Placet or Non Placet? by judithg

Placet or Non Placet?

There are loads of beautiful daffs and stunning blossom around at the moment but the ubiquitous white skies are just not helping on the photography front. Anyway the building behind the walking woman is The Senate House of the University. When you go there to graduate the audience is asked, 'Placet or Non Placet' - does it please or not please them for you to graduate - so they get to vote on whether your degree is awarded or not (at least I think it's the audience - it's a long time ago - Celia please confirm!) It's been shrouded in scaffolding and plastic until a week or so ago but they have done a brilliant job of cleaning it.
This is photo 100 - thought it should involve a bike!
love, that fence is so substantial, it really makes a statement, the bike too!
March 18th, 2011  
hey! congrats for the 100th Judith! this is a really great street capture, i like the bike and the woman with her huge scarve.
March 18th, 2011  
The composition is - once again - spot on. The bike, the beautiful building and the walking woman are very well balanced and make this shot very interesting. Congrats on your 100th picture!
March 18th, 2011  
@parisouailleurs Thanks Helene - can't believe it's 100!
March 18th, 2011  
i like the composition :)
March 18th, 2011  
I really like the composition here. The green bike, the green lamp, and the orange scarf...Great eye!
March 18th, 2011  
Nice composition with selected spots of colour - like the way the bike matches the lamp.
March 18th, 2011  
Very cool shot...did you edit it so the street lamp and the bike match or was this SOOC?
March 18th, 2011  
@dawnie No - too hard to change the bike colour! I just tweaked the contrast slightly - I'd have been really happy if that scarf had been green too!
March 18th, 2011  
love the colours of the bike and lamp, smart :-)
March 18th, 2011  
Great composition - with the essential splash of red!
March 18th, 2011  
Lovely picture, congrats on your 100, I'm not sure when mine is : ?
March 18th, 2011  
@araminta Thank you - you're on 113 so congrats for a couple of weeks ago!!
March 18th, 2011  
Great photo - love the composition and the way the bike breaks the verticals. My parents drove me up from London and I squeezed through that fence (there was a broken bit, otherwise it would have been impossible) to check my results one year. I don't remember the graduation ceremony (it was a rainy day and I was ready to leave) that well, but what you describe definitely sounds about right.
March 18th, 2011  
And congratulations on getting to 100!!!
March 18th, 2011  
Love all the vertical lines in this!
March 18th, 2011  
Congratulations on "100" has it gone quickly!! I think I must have been seeing things... I could swear I had seen the bike with the bunting on Helen's site in one of your pics but can't see it anywhere so.................
March 18th, 2011  
the first thing i thought when i opened this was...postcard. well done.
March 18th, 2011  
@mole It's in my 'Extras' Album - you can get to it if you go to my Profile thingy I think. I saw the bike again today - I was quite tempted to take its pic again it's so photogenic. My plan is to snap it with rider!
March 18th, 2011  
Beautiful building and lantern, and of course being in Cambridge had to include a bike in the picture
March 18th, 2011  
The sharpness in the photograph is amazing. congrats on number 100th.
March 18th, 2011  
@cgould Thank you - glad you didn't say I was talking rubbish - I think some controversial honorary degree people have had 'Non placet' shouted on occasion.
March 18th, 2011  
I just love this shot, because everything gels together. The quality of the image is great's a fav.
March 18th, 2011  
@ellida Thanks for the fav Graham - you're a 365 legend - I'm honoured!!
March 18th, 2011  
@amyrwriting @jannaellen @deliriousoul @islawight @cristenfarrell @bromley1 @liberator @robinwarner @ottery09 @mole @snowy @cookie123 Thank you all so much for all your comments on this - I was struggling today - and you've given me some umph to keep at it!
March 18th, 2011  
nicely done
March 18th, 2011  
love the elements in this Judith - great strong lines!
March 18th, 2011  
Judith, I really like the composition and I really like how you seem to get a bike in your shot. This is really lovely, the little triangle between bike , lamp post and lady makes for a great image
March 18th, 2011  
Love this! From the foreground to the is quite interesting!
March 19th, 2011  
@cgould Went passed with my husband yesterday & we were very impressed that you managed to get through even with a gap - bet you wouldn't get through at the moment!!
March 20th, 2011  
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