While at Tiritiri Matangi Island, we found this fascinating plant. It is a mistletoe and was growing on a karo host tree. I hadn't heard the term 'hemiparasitic' before, but knew that 'hemi' meant half. So, it turns out, that hemiparasitic means that in this case, the mistletoe gets goodies from the karo (from the roots growing into the trunk and into the sap), yet it also produces its own starch from photosynthesising. Very interesting indeed. Apparently there have only been two mistletoe plants found on Tiritiri.
We have lots of mistletoe on the trees here. Apparently not good for the host trees it chooses! Lovely informative image, and yes, a very interesting plant.
@ilovelenses Very pleased that any idea of kissing did not cross @dide 's mind... lol... it is a very interesting plant and something that I have not seen before.. fav