camera sensor

April 20th, 2013
hi folks a question for you all! how offter do you clear camera sensor? do you do it your self? how easy is it? i got a canon 400d, what should i use...thanks folk
April 20th, 2013
I only go as far as using a blower on mine - anything more I would trust to the professionals - at least if they mess it up you have some comeback....

As for how often - well my camera is used underground in very dusty quarries and mines and in old factories, abandoned hospitals etc - but I've only felt the need to get it cleaned once in about 6 years


Feeling Blue - my 365 Click HERE
April 20th, 2013
do it your self.... I photograph horse events in dust so why would I pay 90$ for someone else to do it. ;)
April 20th, 2013
Blimey - if it cost that much over here - then yes, I would do it myself.

Last time I had it done it was £14 ($21) at my local (very good) camera store.

Feeling Blue - my 365 Click HERE
April 20th, 2013
How often... when it needs it. It takes seconds to take a photo at f22 of a white wall to see if there is any dust.

How... with a blower as per others. Never yet needed a wet clean (even though I have the swabs - just in case).

£14 is cheaper than a decent wet clean kit so would be the way to go if you can get it done for that kind of price, but don't be afraid of doing it yourself if your local camera stores are not that cheap.
April 20th, 2013
@harveyzone - yep, there is no way they make money on that - think they do it for the good will (which I guess works - I'd rather buy from them than some faceless national/multinational store)
April 20th, 2013
I try never to clean it. If you keep the camera pointing downwards at the floor when you change lenses, cleaning should be a very very rare event.
If you go on to any of Canon's one day courses (very good, incidentally) they usually offer a free sensor clean whilst you are there. Cleaning it yourself is certainly possible. If you take it to a camera store make sure they know what they're doing and they don't give it to the 16 year old Saturday assistant to clean whilst he's picking his nose and texting his mates
April 20th, 2013
I get my cameras cleaned once a year.

However, unless you are shooting with a mirroless camera--we may all get there, your sensor is behind the mirror, it is most likely the mirrow that will dirty first. Another considerration, the rear of lens is open and will collect dust if you do not get it on the camera quickly.
April 20th, 2013
I clean mine when dust spots start to show up on my landscape photos to an annoying degree. That's usually every 6 months or so.
April 20th, 2013
I've cleaned my 7D once in two years (and it's due another clean round about now judging by the blobs on the photos I took today). My 400D got cleaned twice in 5 years. I do it myself, once I've had a few valium to calm the nerves! Seriously, it's fine. Air blower usually shifts stuff, but if it doesn't I'm happy using the wet wipe thingies.
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