would anyone be interested in a black and white challenge?

October 10th, 2016
we could have specific themes - whether subject (e.g. animals, architecture, portraits) or technique (high key, low key, etc.)...

if anyone is interested, i will start it off and then we'd run it like the usual challenge... with voting on finalists and the winner setting the next challenge...

lemme know!
October 10th, 2016
Sure. if you need help with it, let me know.
October 10th, 2016
I think I would like to try a BW challenge.
October 10th, 2016
Yes mamđŸ˜„
October 10th, 2016
Count me in! :)
October 10th, 2016
proselytizing eh? lol
October 10th, 2016
I would! I need to get back in the daily groove and I love b&w.
October 10th, 2016
@kali66 that's a great word... I think I'm going to give someone that word as a push challenge next week ;p
October 10th, 2016
Sure! Can't think of anyone better to start it off either!
October 10th, 2016
yes, loving b&w lately!
October 10th, 2016
Yes, good idea.
October 10th, 2016
okay, if you insist. :-)
October 10th, 2016
That would be great!
October 10th, 2016
I'd be interested
October 10th, 2016
I'd give it a try. Thanks.
October 10th, 2016
Yes, I'd be interested!
October 10th, 2016
Absolutely! I need a push
October 10th, 2016
Yes! I want to actually finish a 365 for once, moar challenges!
October 10th, 2016
Definitely. I could do with some focus to stop me taking every photo on my phone. Count me in
October 10th, 2016
Go on! I can't participate with my arm in a sling but I'll enjoy viewing!
October 10th, 2016
Yes, please. Count me in - maybe I could double up with April's lensbaby - b&w lensbaby.
October 10th, 2016
B&W... I dunno ;-)))
October 10th, 2016
@vignouse awwww... c'mom Richard... give it some thought ;p
October 10th, 2016
@northy ;~]
October 10th, 2016
October 11th, 2016
@northy I just finished a month of b/w; of course I'd like to join in.
October 11th, 2016
count me in!
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