes, photography - the kind that is purposeful - really does teach us to see without a camera.
January 11th, 2021
@farmreporter Thank you.
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