Guess what? by anniesue

Guess what?

the "No Entry" sign doesn't actually apply to these two Narcissists!
But I bet they think the photo was worth it.
The backpack perched on the pole doesn't look like a good idea. A gust of wind and it will be in the water.
June 30th, 2024  
@onewing but nothing bad could happen to them!! However, if I had my way ... ...
July 1st, 2024  
July 1st, 2024  
And the Canadian Mountie in front of them
July 1st, 2024  
That’s the trouble letting tourists into Cumbria Annie-Sue they think they can go everywhere:)
July 1st, 2024  
@narayani hit the nail on the head!
July 1st, 2024  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond he had a proper excuse :-) (I hope I don't think 'mountie' every time I see someone wearing red now!)
July 1st, 2024  
@pcoulson yes - they're all over the place!!
July 1st, 2024  
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