Not to everyone's taste perhaps

April 15th, 2013
I came across this photographer's work and thought I would pass it on. It's very "earthy" and mildly disturbing.


April 15th, 2013
Love how each series works best as a whole. Thanks for sharing, Paul.
April 15th, 2013
He is my new favourite photographer. I love these portraits. Thanks for sharing. So much better than those freaky doll baby things you made me look at!
April 15th, 2013
I think they really captured the reality of life these days.. Great shots.
April 15th, 2013
I have often thought that the 'bad/sad' side of life makes interesting shots but there also is the feeling that they are being make some interesting shots, and l am guessing more than half of these people have been well and truly used by someone/s. Now if there is a purpose or message then that would be great, like to help get to young people why they shouldn't do drugs or providing something for those in need or despair. The photos do make you think though....
April 15th, 2013
These are great!!! I've never been really fascinated with beautiful things... the really fascinating stuff is in darkness... in real things, ugly things, gross things. Thanks for sharing, Paul! I have found a new source of inspiration. I, too, like to photograph abandoned places and so forth. Lala. I still think these things are beautiful. That's art, isn't it? Making everything look like a masterpiece.
April 15th, 2013
Definitely my taste, love things like this. I have some very dark photography planned at the weekend in an abandoned mental asylum but not sure how it will go down if posted here?
April 15th, 2013
I'm in love with these. Thank you so much..
April 15th, 2013
"Hey dude! Here's $2, just stand there. No, no posing, just stand there, looking bored. Ya, that's it. Click. Thanks."

Heck, I could do that all day! Well, maybe not ALL day... (looks in wallet)... more like 10 shots. ;-)
April 15th, 2013
Isn't that just street photography, unfortunately these people live in the wrong side of town. Tha abandond houses are very disturbing, makes you wonder what ever happend to the people who lived there. They my be great pieces of art as @violeta says, but the problem here is its only art to the person taking the shot and leaving the place after a short vist . Its sad reality to those being photographed and that live there all the time.
April 15th, 2013
Thanks for sharing!
April 15th, 2013
Thanks for the sharing. I love it.
April 15th, 2013
thanks for sharing ~ I love this type of stuff ~ its real!
April 15th, 2013
I think he's great. Love his portfolio on the site.
April 15th, 2013
Truth is confronting.
April 15th, 2013
I looked at these photos and I was left feeling hopeless for these people. They look as abandoned as the empty rooms. Not something you should dip in and take a photo of and then leave, but then I had a look at his blog and it seems that some of his subjects are heroin addicts in a particular area of Philadelphia.
Still not sure whether he is on a mission or has just found a rich seam of subjects for his camera. Jury's out. - but they are good photographs.
April 15th, 2013
@steampowered thank you so much for sharing. Abandoned photography is a passion of mine....but I rarely shoot people in or near the environments. I like that his work really evoked a sad, empty feeling in me.
April 16th, 2013
I thought the shots were very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
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