Is Photography ....

March 15th, 2011
...... your Hobby or Your Job ? and if it isnt your Job what do you do ?
and if you work fulltime how do you manage to fit in your 365 photos ?

was just sat here wondering , so i thought i'd be nosey and ask !

For me its just a hobby , and my real "job" is being a stay at home mum so i can generally find time to slot in a few shots each day :)
March 15th, 2011
Photography for me is a becoming an obsession! I'm a Mum of 4, the youngest is 14 so they're not as reliant on me now. I work 3 days a week and I'm studying for a Psych degree so that pretty much takes up all my time but I always manage to take loads of photos every day :o)
March 15th, 2011
For me, it is a hobby. I'm a full-time mum and I also study by distance education. I have no idea how I fit it in!
March 15th, 2011

If you work in the Corporate World (I'll leave it at that), you need a release.

You don't find the time. You make the time. It keeps you sane that way.
March 15th, 2011
It's a hobby for me to, i work in a call centre full time, to be honest i dont always get time i just make sure i have my camera with me all the time, i usually try to get a pic in the mornings on the way to work or when i get home i go in the garden to try to get a bird/bug/flower then if all else fails i find a random object or do a portrait.
Love when i have a day off and can go out and get lots of pics i cant normally get during a work day!
March 15th, 2011
A hobby and something to keep me sane. I have a 1yr old and a 2 yr old and 6 pets...I need those moments where I am behind the camera and I hear nothing and see just the shot I am trying to capture. I am a stay at home mom and I love it but I need that little me time with my camera in hand!
March 15th, 2011
Yes, it is... ;)

In all seriousness, it is just a hobby - of course!
March 15th, 2011
An expensive hobby for me ;-)
I too am a SAHM of 3, Mr.5 goes to school now so I find more time with just 2 of them home now :)
March 15th, 2011
A hobby. Obviously, because who would pay for my pictures! I work in the insurance industry.

I fit 365 in by not cleaning my house and feeding the family cereal most nights.
March 16th, 2011
For's a hobby. I take photos on my way to and from work. I work for a newspaper so sometimes I will take shots when I'm taking photos for work, too.
March 16th, 2011
A hobby, I'm also a full time mum but now the girls are both in school I fit it round housework. I love it when the weather is nice and I can get out and about and take shots of whatever comes into sight. Just wish the weather was nice now though. Fed up of all the snow, dullness and rain we've been getting lately.
March 16th, 2011
Graphic designer by day. Luckily, I am able to use my photography within my job.
March 16th, 2011
@lisjam1 Your comment just makes me laugh :) I agree, my poor family goes neglected on occasion due to my 365 preoccupation. Although, sometimes I will bribe them to be my subjects . . .
March 16th, 2011
just a hobby. I would love to make it a job... well, kind of. I really want to go to some part of the world and share the stories of people I meet.

I am not actually employed. I have been looking for a job since January of last year with no luck. I do nanny for my brother but I don't get paid. I just get a roof over my head and food to eat.
March 16th, 2011
@lisjam1 @chamrick ~ haha !! so im not the only one to serve beans on toast due to 365 ? haha !
March 16th, 2011
definitely a hobby, I'm self-employed so have days when I'm able to take photos easily and days, like recently, where it's very tricky
March 16th, 2011
A hobby.

I'm a working mom. Most of my photos are still life shots of random things at home. My "me time" is normally after 10 in the evening. So that's when 365 comes in.
March 16th, 2011
@lisjam1 ha ha ha you crack me up!
March 16th, 2011
Definitely a hobby. I work full-time and have two kids, so I absolutely make time, Sometimes I'm later than I should be picking up the kids because I am enraptured somewhere out in nature taking photos. I'm able to include them in a lot of shots too, so it works out for everyone :-)
March 16th, 2011
My new hobby. My Camera is always just an arm reach away. I work for myself, marketing/PR for small business. Also design websites in my spare time...another hobby!
March 16th, 2011
both for me... though I am wishing I had more time right now to do more life has suddenly got hectic and I am missing it
March 16th, 2011
More a hobby for now but I do work part time, sometimes full time, as a school photographer. However, I just do school portraits which isn't exactly the photography I'd like to be doing. I'm entering into sports, though, and hope to be doing more on the candid side soon! and one day in the studio. Our photographers are absolutely amazing in the studio!!
March 16th, 2011
A hobby; I am a retired Computer Science professor so it keeps me out of trouble.
March 16th, 2011
@lisjam1 Ehhhh, their still happy and alive, right?! Nothing wrong with that.....
March 16th, 2011
A hobby for me, I honestly didn't care much for it before starting this project, now I'm wanting a DSLR! By day I'm a Systems Engineer for an IT consultancy company
March 16th, 2011
somewhere between a hobby and an (unpaid) part time job.
Real job is working mid-night shift in the IT industry

As far as the 365 project, I'm single so finding the time to do so isn't too hard (though housework does suffer. Then again, if it weren't for this I would just find some other reason not to clean ;-)
March 16th, 2011
I am a mom with 2 girls, 12 and 7, and I work.

Taking pictures is a hobby and I just started with this project, and have really enjoyed and fallen for taking pictures. I originally started this project with a different idea as I did not know much about it. Now I cannot wait to take pictures, but with working and 2 kids, I run out of time.

I would really love to learn and hope someday to get a good camera, and maybe even some software and learn how to edit.

March 16th, 2011
A hobby, but like @annaruth, I'd love to make it my living at it.

I'm an over-the-road truck driver in the US and am on a dedicated run between Dallas, Texas, El Paso, TX, and Albuquerque, NM. Wednesdays and Fridays are a challenge to get a photo because we only stop long enough for lunch and a shower. I'd love to have the time to get out and explore more ... nature is my favorite subject.
March 16th, 2011
Right now it's just a hobby, but hopefully I'll use it in a job one day. Currently I've got a seasonal job at Lowe's (cashier)'s had me pretty busy, between that and going to community college. It can be hard to get a good picture some days.
March 16th, 2011
only a hobby right now but im slowly getting into doing it as a job
i too am a stay at home mom :)
March 16th, 2011
it's a hobby.

besides being a mom, I'm a catering and conference services manager, at a historic resort hotel, and a certified wedding professional. basically, i book and plan parties, events and weddings.

I fit it into my schedule when I can, mostly evenings. i have to admit, I am spending way more time on my photos and this site than I ever anticipated when I started.
March 16th, 2011

It started as a hobby, and now I do photo sessions for money about once a week. I have two other actual jobs though. I work at a tv station as a news producer and I waitress.

And there's always time for photography!!
March 16th, 2011
Photography is just my hobby, though it hasn't always been my hobby. Ever since I started 365 in August I've become more and more interested and soon I want to upgrade, though with money and stuff, it probably won't be until my second 365.

Right now I work at a library and it's not a full time job, only part time. I have a degree in history and want to pursue a masters in GIS--Geographic Information Systems-- and possibly get a job with the city.
March 16th, 2011
I'm an IT professional and have two kiddos, so this is a hobby for me. But I carry my camera with me everywhere, and even when I need a little break at work I'll take out the camera and snap around my office. I don't watch tv much so in the evenings I'm on the computer playing with photos and having a good time on here! My kids, however, have said they wished I'd never heard of 365. I think they get annoyed by the amount of time I spend snapping away, but they have fun with it when they get to help me make photos!
March 16th, 2011
Both! Stay at home Mom is my first job, but my hobby lead to me creating my business in December/January. It's a great outlet and hopefully will continue to grow so that I can continue to do what I love when the kids reach school age!
March 16th, 2011
Both here, it started out as a hobby but has increasingly become an ever expanding sideline to my own retail business, and may at some time in the future take it over entirely :D
March 16th, 2011
A hobby for me but it seems to be heading in the direction of turning into a little business for me
March 16th, 2011
A hobby.
I'm sure people find it weird to see a guy in a military uniform stopped and taking pictures so I am really hesitant to pursue it on the way to/from work, however I have stopped if it is something I can't pass up! I usually hope that the wee man hasn't taken a nap so he will go to sleep fairly early (he's a night owl if he gets more than 10 mins behind the eyelids) and I can get some "WTH do I take a picture of tonight time.) I usually think up ideas at work, mostly inspired by what I see others post.
March 16th, 2011
Hobby here. My "job" is being a stay at home mama. My boss is sometimes hesitant to let me totally have alone time to dream up odd shots cause she loves to "help". LOL
March 16th, 2011
My psychiatrist prescribed it to me as my medication.!!Seriously,it's a hobby and i work from Monday thru Friday to do nothing and.Saturday till sunday,i take my rest :)
March 16th, 2011
Just made it into a job.....sort of. I still work as a teacher, coach track&field, go to school to get my second masters and I figured with all that free time I have.....why not start a So I just launched a photography business to test the waters around here. I don't know what I'm thinking.....I've just decided that sleep isn't important until I get settled in.
March 16th, 2011
I am a full time student, and when I am at school I work in an office at my college. When I am home I work at a day care! I love it

Photography is a hobby, and I struggle to fit it in some days. Today there are only 2 1/2 hours left and I haven't even picked up my camera yet. I have fun with it and wish I could make more time!
March 16th, 2011
I am in the process of talking my hubs into "loaning" me the money to start a lifestyle photography business. For the moment it is just a hobby. I am a SAHM, too, and my kids hate how I follow them around with a camera all day. lol
March 16th, 2011
Hobby for me also. I work full time as a secretary. I am recently an empty nester since my youngest son (19) has moved out on his own. Now I have entire evenings to spend setting up and snapping pictures...although tonight my hours of work came up empty with some pretty crappy shots, so I resorted to the quick pic I took of my afternoon snack at work :)
March 16th, 2011
Hobby for me - I was working full time at a Veterinary Specialist Hospital until recently becoming a stay at home Mom (way better perks and benefits at my new job:)
But my hobby is rapidly becoming an extremely time consuming obsession, or so my husband tells me:)
March 16th, 2011
I'm a high schooler working toward making it my job. I already approach it that way so I'll be disciplined and get good enough! Best job ever ;-)
March 16th, 2011
Do I qualify to say that is a hobby for me, even if I am a child and homeschooler? :)
Although, someday, I do hope that I can become more "professional".
March 16th, 2011
Just a hobby- and I want to keep it like that. I enjoy photography as a pastime, and hope I never get to the point where I feel obligation over enjoyment, or where I look at my proudest work and only find faults. That's how I imagine it would be as a professional photographer (at least in my case).

All that said, I'm a fundraising professional at one of the most visited museums in the world :) I studied Art History in college, and 365 gives me the opportunity to flex my eyes and brain.
March 16th, 2011
An obsession...!!! LOL! You ask my husband and kids!!
It is a lovely albeit time consuming hobby, I fantasise that I might win the lottery and be able to just take pictures all day which I would love. Fantasy number two is perhaps to get paid for a wonderful shot one day but in the meantime I have to keep my day jobs!!
And @jodimuli, mine too...!
March 16th, 2011
I started photography as a hobby. I am contemplating changing photography into a job (freelance). I am a retired teacher.
March 16th, 2011
Hobby for me as well but want to make it a career someday if I ever get good enough and a better camera but still have along ways to go and a lot to learn so thinking of going to school for it.

My Job is a stay at home mom of 4 wonderful kids and one kitten. Right now 3 of the 4 are in school so I have some free time for photos not sure how they will feel come summer when mom is dragging them around town just to take photos.
March 16th, 2011
A hobby, and quickly becoming an obsession! I'm a hairdresser, so color, shape, movement, shading and lighting are natural to me with hair, but I'm still learning the art on this new canvas.

March 16th, 2011
definitely an obsession for me as well. I am a SAHM wanting to go to school for Photography and eventually making it a job. I am just not sure what I want to shoot yet for a career. I see SOOOO many people venturing out to the "On location natural light photographer" and I want to do something different then that. seems as the years pass by everyone turns into that. I just need to find my lil niche in this big world....
plus I dont think anyone would buy my photos either. maybe EXTREME action sports would be cool :)
March 16th, 2011
hobby/job. I work full time in the medical field and I also have worked full time as a mum to 3 boys. They are all pretty grown up now, the baby is 20 years old. I have a home office and it's been a juggle to manage both careers. Photography came along when watching the boys play hockey, soccer, and rugby etc. Eventually some of my photos made it in to the local newspapers in the sports section. One photo made it on to the cover of a book, then I was hired by a landscape designer and it kind of took off. One job was a shoot in a cemetery, the History of Famous Scots in Montreal for a walking tour in the Mount Royal Cemetery.....who would of thought! I felt I was flying by the seat of my pants , so I have gone back to school at Concordia University in Montreal in Photography. Learning more about what I don't know!!!! Loving this 365 Project and meeting fellow photography addicts like me! Thanks for starting the chat!
March 16th, 2011
In 2009 I returned to school to pursue an MFA in Graphic Design and photography just fell in line right along with that! In truth, I have always loved it, but didn't know how to go about improving. So in answer, photography, though most likely a part of my job, is quickly becoming a passion or even an obsession!

So, all in all, I am here to improve and broaden my vision. I am new to the site, only about a week, and would love opinions and tips on what you see!
March 16th, 2011
March 16th, 2011
It's a hobby for me. I work full time as an assistant manager/pharmacy technician. I also have 2 kids, 11 and 8. They keep me busy. With my crazy schedules I find photography very relaxing. I try to take my pics before or after work.
March 16th, 2011
Hobby for me (although I would like to sell my photos at some point, like to the Chamber of Commerce or something)... I'm a social worker; I work with at-risk children, making sure they get in a daycare so someone outside the home sees them everyday. Sometimes I'll have a child in my office and I just want to get the camera out so bad! One little girl had her nails painted all neon colors, and was coloring a picture with neon highlighters... Would've been awesome, but I didn't want to get in trouble or anything. :)
March 16th, 2011
Hobby (but my goodness I spend enough time at it to be a job!)~ ~ I'm a stay at home mom. ~ 3 kids in school full time, 1 part time and 1 still home with me. ~ What I will do when my wee one is at school I don't know.~ Its much easier getting an interesting shot with all of them home though, they will all go with me wherever so thats handy. ~
March 16th, 2011
Learning and practicing for it to be my job. I'm building my portfolio and hope to open my own studio once I graduate college and have the funds. ( :
March 16th, 2011
Photography is my hobby (and my passion). For my day job, I am a middle school teacher in the USA. I teach computer classes to 6th 7th, & 8th graders and part of my curriculum for my 7th grade class includes photography. It is because of that photography course that I have discovered a passion for the hobby that has become my obsession. I am fortunate that I can periodically communicate with my 365 family while at work, but I usually have to wait until the school day ends to take my photos. I am so looking forward to summer break so that I have lots of time to devote to my passion.
March 16th, 2011
Definitely a hobby for me.
I'm a mental health nurse in a prison and a grandma and I'm studying at university so not much free time. I try to take a few photos on my days off so I always have one ready on those days I'm too busy, too tired or totally unmotivated.
March 16th, 2011
I have got 10 - 12 hours regular job so most of my weekday shots are either before work or after (mostly night shots). If I can, I try to take some pics during lunch time as well. But over the next few weeks it looks like 12-14 hours work/day so I still have no idea how I will fit in the project!
March 16th, 2011
Definitely a hobby for me. I go to school full-time, but I still have time to photograph whatever catches my eye, whether it be at home or at school or wherever I'm wandering during the week.
March 16th, 2011
It's a hobby for me but I really want to get into portrait photography as a business. I'm currently a SAHM to two little guys, 7 years old and just turned 1 year old. I usually get about 10 minutes to do the photos either when my eldest is at school and my youngest sleeping or I'll fire off a few when my youngest is playing or when they are playing together. Wish I had more time and can't wait until I can get out and about and take some photos.
March 16th, 2011
March 16th, 2011
woooahhh ! talk about am interesting read ! :) fab to look through and see where everyone else is coming from :)
March 16th, 2011
hobby-jobish. got an assistant photographers position beacause the principal photog was impressed by my work and commitment to 365. ( mind you since doing wedding for the last few month my daily project has been pushed aside)

also a mum

also a community nurse

also a uni student

March 16th, 2011
Just a hobby. I'm a support worker in a homeless hostel and work different shifts, so I get a chance to take photographs at some point every day. It's a shame I can't post pictures of the residents as there are some great characters there.
March 16th, 2011
Hobby for me too...i work part-time with people with mental handicaps
March 16th, 2011
A hobby for me, I am doing a Full-time Uni degree plus a Part-time college course (neither in photography), as well as being a lone parent to two wonderful children. Time is never on my side, so I grab a photo when I can.
March 16th, 2011
a very recently re-newed hobby a.k.a. obsession - ask any one around me... (evenually when i've said 365 enough times in one conversation, they'll ask: what is this bloody 365 you go on & on about! he he). I had a film SLR 10yrs ago but I got a little busy & side tracked over the years so it had taken a back seat for a while. That camera went bye byes, & all i have to work with is a Compact Camera. The new goal is to get a DSLR & really follow that interest as far as it will take me. I don't see it ever being something that I could live off of, but if it's something that you love to do & can make a little cash off of too... why not? Who knows we will see...

IN REAL LIFE: I'm an Architect. Still relatively new in the industry (just over 2yrs out of uni). Love what I do. Anything to do with Design or any kind of creativity i'm all over it!!! Hence the passion for photography. I'm also very interested in Sculpture too, but as it is I already need 30hrs in the day so I'm happy with what im doing now - sculpture can wait, it's not going anywhere ;-)
March 16th, 2011
It's a hobby I suppose for me, but kind of a part-time job as well. I do photo shoots during the warm months when I can do them outside, and also sell my prints throughout the year :) I do home daycare otherwise.
March 16th, 2011
Definitely a hobby. I wish I could make it my job.. but I have other plans for that. At the moment I am a student, so photography just fits in my spare time (and fills it all up and then overflows a bit!) although I can't see how I will fit it in once I go to uni/start my career. That makes me kinda sad. :(
March 16th, 2011
Hobby. I am a scientist but not employed at the moment. I am working partly from home as a freelance and take care of my kid half-days (she goes to school only in the morning). I am also looking for a full-time job, so the time I spend on 365 project may change in the future. We'll see!
March 16th, 2011
Definatly my job, Sweets is my hobby ;-0

Oh wait!!! Only a hobby - sweets is my life!
March 16th, 2011
Mine is a hobby that's slowly turning into a job...on the side. My main 'job' is a stay at home homeschooling Mom. I LOVE homeschooling my kids, they are my life. I've been homeschooling for 11 years already. My son graduates next year, but my daughter still has 8 years left, so when I'm done, I'll have taught my kids for 20 years! Yikes!

Actually, when all is said and done, if you add up all my own education and what I've taught my kids...I'll have been 'in school' for over 38 years!! Surprisingly enough, I still don't know everything! ha ha ha
March 16th, 2011
@wadey I always dreamed of becoming an architect. Instead, I went to college and got my Social Work degree. Sigh....
March 16th, 2011
a future job in two years hopefully!! I'm a student working towards a degree in creative photography :)
March 16th, 2011
Its a hobby for me. I'm a married stay at home with two teens. We unschool so I'm a facilitator for my kids education. They learn to be passionate about things because they see I'm passionate about things. We have great discussions and love being together. Maybe I'll turn this hobby into a business when the kids are gone/grown.
March 16th, 2011
Hobby For me - I work as an administrative assistant - and just started the 365 project...I have a hard time taking and uploading a pic same day - so I am just squeezing it in the best I can. Loving the challenge though!
March 16th, 2011
It's a hobby come part time job for me at the moment, I am waiting to see if I have a place in a foundation degree!
March 16th, 2011
Hobby . . . and Passion. Like @viranod I work fairly long, fulltime days outside of the home . . . litigation attorney by day, wife and mom all the time. Many of my shots are indoor or night shots (or both - indoors shot at night :D), or I shoot on the weekends and edit and post during the week. I find time for 365 via sleep deprivation! LOL!
March 16th, 2011
Hobby~ I teach junior high school students which takes MOST of my time (I get to work at 6:50 am and leave around 4:00 pm then there's always grading at home and on the weekends too...) , but whenever I go out anywhere at all I have my camera on me- ready to snap a pic at anything interesting I see. If you look at my albums you will see I have a lot of dark pics because I shoot a lot at night (as work takes up my whole day).
March 16th, 2011
This is a hobby for me. I am a mommy of two, ages two and four, and a teacher. This project is a way not only to expand my photography skills, but also to document my children's lives. I am going to have our year printed for them at the end.

And to the other working mommies out there, I have to agree about the neglect my family must feel at times, and about bribing them to be my subjects ;p
March 16th, 2011
Photography is a hobby for me. I'm a former flight attendant and now a stay at home mom living in Germany for a few years. I take my camera everywhere and try to just capture moments from my day to day life and travels.
March 16th, 2011
It's a hobby and passion, although I have made some money from it. Maybe future job? Currently, I am a stay at home mom. I used to be a teacher and probably will be again someday...
March 16th, 2011
It's a hobby and quickly becoming my passion. I'm retired and still have trouble coming up with a decent pic every day. Today I tried night shots but they sucked so I gave up and uploaded one from January. I don't know how people with jobs and/or kids manage to do a shot every day.
March 16th, 2011
It's a hobby for me. I remember seeing an Ansel Adams print for the first time and fell in love... since joining 365 it's become "quality" over quantity for me. So I've missed days due to lack of inspiration or lack of time. I hate rushing shots as I'm learning my camera. I think I love processing just as much as taking photo's too.

I'm a stay at home mom to three children, one who's learning to drive, the other is a drama queen and my youngest is on the autistic spectrum. I avoid housework like the plague, volunteer myself to the point of exhaustion, enjoy cooking for the family when I remember to leave time to prepare a good meal! And an avid scrapbooker...
March 16th, 2011
hobby for me but would love to make it professional!!! its just finding the time!!!! i work 6 days a week as a duty manager at Iceland store and that takes up most of my time!!!!! always find time to take photos when im not working and have started to take my camera with me where ever i go!!!! saving for photoshop at the moment and hopefully saving for new camera too!!!!! this is the year to do it!!!! thats my motto this year
March 16th, 2011
Just a hobby for me although I'd like ot to be more, but when it stops being a hobby do you stop enjoying it. I work in Local Government IT, before I started there I loved computers as a hobby, now 25 years on its just a job with little opporunity for enjoyment as its all too serious now. So my photography hobby is for lite relief, at the moment :)

March 16th, 2011
Hobby/obsession :) In real life I own and run a Water Damage Restoration Company...Have actually begun to consider trying to make this a second source of (minor) income :) Although I currently get into a lot of trouble with my hunny for taking pictures when I should be calling insurance companies or writing estimates :)
March 16th, 2011
Just a hobby work full time as a Learning support assistant at my local school.
Would love to have more time doing photography.
March 16th, 2011
No aspirations to make it my job, it's my hobby. I work at my local university with disabled students. My ambition is to become a great novelist!! My hobbies in order of importance and passion are (I'm afraid to admit) Creative Writing -then- painting drawing and collage - then - photography - then - mountainbiking/running. From that list you might deduce I don't work full time and have a good work-life balance!!!
March 16th, 2011
A bit of both. I'm a working artist who has spent time in the past (pre-kiddo) making, selling and exhibiting fine art photographs, and I worked doing photography/graphic design professionally in the past, in the art department of a magazine. Now my photography is primarily hobby. I stay at home with my daughter and baby-on-the-way, and my part-time paying work is as assistant gallery director for a university.
March 17th, 2011
It's a hobby I love and it brings me a great creative outlet. My lifeblood is in teaching. I teach high schoolers and love even the bad days.
March 17th, 2011
I definitely thought that more people on here would have photograph as their job/career.

Personally, it's my hobby currently, but I plan on making it my career.
Going into it post-secondary (in a few months yay!) and then hoping to create a name for myself after that!
March 17th, 2011
I am a residential kitchen designer and I work full time.

Lately, in order to fit in a photo everyday, I've had to start taking and posting my pictures later at night. Around 8 or 9pm.

But, since we're talking about this.... since I've changed the time I post, I've noticed a HUGE drop in my photo views. Like literally from around 200 to about 20 or 30.

Anyone else noticed this??? Just curious...
March 17th, 2011
i sure hope it will be a job someday, for now, it is simply a hobby/passion!

I am the Practice Representative for a chiropractic's office right now, and I go to school full-time. I waitress from time to time too...I don't know when I find time to breathe, but I always find time for 365 because it brings me so much joy! It is my smile for the day, even if I am super busy. Makes me happy, so I don't even need to fit it in most fits itself in :)
March 17th, 2011 day I work as an office manager at a blood analysis clinic. Honestly I borrow time to do it....have made a deal with my husband so that I can take an hour a day to do it without having to do anything else...yes, I am that obsessive about it.

and @bethanyjay yeah, everyone has been noticing a decline. Spring is in the air :)
March 17th, 2011
it's a hobby
my full time job is working in the corporate offices for the clothing store aeropostale (i have coupons for this weekend if anyone wants)
i usually take my pictures when i get home after work which is why most of my pictures are of food or things around the house....sometimes i take my camera with me to work if i feel like taking pictures during lunch
on the weekends i take pictures whenever an idea hits me or i see something i want to take a picture of
this week (since last wed) i've had to work from home due to power outages caused by the flooding, so i've been taking pictures earlier in the day since i'm home
March 17th, 2011
hobby for me! dream job= photographer, real job= teacher/coach. I take photos all the time... brain never stops to see the world through a lens.
March 17th, 2011
For me it is a hobby, I studied at school and had dreams of doing it for a job, then decided I didn't have the talent and for some reason let it all slide. In the past couple of years working on re-building my life and my friend mentioned that I shouldtake some photos for her, as it was something that I had always loved and needed to get back in my life... then i was doodling on the internet, found a bucket list site which mentioned this site then became hooked!

In regards to how do I find the time, well I work full time as an event manager, I also co-own a business and study, so there are days on end I don't get near a camera or if I do th ephotos of my keyboard are not that thrilling, but it is something that I desperately wish to keep on with, I want to relearn my skills and get better at photoshop etc... so I will find the time somewhere, even if i do have the too occasional filler....

btw... I am also amazing at writing a novel when probably a sentence would suffine!
March 17th, 2011
It's a hobby for me and as many have mentioned, a definite obsession! I love being a Mom to two wonderful kids. My husband and kids have all been so encouraging, even though at times I'm fully engrossed in everything photography related!
My job, however, is as a Microbiologist. I love looking at microscopic "bugs" under the microscope! Guess I'm constantly looking through some type of lens all the time!! I love this creative outlet and hope to make it more than a hobby someday!!
March 17th, 2011
Hobby for sure. I am a full time teacher, and I'm studying for my masters. I don't know where I find time really - but haven't had to use a filler yet!

I actually really only picked up an SLR for the first time about 4 months ago, so I'm a learner!
March 17th, 2011
It's a hobby for me, or an obsession, I can't look around without seeing all kinds of photo-opportunities. I want to keep it as a hobby and not a job, this way I can take all the shots I like and still have fun!
My husband isn't that happy with me, because when we're on a walk, I stop every minute... But I love this project and I most certainly want to finish this!
March 17th, 2011
@semrants Ahh yes! That would make sense!! Thanks for making me feel a bit better. I was wondering if I was starting to slack on my photography. haha
March 17th, 2011
@angel4fs Hi see your after photo shop, I have elements five for windows xp If you want it. If your interestd email me on jbhobgoblin@ntlworld .com
March 17th, 2011
It's definitely a hobby... NObody would pay me to take photos.
I work full time as a project manager's assistant at an environmental and engineering consulting firm :)
March 17th, 2011
It's a hobby--and one of the few I have time for. I'm a writer (:
March 17th, 2011
Hobby, and quite a new one. I am mainly self employed clinical psychologist and have a clinic at a section of my home I write and teach but less than in the past. I take pictures mainly on my daily walks with my dog in the park and whenever I am out for shopping, bank, outside meetings etc.
Photography certainly takes much more time that I can afford and I have to cut it down a bit
March 17th, 2011
Hobby :)

I spend my days in the financial department of a shipping company. I usually fit them in somewhere in the evenings or during lunch hour.
March 17th, 2011
I'm retired from law enforcement (early due to back injuries). Photography has become my full-time unpaid "job." I am fortunate to have a public safety medical retirement income. My law enforcement career was my passion and when it was over, I didn't have any hobbies to occupy my mind and time. It's something I can do despite mobility issues. Now I am passionate about and obsessed with photography. My son is 24 and in the Army. The dog and cats don't care what I do all day, as long as there's food in their bowls. My other half probably wishes she had not encouraged me to find a hobby. So, I "have all day" to take care of chores, appointments, and figuring out what's for dinner but it all gets put off until "tomorrow" because I'm busy with photos(:
March 17th, 2011
this is my hobby.... I work full time as a National Sales Manager for a hotel company. I sturggle sometimes to fit this in - but try to take my camera everywhere always with the ambition to get the best shot... but i have a few lame fillers...

My finance has lots of hobbies and has also encouraged me to develop my skills in something i like.

Loving my project :)
March 17th, 2011
Currently just a hobby, but as I've started taking headshots for colleagues I'd like to have it as a side-job. I'm currently in training to be a professional Actor.
March 17th, 2011
Hobby for me, although, I say I would love for it to be my job, but I am glad that it is something that I love doing and don't get stressed about. I am a full-time Licensed Recreation Therapist at a Behavioral Health Hospital for children and adolescents, so I definately need the time I love with my camera to be compeltely stress free! I usually find time after work. I take my camera with me just about everyday and will pull off on the side of the road or just go on a little adventure after work. Sometimes, I don't make the daily shot, but make it up within a day or two.
March 17th, 2011
Hobby at the moment but im doing photography part time at a film media makeup artist as a job
March 17th, 2011
Its My Hobby although I dont get much time for it hence Me adding Photos about Midnight most nights, My "Job" is a Housewife and Stay at Home Mum of 4, Im also doing an IT Course but thats one day a week.
March 17th, 2011
Hobby for me, i am a sahm and carer for two of my kids. I wish i had more time i never stop!
March 18th, 2011
@flamez I don't think I replied before, I typed it but...

I have been doing photography part time for people for a long time, however after a recent turn of events my plan of slowly building a business around that and my design work fell to bits.

Got fired and had a week and a half of getting worse and worse then suddenly, in a few days I had a few people asking me about shoots, over the last week I'm already booked 4 days in 7 for a month by various clients, including a bunch of new ones!
March 18th, 2011
A definite hobby for me, though I would not mind at all to eventually open a photo / art store and antique shop just for fun after I retire from my current profession as a registered nurse. I work exclusively with individuals diagnosed with dementia.
March 18th, 2011
Photography is definitely a hobby....but one that I enjoy more and more. In my real life, I am a certified financial planner. Definitely cuts into my photography time, but I have framed photographs all over my office. I am now the "official photographer" for a band (kid of punk/heavy metal) and a rescue farm. I don't want this to ever become a job...I'm having too much fun! :)
March 18th, 2011
It's my #1 hobby but I have gotten paid a few times for some of my candid shots from different events. I freelance write for a shopping blog and I am a discussion leader on their sister site where I post shots from events. One day I would love to do photography as a profession but for now I am learning as I go. I enter contests here and there for fun. But other than that I am just having a great time doing 365 and seeing all the amazing shots you all post on here! They are all so inspiring!!
March 18th, 2011
Well, I have been paid on occasion for a shot, but oh, I only WISH it could be my full time job! I work in Local Government doing civil design and project management. Not exactly a creative work environment! Photography is a passion for me, but I barely get time in each day to shoot and many posts (such as today's) are in fact very lazy shots!! Someday when I retire I hope to devote a good deal more time to the craft. Until then, I sneak it in whenever possible!
March 18th, 2011
Hobby. I'm a SAHM mum too with 3 kids under 6. I love photos - taking them and looking at them. But having said that i like taking them, I'm just a novice though. I try to take a photo each day of my kids, hence most of my shots are of them.
March 18th, 2011
Hobby. I'm a medic for Government of Canada. My spouse Jay bought me my first DSLR as Christmas gift in 2008... I'd like to take a photography course on the side one day.
March 18th, 2011
Hobby for me - I'm a management consultant by day - that means lots of travelling around the country - on the upside lots of potential to see new things - on the downside some days I only see a hotel, a client office space and another hotel room! There are days when I feel my project suffers as a result - it's frustrating not to have all my kit with me when I need it!!
March 18th, 2011
It's a hobby.... I have a full time job as a learning support assistant, and I actually really struggle fitting in taking pics as I do a lot of sports after work, but somehow I nearly always find 5 or 10 mins!
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