people uploading pictures that they didnt take??? Opinions!

July 22nd, 2012
So i was just looking through the photos of some people that i follow. I noticed that they are taking pictures off of other websites. I find this completely unfair to the people who took the picture.

It'd be one thing if they said in the info about the picture, "This is not my photo" or "This is so-and-so's photo, heres a link to their website, or heres a link to their facebook page"

But its another thing where they are taking all of the credit! If the people who took the picture found out, The people who post it could be in serious trouble!!! and that wouldnt be good! They could get sued!

I dont know what to do, should i ignore it?

Do you guys see this often?

What are your opinions!
July 22nd, 2012
OMG really - not seen this happen. I am highly disgusted - why would people do this? They need exposing as far as I am concerned.
July 22nd, 2012
That is called stealing, so it is not unfair it is wrong. and the best way to do it is to let Ross know in a private email with a link to the original instead.


You see it on occassion and I actually commented on one in particular and mentioned that they may want to give credit to the person who owned the photo. They actually issued an apology and removed all the photos that were not theirs. In most cases the work is so vastly improved it is easy to spot.

Sometimes people focus on getting on the popular page or the top 20 without really thinking of their actions.
July 22nd, 2012
@megsy I Know! i unfollowed them, seeing as if they are going to post pictures that are not theirs, why follow them! Right?
July 22nd, 2012
Show us PLEASE.
July 22nd, 2012
@brumbe i commented on them too, but they still claimed that it was their photo! so i unfollowed them, but it still bothers me! and yeah, people should just think before they act because they could get in serious trouble!
July 22nd, 2012
Unfollowing them is fine, but doesn't fix the problem. Who did you see do this? And, yes, Ross should be notified.
Thanks for starting this thread.
July 22nd, 2012
i dont like to say names, but i will mention it to ross! thanks guys!
July 22nd, 2012
@brittanyyingling - most definitely tell Ross because it is so so WRONG.
July 22nd, 2012
thats funny.. I hadn't even thought about it before.. saw something quite cool on here.. googled it and the same picture came up in a shop..crazy huh?

I think its out of order.. they aren't your photos to post.. I take pride in taking my pictures every single day
July 22nd, 2012
I think you should totally name names. Especially if the person STILL claims they took the photos :/
July 22nd, 2012
What's the name of that website where one can put in a picture and it will go out and find all copies of it?
July 22nd, 2012
July 22nd, 2012
absolutely out them! name names.
July 22nd, 2012
@dishaparekh176 - Thank you, Disha.
July 22nd, 2012
You must name names. It is your duty. ;)
July 22nd, 2012
yeah, found a few at the start of the year - just mail Ross and he'll get them removed - it's out and out stealing and is not what this site is about. If ever you are unsure, use "tineye" to confirm...
July 22nd, 2012
That just defeats the object of 365. Why would anyone do that? The reason we all post our own pics that we have taken is to show other people the things that we have achieved and to see how we are progressing. I started on here last October and for the most part can see how I have improved. It has been quite a learning exercise but I would consider it cheating to post other people's pics and take credit for them. It's disgusting!
July 22nd, 2012
@rosiekind I personally find it silly because people do it to make people think that they are good a photography ( not saying they arent ) but honestly, make people like your photos for YOUR talent, Right???
July 22nd, 2012
just plain wrong... but it happens... definitely out them...
July 22nd, 2012
@brittanyyingling I agree. I take pleasure when someone comments on something they have liked about my photos and find it encouraging which I believe is what 365 is all about
July 22nd, 2012
If they said they took a photo of someone else's photo(s) then that is ok - I think - as I have done that myself (on 29th February) but to pass someone else's photo as your own is wrong.

July 22nd, 2012
July 22nd, 2012
You can prove it is not their photo by uploading it on the site
Then it shows you how many thousands of times it has been used (stolen ) on the net. I have had this happen before and the person was called out on it. She did finally admit it and took those particular photos down. Not sure if she still does the project anymore. She tried for a while...but then stopped I think. The things to look for are people who shoot vastly diverse places, but never talk about having traveled anywhere, lack of person info about taking it, no exif information over on the side... always uploaded by email (that alone is not a problem..but one sign with the others)....
July 22nd, 2012
@espyetta that's the thing. It hasn't been used alot. It isn't public.
July 22nd, 2012
How did you even realize this?

I don't understand why they would bother.
July 22nd, 2012
not cool at all.
July 22nd, 2012
@brittanyyingling I agree, sometimes it is best not to say the name and have Ross deal with it quietly.
July 22nd, 2012
@espyetta that was the person I was referring to also. And for the life of me I could not even imagine what her name was.
July 22nd, 2012
@brumbe Laura Ingalls
July 22nd, 2012
@bonniebouman Hi Bonnie, were you referring to me? what I wrote? It bothers me for two reasons. One, she was stealing someone's work and getting on the popular page and even Top Twenty with it. And two, she was lying about having taken some of them. (others, she would just not explain anything..just a title) I love to get on here and make genuine friends and discuss how to improve my work, not be following someone who is tricking me and lying to me. That was not a pleasant thing. I did not intend to "notice" it..but I have followed lots of people and her photos as a collection did not make sense to me. I guess my brain just works that notice it.
July 22nd, 2012
@espyetta yes, she was the one that forgot to crop out the actual watermark on a few. I did have to call her out on that one.
July 22nd, 2012
@brumbe Yes, she had gotten some attention for "her gorgeous photos" that were not hers at all. Sad. I think that people should be politely called out on it...I know people may feel that is mean, but the person doing it is really being mean if you think of it...tricking people (their followers) and stealing from others.
July 22nd, 2012
@espyetta You need to be very careful with It's designed to look for manipulated versions of your photographs as well, so if the photograph is of a popular scene, it will frequently come up with similar photographs that it believes may be manipulated versions of the uploaded photo, but often (usually?) are completely original work by other photographers, just taken from the same spot with similar settings.

You are welcome to use this photo (mine) to see this occur:
July 22nd, 2012
@abirkill That is interesting to know. Thanks, Alexis. However, in the case we are talking about, it was unusual photos and they were exact matches. The woman did admit taking photos from the web and posting them to her account also. But thank you for the heads up. I don't check tineye much at all...I just noticed that girl had those traits in her account (the ones I said above) so then I started doing tineye.
July 22nd, 2012

how many 'T's are in your name?
Erm, where was I, yep this happens occassionally, inevitably you might say. You are, however, my hero for not bowing to the melodrama of 'name names' blah, and dealing with it like an intelligent person. 365 can very quickly turn into a pack of baying wolves, and if you had mentioned names the abuse the poor person would have got over the next couple of hours would have been sad.
July 22nd, 2012
@chewyteeth I agree about the naming names. And 2 T's. Hahaa
July 22nd, 2012
If they are definitely using someone else's photo then I agree that this is absolutely wrong and should be stopped.

Just make sure you have your facts right though. I use this project as 'Dana' @danacarruthers but I have a Facebook Page as 'Serenpiphany Photography'. I know I am not the only one that does this or that uses different names.
July 22nd, 2012
@espyetta Absolutely, it's a useful tool, you just have to be a bit careful not to take the answers as being absolute.

I also find Google Image Search brings up more (and better) results than TinEye usually. I was able to use it to find a use of my photo that I sold through a stock photography site, which TinEye didn't find. You can use it here:

Click on the little camera icon at the right of the search box to upload a local image, or you can just drag an image from your computer onto the box if you have a reasonably modern web browser.

They're both very useful tools for determining if someone's stolen your photos, or for checking the origins of a potentially questionable image.
July 22nd, 2012
In the US, that is a violation of Copyright Law and is punishable by at the very least a very hefty fine. It also says a lot about the character of someone that would steal a photo and posting it somewhere else.
July 23rd, 2012
@kannafoot Well, maybe.

While it's absolutely true (in the US) that you own the copyright for the photograph as soon as you press the shutter, unless you have registered your image with the US copyright office, you'll almost certainly never see your day in court should someone use that image without your permission. An IP attorney simply will not take your case.

If you are a serious photographer in the US you should consider registering your photos with the copyright office ($35 per photo).

There is a lot of misinformation about US copyright law, so this comes as a surprise to many photographers. For more information (although it's still only the tip of the iceberg on copyright law in the US) I recommend taking a look at this video:

Image theft is sadly a fact of life for photographers who put their photos on the 'net. One of my photographs is currently the header image for an Australian hotel's website. I've licensed the same photograph through Getty Images, not known to be shy of a fight when it comes to loss of revenue, but there's no way they're going to bother doing anything about it -- the costs are too high and the returns too small.
July 23rd, 2012
Never that I know of.
July 23rd, 2012
I find this practice highly offensive. Especially since nobody has stolen any of my photos. "What? I'm not good enough for you to plagerize? Da nerve of some people!"
July 23rd, 2012
@brittanyyingling if the photos are not public that this user supposedly stole, how can you be so certain they are stolen pics???
July 23rd, 2012
@jsw0109 its not that they arent public, they were taken from a page on facebook that you could like, seeing as i dont remember the username of the member, or the photography page, theres no way i could prove it to you guys. y'all probably think im lying at this point, but i was just seeing your point of views and if you guys ran into problems like this.
July 23rd, 2012
Is there Not some kind of "Photographers Code of Ethics"? are always going to have that one person who has to spoil things for everyone...I seriously think that anyone who is doing this "stealing" should not be allowed in the community. Its just like having a Robber in your neighborhood..or a stalker...Just Put a Sign on their Site and make them wear it for awhile..maybe they will straighten up! :)
July 23rd, 2012
@espyetta I agree about the tricking and lying and wrongness ! Reprehensible.

I meant, why would someone bother to go to all that work for this site! No prize money, no fame, no honor really: it's not curated; just regular people who join together online to inspire/ encourage them(our)selves and others.
July 23rd, 2012
Good shot... I have to agree with you.
July 23rd, 2012
@brittanyyingling I've seen it happen once, and its the same user @brumbe and @espyetta are referring to. But if they are on facebook on a photography page, it is possible that the user here on 365 IS the user on facebook that posted the photos in the first place. Quite a few people with photography pages on facebook are also 365 users and the names aren't always the same, but its still the same person.
July 23rd, 2012
I just tried searching for one of my 365project images in tinyeye that I know is also on my photography fb page, it didnt come up in the search, anyone know why this is?
July 23rd, 2012
@cromwell hahaha, same ;)
July 23rd, 2012
You all have to remember, ethics are embedded just like our digital information. If the negative is blank, then there is nothing there. Likewise, you have to have ethics in order to apply the rules. I won't waste my energy on anyone who doesn't live up to my standards. I live with the thought that karma will meet up with them anyway. Sorry for the rant........and thanks for the tineye reference.

@monika64 @jsw0109 @bonniebouman @jsw0109 @ellimae @brittanyyingling @abirkill @danacarruthers @kannafoot @brumbe @dishaparekh176
July 23rd, 2012
I think that it's really wrong. I will freely admit that I posted one photo that I didn't take (July 20th i think) but it had me in it, i said that i hadn't taken it and i got my friends permission to upload it. Is what i did wrong?
July 23rd, 2012
@welcometocarolworld I agree, I was just presenting the possibility that the person wasn't stealing anything and really was presenting his or her own work. There are also people on Flikr that are 365 users and their Flikr name and 365 name do not match, but its still the same photographer. Personally, I'm not sure why someone would use different names for different projects, but to each his/her own. Likewise, I think theft of anything is a very serious charge and should not be tossed out lightly... I think a person needs to be sure before an accusation is made. That's all
July 23rd, 2012
@catlover20 no, because you made no attempt to deceive, but it would be better to only post images you personally took for the 365 project, to avoid ugly scenarios like the Super Moon fiasco
July 23rd, 2012
@jsw0109 Thanks
July 23rd, 2012
@jsw0109 this person had many different watermarks on their photos from around the world. I think that explains itself. Thank you very muchhhh.
July 23rd, 2012
@catlover20 what you did isnt wrong, since it was a picture of you, you got permission to upload it and you said that you didnt take it. Other people will go out and find pictures on facebook or a website from other photographers, and some with watermarks! I feel like that is not okay, especially if you claim its yours
July 23rd, 2012
@brittanyyingling Thanks for not being mad at me
July 23rd, 2012
@abirkill Wow, I did a search/comparison of a picture I took of the US Capitol. I found very, very similar pictures in several places. Amazing. I'm sure I was not copied...I'm not that good, but it looks like the exact same picture. Same blue sky, same winter limbs on the trees. Interesting. I don't sell photos, so I have no problems with someone using one of my photos. But I do have my copyright encoded in my photo.
July 23rd, 2012
I totally agree with you.having said that today i posted a picture taken by friend as my batteries died BUT I gave her all the credit explaining it was a guest shot on my page.Personally I wouldnt normally do that but it was exceptional circumstances.
July 23rd, 2012
@cromwell Ha ha Cromwell! Exactly!
July 24th, 2012
@catlover20 Freya the picture you posted with you in it is gorgeous! This is totally appropriate, especially on a special occasion like this. Your project looks wonderful. :)
July 24th, 2012
yeah i have seen this done before. I surf the net a lot for picture inspiration and help on this as i self teach myself. Going around looking at peoples pictures i sometimes run into some photos where i would of swore i saw looking on the net on websites and other places. This is defiantly unfair. I would be really mad if someone stole my pictures and then took credit for it.
July 24th, 2012
@jsw0109 - I disagree, slightly, with only uploading pics you took yourself. Sometimes, when we do those wwyd, or 5 step, challenges, we edit the picture and then need to post it for the challenge. So, in that instance I think it's ok to upload someone else's picture since it's part of the challenge and is expected. It's important to mention that it is someone else's picture and is for the challenge, however.
July 24th, 2012
.. @mikehamm well, yeah, for challenges you have to, so that's definitely fine. I've just seen a couple of incidents where someone posting a photo and crediting a friend as having taken the photo have caused quite the stir
July 24th, 2012
@jphotos08 agreed! I surf the net for them too! just for inspirations to help me get better in the project, then i take the pov or editing technique for example.
July 24th, 2012
July 28th, 2012
Clearly to use someone else's photo for any reason is inappropriate, at the least, and illegal, at the worst. However, I've seen quite a few pics on here that others have taken for the participant and it was explained...the only thing that is odd to me about that is that it really isn't your pic that you to keep the integrity of the project -- I would recommend that one only post photos that they take themselves...but its each person's as long as credit is given I suppose...
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