Islands taken from Space

September 2nd, 2013
I have just seen this on the Daily Mail web site - Some of these shots are amazing and I felt I should share.

Islands from the air
September 2nd, 2013
Fabulous shots. Thanks for sharing
September 2nd, 2013
Amazing shots. Thanks for sharing Bulldog
September 2nd, 2013
These are great. thanks for sharing.
September 2nd, 2013
Amazing pictures. I miss seeing Chris Hadfields pictures that he was taking of Earth, from the space station, they were amazing too :)
September 2nd, 2013
fantastic ~ thank you for sharing
September 2nd, 2013
Fantastic looking pictures. Thank you for sharing, Bulldog.
September 2nd, 2013
They are awesome! thanks for sharing :)
September 2nd, 2013
Fab and thanks for sharing !
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