Coping with criticism

March 24th, 2012
I have really been enjoying 365 since I started. The community is great, looking at pictures is brilliant, and taking photos and looking at the world in a new way is a fun thing to do every day.

Unfortunately I have bumped into a wall this week after getting my first piece of criticism.

Someone, a friend, described my photos as crap.

Now, I do not profess to being an excellent photographer, and take my photos using my blackberry, with no processing, or rendering, or any of that jazz, but the comments made me think that 365 isn't the place for me or my photos.

Has anyone else who uses a camera phone found similiar negative feedback? Maybe we can join together and massage our collective bruised egos.
March 24th, 2012
I think as long as you are having fun, who cares what any one else thinks.
BTW love this shot
March 24th, 2012
I would say that it depends on a few things,
1) by what criteria your friend is judging your photos and,
2) what you are hoping to get out of this site.

If your friend is judging your photos from a competition point of view, is he/she qualified to make that sort of judgement? There are so many different styles of photography and many people, myself included, are bound to not like certain styles. Personally I don't really like the heavily processed HDR style photos but that doesn't mean I think they are 'crap'. Street photography is all about quick photos and there is often no time to 'setup' a shot so would fail in many sorts of competitions. That doesn't mean street photography is crap either.
More importantly though, what are you hoping to get out of this? If you are documenting your life and the world around you for a year then how you take your photos is really up to you. I've seen many photos taken with camera phones that are excellent quality and know of some that have won in competitions against photos taken with DSLRs. If you are looking to improve in photography, have you taken any steps towards accomplishing that?
The other point is that a blanket statement like 'crap' is not very useful. Did he/she offer any constructive criticisms like the composition is busy or it's blurry, etc? If they can't offer any thing more then, personally, I would ignore their opinion.
March 24th, 2012
Mm, once or twice, yes.

Even though I do use a dSLR camera, and editing software, and so on, I know that, in the grand scheme of things, my photos are pretty poor. Even so - it still hurts when somebody else says so.

Generally speaking, though, I tend to get either positive comments, or no comments at all. If nobody comments, I'll know they didn't think much of that particular shot!
March 24th, 2012
Honestly, I think that you find some interesting things to shoot, and your composition is pretty good. Sometimes I think that your cell phone camera isn't good at choosing the exposure, but other than that, I really like your photo. If you use a free software program to fix that here and there, and maybe a bit more saturation in some photos, you would be very pleased with the results. Your photos are definitely not crap. You have a great eye.
March 24th, 2012
I came to the conclusion a long time ago that not everyone is going to like what I do and I am fine with that, if you create artwork of any sort purely for others you will always be disappointed because people have different tastes thats the way the world goes, I dont take photos for others I take them for me in the knowldge that if I like them then someone with my taste will like them too and if a thousand people call my work crap compaired to a handful that think it is good I know that I have at least been true to myself. In my experience it is those that never try that are the ones with the most to critisise. they say an empty tin rattles loudest and I think that is right :)
March 24th, 2012
Mate its not about anyone else, this project if about you and how you capture your year. Nothing more nothing less.

If you want to use a pen and paper then scan the image in then that is up to you.

I am sure coming from the stand-up profession that its not the first or last time someone will say your work is crap. Now if someone says its crap ask them why they feel that way and how they think you can fix it.

If they can not articulate why then just dismiss it as someone that just wants to complain. If you listen they might even have some good ideas.
March 24th, 2012
A photo that grabs my attention, makes me smile or interests me in any way regardless of quality is what matters.
There are some seriously incredible photographers on here and they do deserve the credit and praise for their amazing talent but honestly being 3 months in to the project the stuff that wowed me in the beginning is just not impressing me so much anymore.
I now find myself looking out for the pics that truly document that persons life,, have character, are funny and have interesting stories behind them, Your photos are exactly that, they tell a story (and lets face it yours is a very interesting story to tell).
March 24th, 2012
@asrai well said :)
March 25th, 2012
Just saying photos are crap is an insult not criticism. Enjoy your photography and if you like the shot then it is a good shot. Look at the other photos on 365 and try to work what makes some good and others better. I would buy a cheap camera rather than a phone, phone cameras have a lot of hidden problems.
March 25th, 2012
Someone describing your photos as "crap" isn't critisim. It's just one person's opinion. As an artist, you are going to have fans and critics, with yourself often the biggest critic. Don't let other people opinions effect your art. Otherwise, how does art evolve if it is held back by other people's limitations. But don't forget to improve and learn. The Internet is an easy place to get an over-inflated ego.
March 25th, 2012
When people criticize in an unconstructive way, I say the hell with them!! Do what you do, the end. I'm the biggest fan of my own work and I'm not afraid to admit it - I do it for myself, and if other people like it, then hooray! If not, no skin off my teeth!!
March 25th, 2012
@markolver I always post what pleases me most, and that is the most important thing. Over the time I have been on 365 looking at other photos has helped shape the way I construct and take images, but in the end I post what makes me happy. Sometimes this is film, sometimes digital, sometimes an experiment, and have found often it draws the most unexpected responses.

Most of the first half of my project was taken with an iPhone, but lately have ventured into film and digital cameras. There are an enthusiastic groups of phone camera posters and analogue users on 365. It is worthwhile to participate in challenges like those that are on this weekend for Hipstamatic users, and other phone apps. A good way to find and follow those with a similar interest.
March 25th, 2012
Keep going Mark, your photos are entertaining. Some people are here for photography, some for learning, some to document their lives.
It is narrow minded to criticise because it is not what someone themselves is doing. Just ignore it, it is not relevant to what you are doing. :)
March 25th, 2012
that's really too bad... i clicked thru some of your photos and found them fun and funny! don't let one unhelpful critic get you down...

i have to say that on the whole i've found 365-ers to be a gentle, respectful, fabulous supportive bunch...
March 25th, 2012
Maybe your friend is the problem...;-P I say ignore him, do what you want! So far I've taken all my pics on my phone. I don't think the point is to post a masterpiece every day anyway, just to document your year however you want ;)
March 25th, 2012
It sounds like a little jealousy to me, constructive critisim will generally follow with more detail and ideas on how to improve. "That's a CRAP picture." probably means I wish I had your talent and creativity. Keep on taking your pictures and disregard negative comments like that, seek critisim from people that want to watch you grow and florish.
March 25th, 2012
@sdpace I go through periods where I feel that way too...Sometimes my photos just really please me!
March 25th, 2012
It does sound like a little jealousy. Just keep doing what makes you happy! :-)
March 25th, 2012
I don't think there is such a thing as a photo that is "crap." If it speaks to you and you had fun taking it, isn't that all that matters? I think one of the reasons we're all here (maybe I shouldn't speak so generally) is that we would like to get some constructive criticism as far as what we might do better or differently. "Crap" is not constructive criticism, and I wouldn't give this a second thought and I also don't think I would consider this person a "friend." Keep doing what you're doing, and enjoy every single day. That's what 365 is really about.
March 25th, 2012
Of COURSE I get caught up in criticism. Had an especially bad week this week. FIRST, I explained a rather complicated process to someone who then took OFF with it and got nominated for the week's theme competition with one of her very first tries after I'VE been taking those sorts of photos forever. Very disheartening. THEN someone criticized another shot I took, and it sent me right over the edge. What I learned from this is to not take myself too seriously. Do what you like to do and to pay no attention to your so called, "friend."
March 25th, 2012
I have been following you for a while and have never looked to see what you use. I enjoy your work and find anyone who says someones work is "crap" is just rude. I like when people suggest ways to improve something but that is just rude.
March 25th, 2012
I really enjoy the humour in your photos.
March 25th, 2012
@dolittlemd Do you mean @gareauk1 's photo?
March 25th, 2012
This project is about you and documenting a year of your life in photos. I follow your photos everyday and love them. Everyone on this project views the world differently and through all different "cameras". We all capture our life moments differently and we should be proud of what we accomplish. Don't let that one person get you down!!
March 25th, 2012
@scrivna. Spam again
March 25th, 2012
Not Crap!! Keep taking pics with your phone..maybe go ahead and do some processing from time to time IF YOU WANT!! Your project YOUR RULES. @markolver
March 25th, 2012
To be honest - my photos at the start were pretty crap, with a few exceptional exceptions. But if someone had brought me down with such a negative comment back then, I may not have continued and I know my photos are so much better today thanks to experience and daily practice (and a lot of positive feedback). Either way, I always tell myself that this is MY project and if I want to take a photo of my kids or whatever is important to me, that's what matters.
...and BTW - I've had a look at your pics and the are SO. NOT. CRAP!! I particularly like the one @tigerdreamer has posted above - fabulous composition!
March 25th, 2012
There is nothing wrong with not liking a particular subject or type of processing, and giving feedback, perhaps what you do not like about a particular photo, for example,
"too much light," or "it looks to be a bit over processed." You might even suggest another approach or angle as a way of offering feedback. Constructive feedback like this is what most of us want to hear if we truly desire to make our photos more appealing. On the same token, this project is to be for our personal purpose, not necessarily to please others, though I think most of us want our photos to be liked or admired by the other members. For someone to offer the use of the word "crap" as an appropriate form of feedback or criticism, well, it's just rude, and inconsiderate. It is worthless, and as far as I'm concerned, it just shows their arrogance. I think you should take it for what its worth, Nothing! Definitely not a valid response, and definitely not worth quitting the project over, especially if you are enjoying being a part of the community.
March 25th, 2012
I want to hear constructive criticism which helps me improve. With that being said I don't think anyone has the right to just be rude and insulting. I looked at your most recent pic's and I didn't notice any comments as you described but I perhaps didn't go back far enough.
Don't let the rare occasion someone says something obnoxious out weigh the majority of the comments.
March 25th, 2012
Now this "asfghjytkj" above is crap. I wish they could be eliminated. It keeps popping up in the threads.
March 25th, 2012
I do not mind constructive criticism. If all they offered was the word crap, that is how I would rate their comment, as crap itself. That is useless as it says nothing. Now, were they to explain why they did not like your shot(s) there might be some value to what they said. Even thought their method of delivery is less than polite.
We all, including the best on here, have room to improve. I know I have far to go. If someone can teach me, I will listen; if someone desires my help I will give it. If someone is rude, I will ignore them.
For what it is worth, I quite like the shot posted above. The lines, POV and light are very nice.
March 25th, 2012
@markolver there's good criticism and bad criticism. If he'd said it's crap because of x and if you did y...then you can learn. If someone hasn't the decency to offer advice on how to improve, well basically, they're crap at critiquing.

If they can't offer anything beyond it's crap, I guess you can either be hurt or you can remind yourself that you can't please all the people all the time and today was not your friend's turn. He didn't like that shot. That's his personal taste- unless he can qualify why.
March 25th, 2012
Nah carry on man, its about your daily doings....but if you're really that bothered and worried about the camera phone, maybe consider investing in small point and shoot, changing the angle you take photos, use black and white, start to switch it up a bit more.
March 25th, 2012
Couldn't agree more!
March 25th, 2012
@markolver I took over 1500 images on my Samsung S2 last year during a overseas trip, and would happily do a 365 project with it, I have posted some pics since starting 365 this year from my phone as I always have it on me. Do what makes you happy I say.
March 25th, 2012
@beautifulthing Shame on me, but yes, I am.
March 25th, 2012
'Crap' is not constructive criticism but rather a cruel and thoughtless smack-down AND I think it's a totally unwarranted comment on your images. I've been following you for a while now and your images are always interesting and portray your world (rather an unusual one, I have to say) in a humorous and often perceptive way.
Keep on taking and posting your images :-)))
March 25th, 2012
@markolver It shouldn't have to do with what you are using to take a photo. It is what you compose, what it is about, etc. If it doesn't interest a viewer, it is, in their words "crap". I would personally use more mature constructive feedback.

Ya can't please everybody. Ya gotta be able to take it. Don't expect the whole world to be massaging your ego positively. Take negative feedback and learn from it. To add: If they it is crap, ask them why. If they can't offer any reason of how it could be better, ignore them. Vague responses like "it just is" or "I dunno" is what a pre-adolescent would say, and can therefore be ignored.

Keep on keepin' on.
March 25th, 2012
@beautifulthing @dolittlemd -- Sorry for that... I was just trying to have some fun with a new technique and ended up getting some really good results... I think that even though my photo ended up being nominated this week, you should be proud that you were the one who helped me learn this new process... Isn't that what this site is about anyways? Hopefully somewhere down the road, I can help you out with something too :)
March 25th, 2012
@gareauk1 AAaaauuuuggghhh. I was just coming back here to delete my comment. Crapola. DO NOT APOLOGIZE to me or to anyone else, EVER, for something you have created or an accomplishment you have earned. I loved your shot, just like everyone else. :-)
March 25th, 2012
After all, isn't the purpose of 365 to record the days of our lives? The good, the bad, the ugly. . . .
March 25th, 2012
I have no problems with someone giving me some advice or even saying the picture wasn't that great but there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. Manners and respect are all I ask. Maybe some useful advice would have been nice for you. Move past the comment (we've all had our disappointing run-ins on 365 with tactless comments) and enjoy all the great people you will meet here.
March 25th, 2012
Well that's just rude! It is always the way that the one negative thing sticks in our minds and we forget all the positives. You have 75+ followers and some of your photos have way more views than mine do. Therefore people are interested and like what you take. Sometimes I think of the number of views I get and imagine that number of people in a room/hall and how much space they would take up - that makes you think more positively! Oh and the phone can get good shots, my project was started on the iPhone, it was better than I thought it would be but there are limitations of course. Keep going :))
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