You May Touch a Stanger...

July 7th, 2013
I really enjoyed reading this article in the NYT, passed on to me by my husband's uncle because of my photography! Great stuff.

From the New York Times:
"You May Touch a Stranger
Richard Renaldi aims to break down social barriers by asking strangers to touch one another, but those very barriers can get in the way of his project."

Here is the link, which you'll have to copy and paste because the link below I'm not formatting properly....hmmm.

July 7th, 2013
Hmmmmmmmmm. For me, the link just re-directs me here.
July 7th, 2013
@mej2011 yes, I'm seeing that and trying to figure out how I have formatted it incorrectly. If you copy and paste the link, it should work. If anyone knows what I'm doing incorrectly I would appreciate it.
July 7th, 2013
How cool, Daryl! thanks for sharing! I know very little about computers but have you tried to open the link in another window and then copy and paste it in and edited version of this discussion?
July 7th, 2013
@grammyn I think that's what I did....hmmm. I have a feeling in the "How can I format my reply" I'm missing an element. @abirkill, I hate to call on you now, but I know you will have the answer. Would you help please--oh, wise one? :)
July 7th, 2013
I think it's something to do with being the opening item in a thread. You need to post it after your initial comments :o) Just going to take a look now :o)
July 7th, 2013
@psychographer YES, thank you!! So what am I doing wrong? I'm wondering if I can copy your link and see if it will work -- going to try now.
July 7th, 2013
This is such a great idea, although I think some of them do look a little uncomfortable. It's a start though to breaking down those social barriers. Not sure it would work in my town though :o)
July 7th, 2013
I tried that once; not allowed to get within 100meters of playgrounds now...
July 7th, 2013
@darylo It's just because you posted the link in your initial comment I think!
July 7th, 2013
July 7th, 2013
@psychographer I love the concept--I can see attempting something like this after some folks got to know each other, but just off the street (or like @grizzlysghost on a playground...) that's hard to do I imagine. Love seeing the results!
July 7th, 2013
@grizzlysghost LOL, Aaron! You makka me laugh!
@psychographer Lisa..I thought the same thing, but did not want to say so at first. But you said it. so..what the heck. some of them look uncomfortable! I guess that is what is interesting and you keep looking. Some look very comfortable...just sort of interesting to see. Thanks for posting Daryl!
July 8th, 2013
Some of these images are very touching. Love the guy on his knees.

Great concept and with careful execution could become more. Thanks for sharing.
July 8th, 2013
Thank you for sharing this! I think that is so neat and inspiring.
July 8th, 2013
What an inspiring and powerful idea.
July 11th, 2013
An interesting project
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