Why Aree Wedding Photographers so Expensive

January 27th, 2012
I came across this sorry if it has already been up on here, but it does sum up nicely in my opinion

January 27th, 2012
I saw that craiglist post earlier in the week too. And you know I'm not so sure I'm going to be able to drive my lamborghini I just bought with all my 'wack' wedding money with a clear conscience anymore. Dang.
January 27th, 2012
Well that was a good read. Thanks!
January 27th, 2012
@amyhughes lol, indeed it's the complete lack of understanding and appreciation that got me, for what is supposedly the biggest day of a girls life.

@scrapnyak It makes you think for sure when comes to pricing up work
January 27th, 2012
Well as a wedding photographer, this pisses me off! I don't charge anywhere near 3 grand, my top session is $1175. But being a wedding photographer is a lot of work! We're not gonna work all freakin' day for nothing. Whatever.
Thanks for the read.
January 27th, 2012
I forgot to add, I love the photographers responses, so true! love it.
January 27th, 2012
Fantastic article. I've been asked by a friend's friend to do their wedding for £500.... I'm turning it down. Not only because of the money. But because I am NOT a professional photographer. If they want a professional, they need to get one and pay accordingly. I much admire all you pro's out there....IMHO you should be paid MORE!
January 28th, 2012
@amyhughes LOL! :D

My hat goes off to all wedding photographers. A lot of work, time and stress!
January 28th, 2012
@amers79 I reckon you should get $500 just in danger money ... some of those brides are vicious!
January 30th, 2012
@corymbia Haha! Yes I have had my share of bridezillas!
March 17th, 2012
Did wedding photography yesterday, as an amateur. Use to say to the couple that I spend about 12 hours with them on the wedding day and need about double this time to select the best of the 1000 photos and process them and make both book and dvd. Bringing the costs per hour far down.
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