Call Of The Wild by taiwandaily

Call Of The Wild

I have a fascination with old abandoned places, especially those of historical value. I think they teach a real unfiltered history that no museum could ever provide. Or perhaps I just enjoy playing archeologist. Or perhaps, it causes me to ponder my own mortality and how people will view our lives and culture long after we are gone.

There is a long line of other abandoned places around Taiwan I am interested in visiting...

1. Amusement park
2. Luxury hotel
3. KTV (I really must make a post about what "KTV" is)
4. Theatre
5. Hospital
6. A re-enacted historical village used for education, that now itself is abandoned.

Who knows if I will get to all of these. The ones that are of the most significant historical value are the safest. and the ones that just seem cool (an abandoned hospital that still has jars of specimens in it) are admittedly a bit stupid to enter. But hey you only live once (and then suddenly die from air born pathogens from an abandoned hospital).

Case in point the picture above. This is the top of the highest building of the "thirteen levels" copper mine shown yesterday. See how that opening in the wall is just calling to go over and enjoy the view? I may or may not have walked along those decaying beams over to where that opening is.

If you are an easily impressed person who thinks that risking your life for such a small payoff is worth it, than I definitely walked across those beams. If you are a curmudgeon who thinks that such an action is juvenile, than I definitely didn't do it.

And if you are my parents. Than I was actually at home the whole time watching tv with my dog in my lap, and this is just a photo that I stole from somebody else.

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