Open Wide! by aikiuser

Open Wide!

I just can't get enough of these guys! It's been so cool to have them so close for so long. Look at all those anchovies--and the birds hanging around for easy pickins!
Fabulous capture! So lucky to see this! Fav!
June 24th, 2015  
No wonder this whale has so many friends!!! What a fantastic capture that was for you!
June 24th, 2015  
Another super shot! Fav too.
June 24th, 2015  
Excellent shot and timing
June 24th, 2015  
Wonderful pic! Wish I could see them too!
June 24th, 2015  
I just love everything about this capture :) fav
June 24th, 2015  
Wow what a great shot
June 24th, 2015  
June 24th, 2015  
Great shot.
June 24th, 2015  
This is just stoooopid cool!!!!!!! Where was I? Resting my elbow?!
June 24th, 2015  
Incredible capture of the moment, Jenn, and most deserving of the PP and TP! How wonderful that you have had the rare experience of the humpbacks being so close. Do you have hundreds of photos to go through?
June 25th, 2015  
@aikimomm Hundreds is an understatement to say the least! ...of course 99% of them will be deleted. It is entirely too easy to go crazy with the high-speed shooting!
June 25th, 2015  
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