2024 world WC month by artsygang

2024 world WC month

guys, we've been slacking. if you want to get into it again, here are the prompts for next month's world watercolour month.
June 19th, 2024  
@summerfield I have been meaning to get back into painting. This might be the push that I need.
June 19th, 2024  
@summerfield Oh Vikki!!! Thank you so much!!!
June 19th, 2024  
Oh, I look forward to seeing some of the WC gang paintings!
June 19th, 2024  
Good prompt. I have two more exams to get through but should be able to paint now and then after that.
June 19th, 2024  
My projects album so far this year has been my attempts to watercolor paint for an hour every day. It’s been meditation time that has helped my mental state so much. Thanks for pointing me this direction @summerfield
June 19th, 2024  
Starts in July? Maybe I'll try.
June 20th, 2024  
@summerfield Thanks Vikki! Let’s do this 😀
June 22nd, 2024  
Thanks for the heads up Vikki @summerfield. I need to get back into both photography and painting so I think I'll give this challenge a go.
June 23rd, 2024  
@summerfield are you doing these on a page each or little thumb nails??
June 24th, 2024  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond - page each because i'm practically blind.
June 24th, 2024  
@summerfield 😱😄
June 24th, 2024  
@jacqbb - 👍
June 24th, 2024  
I am sure that I can throw something at a piece of paper but whether it will look like the word is a different mater.
June 29th, 2024  
@summerfield I've started!!!
July 1st, 2024  
@jacqbb @summerfield @wakelys @casablanca @monikozi @serendypyty @30pics4jackiesdiamond @theredcamera @salza @grammyn

I can see lots of art going on, but posted on our own pages, not here. Are we using this space now?

I will have a go at painting again soon. Picked my pencils up a couple of days ago but am so rusty, I found the subjects too hard to think of something achievable LOL. Soon......
July 7th, 2024  
@casablanca I am planning to upload my monthly view here

Bring rusty is ok, interpretation of prompt up to you. Suggest don't play catch up, or even stick to the order the prompts are in. Just do it!! 🤣
July 7th, 2024  
@casablanca for the purpose of keeping our site alive I have posted my first week in a collage. There is lots of space to use as you like.
Get splashing and a’splishing with the paints and share with this safe community. Have fun. @wakelys
July 7th, 2024  
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