Pet Peeves

July 17th, 2012
I was in the grocery store yesterday and got behind one of those people who use their cellphone to pass the time of day while they are performing their mundane chores. I posted the photo of a woman talking on the phone while checking out which drives me crazy since the cashier can't communicate with them. I thought I'd make it a Theme: Pet Peeves and open it to everybody to see what kinds of things that people do that drive you crazy. Be nice, don't confront!! Just candid photos of people being people in today's society.

July 17th, 2012
Love this shot :-)
July 17th, 2012
Fab idea
July 17th, 2012
Love this idea! :)
July 17th, 2012
That's a pet peeve of mine, too. My sister ONLY calls me while she's out doing errands.
July 17th, 2012
This really annoys me too - it's just rude! I haven't photographed any pet peeves but I could probably do a whole 365 in them if I tried!
July 17th, 2012
Genius! I will have a million photos by days end.
July 17th, 2012
I don't have a photo, but I have a photography related pet peeve. Whenever I go to an event to shoot just for fun I'm always respectful of the photographers who are working the event. I usually just do my own thing, spot my own photo oportunities and at times, pull someone I want a picture of away from the crowd for a better set up. Sudddenly, these jacalopes with their $6,000 cameras swarm behind me or on the side of me drawing the attention of the eyes of my subjects away ruining my shot. I watch these idiots before I start doing my thing and they just snap away, never bother to try to pose anyone or wait until there's nobody behind them before taking their shot. They have the job and have great equipment, but I notice that they have no clue about how to use the sunlight to their advantage, what kind of background is available, etc.

It's annoying to me that they suddenly see me doing those things and then try to horn in on my shot and in effect almost ruin in. Luckily, I shoot fast and usually get what I want anyway. Hey, try a little originality and professionalism next time, pallies.
July 17th, 2012
@cromwell Expensive equipment does NOT make someone a photographer. That's a very pervasive misunderstanding these days. Your experience just reaffirms this incorrect assumption about people with big cameras. :)
July 17th, 2012
I don't have a photo, but my biggest pet peeve is when a cashier takes a phone call in the middle of a transaction with me, leaving me hanging while they chat away. Incidentally, this happened to me recently in a camera shop!
July 17th, 2012
I hate people in my school that text while walking between classes!! Again, no photo, but it's annoying! THey think they're so cool, and then they get mad at poor little unsuspecting you when they run into you!! Definitely a pet peeve ;)
July 17th, 2012
@cromwell be flattered and get professional!
July 17th, 2012
@boogie -- I'm tryin' Mags. I send jpegs of my shots to the event coordinators in hopes of maybe one day they might give me a call. At the very least I hope to show up these clowns they did hire.
July 17th, 2012
@cromwell Good idea! Hope you get a break soon :)
July 17th, 2012
@cromwell What sort of events? I need a visual for the jacalopes.
July 17th, 2012
This is a great topic!! My pet peeve (and I may be able to get a pic tonight)? People on the bus who won't move their crap off of the seat next to them so another person can sit.

OH and ANOTHER bus related pet peeve...not standing up to let someone who is injured, older or loaded with bags have a seat.
July 17th, 2012
My biggest photography pet peeve is when people see me, loaded with camera, photog vest and tripod, they ask if I'm a tourist. "I'm an artist." I respond.

So what if I was a tourist anyways? I don't understand the near-accusatory tone of the question. And I've been asked that a number of times.
July 17th, 2012
Caught this man eating while driving on the highway @ 120 km/h!

July 17th, 2012
I HATE it when toilet paper runs out and is not replaced. Instead a new roll is used and then left top top of toilet, counter, or floor. It also bugs me when the roll is replaced but the empty one is left for someone else to trash.

Why not replace the darn thing? It only takes a couple of seconds.

July 17th, 2012
@rayg86 Nice shot haha
July 17th, 2012
@cromwell LOL I had that happen at a wedding last weekend, I smiled and moved on with what I was doing. Soon you will find a buyer for your humorous and well done photos!
July 17th, 2012
@paulavdmerwe you really shouldn't be taking pics whilst driving - especially at 120km lol
July 17th, 2012
No pic but man it burns me up when I see someone throw a cigarette out their car window.
July 17th, 2012
I hate sandy feet when you get back from the beach!! It drives me crazy!!!
July 17th, 2012
I hate when people stand by the door of the subway and don't move to let others off... I may have stepped on the feet of those people... Accidentally of course ; p
July 17th, 2012
@cromwell How very lame of them! How sad that as pros they can't make their own photo-ops and have to interfere w yours... Totally stinks... Hope the event coordinators pick up on your talent pdq!
July 17th, 2012
@northy -- I hate to tell you how often that has happened to me lately.

As for your pet peeve: I was once on a crowded bus in NYC. It was sardine time and I was forced to stand by the back door. When the bus stopped, this guy standing in the middle of the bus tried to make his way towards the door I was blocking. He really had some urgency in wanting to get off. I tried best I could to move, but he was a bit heavtset and couldn't quite squeeze by me. Just then the driver closed the door and drove away. The guy cursed under his breath and glared at me something fierce. Just then this other guy who also tried hard to wiggle his way through the crowd slapped handcuffs on the dude! Turns out the heavyset guy was a pickpocket. The other guy was a plainsclothed cop...and I, inadvetedly helped nap a fleeing suspect!
July 17th, 2012
@andycoleborn LOL ... thankfully hubby was driving :)
July 17th, 2012
My grocery line pet peeve is when the checker licks their fingers in order to separate the bags!
July 18th, 2012
@cromwell Ok - that is one crazy story! I keep thinking I ought to take a sardine picture one day... At least w the iPhone... But I'm kinda short and doubt I could get much other than someone else's back :)
July 18th, 2012
@rayg86 So true
July 18th, 2012
@m9f9l this made me laugh! Just think of the germs THEY are getting!
July 18th, 2012
I saw a girl plucking her eyebrows with her visor mirror while she was driving........I had to look twice to make sure that I saw what I saw......
July 18th, 2012
@cromwell I have this same one! they are getting the big bucks, i'm shooting for a friend..and they follow me around and interfere with the shots..i don't mess with theirs!
July 18th, 2012
My pet peeve is waking up to find dishes in the sink. Let me be honest, 90% of the time I'm the one who does it.

July 18th, 2012
@herussell LOL. Damn those mid-night fairies who aren't keeping up with kitchen duty! :)
July 18th, 2012
Ha! Got this one today! I HATE it when I go out, start the car and find something wrong with it. It's the power steering. Dang!
July 18th, 2012
Reading In Bed !!!!! Big NoNO !
July 18th, 2012
haha very interesting... the first photo will drive me crazy! not sure why you cannot read in bed though... i do this every night XD
July 19th, 2012
My grocery check out pet peeve is when the cashier has to make a comment about every item I am purchasing! I don't care if you have never seen the item before or you want to try it some day or if you simply love it!! Just check out my groceries and let me go!!
July 19th, 2012
My pet peeve is the trash and junk I'm finding everywhere.


Is the same sort of thing that caused this:

The heron mistook a fishing lure for a fish and ended up with the hook stuck in his bill.I am sorry to report that this heron died about a month later. All it would have taken to save his life would have been one fisherman retrieving one lost lure.

July 19th, 2012
@jasonfury You have to read that book in bed!!! ;)
July 19th, 2012
@hopess13 Lol! Totally agree with you!
July 19th, 2012
Looks like I am not alone @dmariewms - litter - it drives me mad. Especially when I see people throwing it out of the car window

July 19th, 2012
@jasonfury .........why?
July 19th, 2012
I'm not sure I'd know where to begin with this thread, there seem to be so many things - washing up left on the side instead of in the empty dishwasher...or a full clean dishwasher left loaded, basically these things happen and I have to sort them out! 7 days, then I'll be out of a shared house...*and breathe*
July 19th, 2012
Great thread @paulavdmerwe I am so glad you redeemed yourself!! (Hubby driving) I did a lot of driving for a living, about 15yrs of it. I had a ton of pet peeves there. One of which thankfully has become outlawed, DRIVING WITH A CELL PHONE TO THE EAR! Absolute madness, I witnessed many tragic outcomes to distracted driving (eating, yelling at kids, cell phones, etc)
July 19th, 2012
People who leave their grocery carts parked in the middle of the aisle. Or two people who stop to chat with each other and block the entire aisle, oblivious to people around them.
July 19th, 2012
@rmkgreene - Even though that is against the law I still see way to many people driving and talking on their phones. The best one I saw was when I was stopped at a red light at an intersection traveling north. A woman headed west was in the left turn lane waiting for traffic to clear so she could turn south. In her right hand she was holding a cup of coffee. In her left hand she was holding her cell phone talking. I don't know what she was using to steer her vehicle with.
July 20th, 2012
One of my pet peevs is seeing cigerette buts about two feet away from a butt recepticle and piles of butts in a parkinglot from a car ashtray where ignorant inconsiderate slobs dump them. Why don't they dump them in there own driveway????
July 21st, 2012

Here's one of my biggest pet peeves. Why some people are incapable of cleaning up after themselves is beyond me.
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