The Neighborhood Watch by taiwandaily

The Neighborhood Watch

First of all let me apologize for the horrible picture. But i have said before that this is more a site using a picture a day to inspire a web post. Also this place is unholy, because i've tried to take a good picture of it for weeks but it always comes out terrible. Probably because of evil spirits.

Anyway, this is a picture of a local senior citizen's center. Basically a place where locals go during the day to read the newspaper and chat. Although the reason I really want to take a picture of it at night is because of the people inside with the orange coats. They are the local neighborhood watch.

They are made up of senior citizens both men and women who walk around the neighborhood together from around maybe 10pm to 2am. Other than walk around the streets in groups of three or four, i don't really know what they do. I've never seen them interact with anybody, but i guess that means they are doing a good job because the streets are safe.

Also to give you a peak behind the curtain, these people are part of the reason i started this blog. I figured that now that I'm finally learning chinese I need to push myself to interact more with people who can only speak chinese. So I knew I wanted to one day get a picture of these guys, so I figured if I start this blog than one day i'll have to go up to them and ask them if i can take their picture and explain why i think they are interesting.

As you can see by the fact that i've yet to put a picture of them up, that I haven't spoken to them. I still have a lot more learning to go, let's see how the year plays out.
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