My husband works at this hospital and yesterday, the weather predicted high possibility of tornadoes, so I tried to use a subject that I've visited a couple of times to see if an ICM would work. I have another subject that ALMOST came out super, but I'll have to revisit to see if I can accomplish it.
The thing with ICM is that it's much like trying to catch a bird: all movement matters from the subject's end and from the photographer's end. And I'll never know if it worked until I get back to the computer and load it all up.
Today's my 24th wedding anniversary. My husband bought me 24 Corona Beers for the day. Haha.
Will be visiting the parking decks again soon. A virtual ghost town, which is so sad.
Happy anniversary! Such a thoughtful husband! You should photograph your gift and document this season of life! Great image... I wished I worked harder at photography. Your pursuit of improving your craft is admirable!