Trying 365 for the 3rd time! Advice?

January 2nd, 2014
Hey everyone! I'm new (again) to the project.. well, have tried before but have just returned. Each time i've tried, I end up giving up eventually..even months in..after a few days of not having taken photos. I'd just like to put myself out here for some new friends to inspire me and hopefully give me tips on how they keep shooting every day!

So i'm Kasey, a 21-year-old student at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and i'm eager to find some photographers on here!

Cheers and Happy (late) New Year!
January 2nd, 2014
My advice .... Don't worry if you miss a day or three ... alternatively, if you feel that is not good advice LOL ... don't worry about what the pic you post on "those days" looks like ... I assure you, you will be the only one worrying about those things. This is a "your project, your rules" kinda place. Many folks who have been here a year or so are changing their rules to better fit their lives. There is no need for pressure or stress in this ...
January 2nd, 2014
I have just completed year 3 and 2013 was the first year I didn't use any fillers! My advice is to not panic if you have nothing to upload for the day. Either leave a gap to fill later (or not at all if it doesn't worry you) or look through some old photos, do some outrageous editing and upload one of those. Remember that if you don't post you haven't failed. This site is to have fun. Entering one of the themes or competitions can be helpful. There's the weekly theme, the ETSOOI challenge, WWYD, EOTB, the mundane challenge, the abstract mundane challenge and loads more. Check out what's available, get inspired by others but most of all remember that it's your project and have fun. Good luck :o)
January 2nd, 2014
I just completed my third year also and I will admit I did use some fillers but not as often as my 1st and 2nd year lol. So don't worry if you miss a day or two, no one will hate you I promise lol. And in any case if you don't have an Ace membership you can use a filler here and there in case you have one of those days where you want to show off more then one photo. I did that before I got my Ace membership. Just have fun, follow photographers you like, comment when you can and try a contest or two. I like to do the Monthly list of ideas that gets put together ( It's a lot of fun, gives you ideas if your having a blank. It's helped me to try taking photos of new things or things I would never think of or even things that intimidate the amateur photographer. Hope you have fun and look forward to your photos :)
January 2nd, 2014
I find getting involved in the challenges really helps the keep the motivation going ;) Good luck! I have stopped stressing about blank days and have no qualms with using filters. My project, my rules!
January 2nd, 2014
Hi Kasey, and welcome back! The best advice I can give you about sticking with the project is to not be too hard on yourself! I've fallen weeks behind when I hit a lull, only to get inspired later and catch up. It it becomes too much of a chore, it becomes less fun; and we can't have that!

BTW, I spent a summer in Carpinteria (just south of Santa Barbara), and immediately fell in love with the area; I will definitely get back there some day!
January 2nd, 2014
Hi Kasey! I Know the feeling, It's my third time trying too. And as a motivation i went ACE, can't go wrong with something I paid for. Hopefully. =)

Cheers and Happy New Year!
January 2nd, 2014
Welcome back!
January 2nd, 2014
Welcome Kasey! This is my third attempt too! My first try lasted for about three months, I was enjoying it but I missed a few days and then I gave up, the second time I just posted for a week. Now I'm determined to do it well! Best wishes for you!
January 2nd, 2014
Welcome to 365!
Don't worry about anything, some of us post every day, some post a few times a week and back-fill any gaps. There are no real rules, it is your project so enjoy it.
January 2nd, 2014
I had a couple days when I was unable to take a photo so I would go through photos that I took that day in a previous year to post - and would add an explanation. It helped me to not get discouraged plus it was kind of cool to see what I photographed a previous year on that same day.
January 2nd, 2014
If you miss a day or even 10, I wouldn't worry. I tried the year before last to post every day, and it worked for 5 months, and then I'd had enough, now I just do my own when I can, and enjoy the project so much more. It's your make the rules :-)
January 2nd, 2014
Kasey this is my first time, let's inspire each other along the way....Look forward to seeing you photo's.
January 3rd, 2014
@dlaxton thank you so much! alleviating the pressure seems to be key!
January 3rd, 2014
@psychographer thanks for the info on the challenges! i'm sure that'll help! i do feel stuck sometimes
January 3rd, 2014
@shawnasays the list is amazing! how incredible!
January 3rd, 2014
@sassyinma thanks for the encouragement :)
January 3rd, 2014
@grizzlysghost santa barbara is amazing! and yes, the chore part happened to me last year and the year before! i want to still keep the fun of it
January 3rd, 2014
@altadc can you explain to me the ace membership?
January 3rd, 2014
@amyamoeba glad to be back :)
January 3rd, 2014
@nataliacastillejo best wishes to you as well!
January 3rd, 2014
@bulldog you're very right about the the rules--or lackthereof haha
January 3rd, 2014
@nancys365for2014 you're right! i'm gonna try to not get discouraged this year
January 3rd, 2014
January 3rd, 2014
@kezza1319 i look forward to yours as well!
January 3rd, 2014
@kaseycarroll you can click on the upgrade link under your profile. I just used it as a motivation to finish my project this time, afterall i am not using the site for free and i got that ACE badge right beside my name. lol
January 3rd, 2014
Hi Kasey! here is a discussion I posted the other day. Sort of deals with this...
January 3rd, 2014
Welcome back! Make rules for your project that work for you. If you chose to take and post a photo each day realize that not every one will be amazing. Also, don't be afraid to post diary shots. I often end up enjoying those 'moment in time' shots more than some that have been popular with others in the site. Don't get caught up in the popular page or favs. If you like a photo that does not resonate with others don't let that get your spirit down. Most of all...have fun, try new things and get involved in the community. Best of luck!
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