Layer Masks

April 20th, 2013
I have written a short blog on layer masks if anyone is interested. Please let me know what you think. I hope its of use to some as layer masks are often seen as quite daunting but they are an essential tool to processing and allow the user full control.

April 20th, 2013
Thank you, Simon. I bookmarked this to use it in a few weeks when I start editing some photos I've taken for a project. You entry reads really well- I like the step by step breakdown. Perhaps a few images as examples might take it even further? Thanks again for sharing. :)
April 20th, 2013
@lindseying Thanks for looking and thanks for the input. Yes I think it a good idea about having some photos in there. I will get onto it! Thanks again. Simon
April 20th, 2013
Thanks Simon! I've put aside many images because I hadn't gotten around to learning layer masks yet. This seems do-able now you've given me concise and easy to understand instructions. I'm on holidays now for a week so I shall spend the time playing with those images :)
April 20th, 2013
@kazlamont You're very welcome! I have now updated the blog with some images. I hope they help to clarify.
April 20th, 2013
An excellent tutorial Simon. You have made it look so simple. Thanks!
April 20th, 2013
I'll have to wait until I can check it out on my computer. This seems to work oddly on my I pad. It opens two windows on top of each other, but the bottom one moves when I swipe.
April 20th, 2013
Nice work simon. Perfectly clear and legible blog.
April 20th, 2013
@farscapephotography Great idea :) I found layers sooooo confusing the first time I tried. Did my head in lol.
April 20th, 2013
@farscapephotography Excellent blog mate, really informative and easy to follow instructions
April 20th, 2013
You made that seem extraordinarily easy ~ I will practice this later ~ I only use layer masks that in in pre-set actions at the moment so this will be something new for me ~ thank you!
April 20th, 2013
Thank you so much! I am new to photoshop and this was very clear and easy to follow.
April 22nd, 2013
@Farscapephotography Thank you, Simon! This had recently been verbally explained to me, but had left me with more questions than answers... Your tutorial has answered all my questions, I think! Will try it out later, but it looks like you have succeeded in making it incredibly easy to follow!
April 23rd, 2013
Thank you Simon. Awesome blog!! Love the photo with each step, really makes it all seem incredibly simple.
April 28th, 2013
Very nice tutorial! Ah but if only ALL instructions would be written so clearly and concisely. Sigh.
April 29th, 2013
favourited teh article to read and absorb later.
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