Ready for Halloween by kannafoot

Ready for Halloween

Ready for Halloween
29 October 2014 -- 302/365
North Providence, Rhode Island

It's 5:00 AM and you're having breakfast. You manage a Mainframe Technical Support group at a large corporation. The phone rings. At 5:00 AM, this can mean only one of two things. There was either a death in the family or a dead system in the computer room at work. Let's face it, not even telemarketers call you at 5:00 AM. (Yet.) Today it was the latter. Major system issues, which meant an entire day of conference calls, problem determination, and a whole lot of "corporate speak" that typically involves a bunch of TLAs (three letter acronyms) that sound cool but really don't mean a whole lot. The net result, obviously, is I didn't get out at lunch for my photo, and I had to scramble for a safety shot when I got home. That's when my stash of Halloween candy caught my eye. This is (allegedly) what I'll be passing out for Halloween Friday night. If it makes it that far, that is. You'll notice that the entire stash is comprised of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. That's because I love Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, and with any luck, we will have a sudden typhoon Friday night, no kids will come to the door, and I'll have to eat the entire stash myself just so they don't go bad. We wouldn't want them to go to waste, now, will we? There's also the chance that they don't make it to Friday. I've already gone through two bags of them myself. (By "snack size" they do mean the whole bag, right?)

Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, boost white, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.

Here's the high res version in Smugmug:
So sorry to hear about your day, but lucky for me that I get to gaze on that stash of my favorite candy. If I were in your neighborhood, I'd come trick-or-treating for those! I completely agree with your logic about the snack size, though, and I noted that part of the photograph immediately. Do you know about the DARK chocolate version? :) Definitely a worthy back-up photo!
October 30th, 2014  
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