I felt a tiny bit bad happily snapping this shot while the owner of the bike was circling around wondering how to get it back. I did suggest that she smack one on the bottom with a stick but in the end she just waved it in the general direction and they loped off to stand under a tree. The houseboat owners along this stretch of river never know what they are going to wake up to! I was talking to one of the locals today (he is a future blog subject but he doesn't know it yet and I'll have to set aside an afternoon because he likes to chat!) but he says that these cattle get a good 3 - 4 years on the meadow which seems like a good innings for beef cattle - no doubt the farming types amongst us will set me right!
Yes a good innings Judith & that sounds a very slow return on your stock ! funnily enough I loaded my photo & when I looked here was your ''load of old bull ''!!!! I would thin this would normally be a bit alarming but obviously the owner of the bike was used to it !!! They do love to lick !!!
well judith you are renowned for having bikes in your shot, but have now excelled by going to cows as well :) You've done some serious experimenting in your post processing :)
They're so gentle...wouldn't you just go and get the bike and they would move out of the way? I mean if it was me, I'd want to retrieve the bike before the cows dribbled and snotted on it. I do love cows, but you must've noticed that they have "very moist" faces. LOL