My blessing for today is the dandelion. To some, dandelions are a curse and not a blessing. To me, dandelions are blessings (at least at this time of year). The dandelion plants sprouted blossoms during the warm temperatures Friday and Saturday. It was so great to see flowers!
This collage shows some of my favorite photos from my monthly theme of blessings. The center photo shows today's dandelion blossom blessing. This collage ends my blessings theme. I started this theme, because I find November to be depressing. The warmer temperatures end during November. The flowers and the leaves disappear. The skies become gray and cloudy. Winter begins. I thought that finding a daily blessing would help raise my spirits. Finding blessings did keep me in good spirits. I feel grateful for my many blesings.
As I wrote about some of my blessings this month, I learned a lot. I started out with the concrete blessings, such as the blessing of flowers that made it through the first killing freeze. Sometimes I thought of the blessing first and then searched for a photo subject to match. At other times, I saw the photo I had taken and then thought of the blessing. Taking pictures to show my blessings certainly helped me recognize the blessings that came my way. I often found a blessing right in front of me. In the last week or so, I found my blesings to be more abstract than concrete. For example, on November 25th, I found beauty and a blessing by looking from another perspective. I found that a blessing can be small and have a big impact. I know that I will continue looking for and finding daily blessings. I hope that my month of blessings helped you too.
You put together a very nice collage, Daisy. I've really gotten a lot from your theme of blessings this month. Sometimes I focus too often on the negative and forget all the good. Thanks for helping me to refocus.
Well done Daisy! You did a great job with your month of blessings and have some really nice shots to show for it all. I've enjoyed this series very much.
@maggiemae Thank you! I wish I was always a positive person. I try to be. My goal of photography is to show the beauty around me and I strive to do that.