Do you have a tried & true way of commenting?

July 9th, 2012
Just interested in how others handle this. . .I like to comment as much as possible on the photos of people I follow as well as on any other interesting shots I run across on 365. We all know that it takes a LONG time. Do you have any special ways or shortcuts to recommend? For instance, do you work down your home page a photo at a time? Do you get lost when you have to follow to the person's page when you want to add a fav? Do you find yourself constantly scrolling down with the mouse to get back to where you were?

Lately, I've started clicking on one photo from someone I follow back to their own albums and trying to catch up or comment more on several of their photos directly from there. . .even in alternate albums.

Wondering if you have other ways of going about this? If you do, please share your tips!
July 9th, 2012
I try to open the photo on a different tab. That way I don't lose where I was on the original tab.
July 9th, 2012
I start by right-clicking on peoples names under my photo where they have commented and 'open in new tab' . I then have all the pictures I wish to comment on across the top of my window. I look, comment, fav (if I do) and then close that tab, and go to the next one.
When I've done all that I go to my home page and scroll through the ones that jump out at me and 'open in new tab' and comment again.

I dont 'thank you for your comments' on my photos, I feel the best thank you is to take the time to look at, and comment on, the people who have taken the time to look at and comment on my photos.
July 9th, 2012
i do pretty much what @monika64 does... but i tend to alternate... one night i will go thru everyone in my home page... another night i go thru photos of those who've commented over last few days... in most cases, i will click back to see what i missed... it's HARD to keep up, tho!
July 9th, 2012
I always scroll down the home page. I comment via stream of consciousness. By that I mean the moment I see a photo I type the very first thought that comes to my head. If a photo speaks to me, I speak back to it. Sometimes I think later on "Oh, I shouldn't have said that, but it's too late.". Evey response is an honest one and I'd like to think that the photographer would like to know how their photographs affect others.

The only photographs I totally boycott are the one's of flowers or weeds and such. Those who follow me have come to an understanding and know how I feel about those. :-p
July 9th, 2012
@suewilde is the absolute best with a system that works, unfortunately, I got overwhelemd with life during year two and could not maintain
July 9th, 2012
Well I am guilty of only commenting on the photos that catch my eye. If they do not interest me that day, I do not comment. Even some of my fav people on here do not get a comment from me every single day. Saying that there are a handful of people I try to always comment on because they do so with me and I feel a bit more open with them. I just scroll through the home page, but it is time consuming. It is also time consuming thanking everyone, so only sometimes do I do it individually. I don't see any short cuts, just comment on what you like is what I say.
July 9th, 2012
I stream through the home page and comment on as many as possible. Except the past two weeks. Vacation and life just got in the way. I open the ones I want to see bigger in a new tab. When I have time, I browse, the new faces; popular page; and suggestions and make comments there too.

I don't write thank you notes, but do answer questions or reply to some remarks.

I love going through everyone's photos, and getting behind is a bit frustrating. It is all about balance.

@cromwell And once a week or so, I post a photo of a flower just to give people a break :)
July 9th, 2012
I didn't realize we could open a photo in a new tab/window to avoid losing "our spot" in the home page -- Thus far,I have been doing a lot of scrolling! Thanks for the discussion, Lyn! For better or worse, I limit comments to those photos that really stand out to me. I guess I'm not the kind of follower you can depend on for daily feedback -- but when I do comment, it's because your photo genuinely touched me! Also, I poke around people's albums once I have stopped to fav/view large -- I find that's a good way to catch up on missed photos in my daily feed.
July 9th, 2012
I read through my home page first, leaving comments. Then I scroll through the comments others have left for me and reciprocate on their pictures. I don't use @ to say thanks. That's about all I can handle of an evening, but it keeps me in touch. I'd rather go for a quality note than to try to be everywhere only briefly.
July 9th, 2012
I should also mention that those who feel the need to post like 7 or more photos a day -- I puposely skip over ALL of them. It's annoying. STOP IT!
July 9th, 2012
@Weezilou Agreed!
@cromwell Oh this is going to be an interesting follow...I never post more than 2 photos and thankful I won't have to look at your flower photos (OOps, I take enough of my own) as for the "stream of consciousness" honest thought is well taken.
@lyno I just try to do the best I can with the time I have, thanks for asking the question!
July 9th, 2012
I try to go through all shots on my home page. I right click on the thumbnails that interest me and then comment. (For those who don't know, If you don't open to the page then your comment doesn't count as a 'view', which can give a skewed idea of how many have been viewing your shot.) When you close that window, you'll be back in the spot on your home page that you left. Agree with @cromwell about those who post five or six at a time. If you want to get caught up after getting behind, you could wait a few hours in between each posting. I don't have the time to give mass or individual replies but always answer any queries or specific comments.
July 9th, 2012
Yes....I truly comments. I comments according to age group.....and experience....I should know who are good photographer and also who is trying to do something good....I much encourage children and new photographers....I know that photography is very costly affair.....but you can do well with whatever you have....I also see the camera.....the accessories one possesses ....
July 9th, 2012
I comment on my followers by what speaks to me! Like Cromwell said above if the pic speaks to me I speak back. I do try to comment on those who comment on mine though lately I have been bad about not commenting. Have the kiddos home in the summer really cuts down on my free time:( I think I have done a bit better the past few days.
July 9th, 2012
Right click to open new tabs, comment on ones that really catch my eye, have a chat/answer questions and general thank you in the comment section of the following days shot. This frees up time for commenting on or viewing others shots. The more you see the more you learn! : D
July 9th, 2012
I go down my home page (Ctrl + click to open their photo in a new tab so I don't lose my place!). Occasionally I comment back on people who've commented on my photos, but that takes more time so I generally just use my home page.
July 9th, 2012
I agree with the previous comment and many others, and as well as commenting on new posts that catch my eye I also click on every comment received and make a relevant response or reply to a specific point or question, but try to avoid negative or clumsily flattering comments. I am sure I must miss some, and am sorry about that, so I also frequently offer a general word of appreciation addressed "to all" (unnamed) on my home page, or a reference to "yesterday's comments" with a new posting, to indicate that I do read and appreciate them all, which I feel is more appropriate than hitting the reply button every time and producing a long list of names which many people find irritating to read.
July 9th, 2012
@cromwell tou would generally find that people who post several days in a row have a life outside of the net, I generally skip annoying comments, but couldn't resist reply to this one :S
July 9th, 2012
Yep, definitely the new tab. Then you can go wherever you want from each one and not have to back track... or go back and forth. And only those that grab me from the home page.
July 9th, 2012
@cromwell oh dear, sorry Mr Cromwell, I do post a few photos - sorry that they fill up your home page ! But thanks for sticking with me and commenting when you do !

I think one of the best tips I ever got on here was the opening in a new window - I used to spend such a long time scrolling thro and used to get so mad I didn't get sent back to where I had finished looking...I have so much more time to comment now !

I still am in two minds about replying to people who leave fab comments on my photos - I want to say thanks to each and everyone, but know so many people don't like it....

July 9th, 2012
It does take a lot of time, and I make it a point to work my way down the page till I hit everyone. I know many do not have the time it takes to do that, and I really do not myself, but I have made it a practice since beginning this project. I have tried to cut back several times, but it has become such a routine for me, I find it hard to say no. That's just me. You must find the routine that works best for you or you will tire of the "chore" you find yourself wrapped up in.
July 9th, 2012
Every couple of days I tend to go back over my pictures and comment on whoever has commented on mine. Like Monika I open each person's profile in a new tab so I know where I started with the original tab. It's hard to keep up though with a full time job, commenting, actually going out to take your own pictures and spending time with family/eating etc. I guess this is why lately I have been less present but do still try to comment as much as I can when I can.
July 9th, 2012
I should also add that I do, when I have time, go through my followers and look at some of my favourite people's pictures if I haven't seen them pop up on the dashboard for a while and I go to the pop page to comment and find new people to follow. Sometimes as well I do keyword searches for things I would like to see or to try find people who live close to me to see how they interpret places and things that I know.
July 9th, 2012
New tab using Ctrl + click on the thumbnail ---- it's the only way to go for me, much faster than right clicking and/or opening new windows.
July 9th, 2012
I never knew that about flowers and weeds! I'm off now to tag you in my flower shots so you have to look at them!
Nah, just joking.......
July 9th, 2012
I spend about an hour each morning while I have breakfast and again after supper. Scrolling down to the bottom of my stream and slowly working my way back up seems to work best for me. I also create new tabs to save some time and never bother thanking anyone for their comments - it's understood that we all appreciate the comments that we're given. That allows me more time to comment on pics and reply to any questions asked.
July 9th, 2012
@timandelke couldn't agree more with elke. surely people know the comments are appreciated or they wouldn't make the comment in the first place.
July 9th, 2012
@timandelke ... well said, Elke, and I totally endorse Anne ( @sunnygreenwood )'s comment.
July 9th, 2012
@lyno @monika64 @sunnygreenwood
for almost two years i spent bumbling around my home page clicking on a photo to look/comment and then having to scroll all the way back to the next photo. doah !
thanks for the tip
July 9th, 2012
@mrmilner @wordpixman @sunnygreenwood @timandelke @hasselhotch @digitalrn @sharonaddison @flagged @ambermagen @wordpixman @pocketmouse @lorraineb @2sweetladybugs @pawar_ramesh @girlie @httpgeffed @cromwell @Weezilou @rockinrobyn @swguevin @newbie @brumbe @northy @monika64 @jwlynn64

Hope I haven't tagged any of you twice here. . .thanks for a good discussion and I have to admit that I haven't often been opening new tabs - except when I want to fav. The really interesting piece of info here is that commenting on the Home thread doesn't count as a view. . .I find that VERY interesting and will consequently try to discontinue that practice if it's true, Ross @scrivna? By golly, if I go to the trouble to look and comment, I surely DO want it to count to your statistics! One other thing that I see no one has mentioned. . .every once in a while, I get some relief by looking through my email notifications and then jumping to your profiles from the links in those emails. I also have an email rule set up for the "Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else" weekly discussion thread since those notifications were killing me! Anyway, thanks for the lively discussion and hopefully we may still see some more clever ideas. . . and don't anyone stop posting flower shots just because of Mr. Curmudgeon (adore you, Crom and always humbly grateful for your comments!!).

One other thing, I agree wholeheartedly with the fact that I'd rather comment and say something real about your photos than to thank you for your comments. . .MOST of the time. But there have been some very heartfelt moments for me on 365 where thanking you is the most sincere and meaningful thing I could possibly do, so I'm not changing that!
July 9th, 2012
@lyno now you know why the Fav Fav got too much for me.
July 9th, 2012
I hit people back when I can. I respond when I can. If I do comment, I make a point to tell the photographer WHY I like their photo. What is was that moved me. If I'm taking the time to comment, mama calls it like she sees it!
July 9th, 2012
@monika64 I love your approach! Sometimes it seems overwhelming to work on it, always feeling like I'm forgetting someone. I think I'll "steal" your system!
July 9th, 2012
@cromwell Sorry, I'm guilty as charged. I end up posting a week's worth of photos at one time because I can't seem to get the time to empty my memory card, sort, etc, etc, every single day--sometimes it doesn't happen for me once a week!
July 9th, 2012
If I understand you correctly, it's true that comments from the home page don't count unless you enlarge the picture. I typically do that as there's often so much more to see than in the thumbnail! Thanks for giving us a conclusion after culling through the information! Good thread!
July 9th, 2012
Great question/discussion... I've learned a few things!
July 9th, 2012
Yes, as @Weezilou says and I think I commented above, a comment on the home page doesn't count in the Views. We've had several discussions over the years that made that clear. Once I found that out, I stopped any impulse just to comment on the HP; especially when I realised I could right-click on the thumbnail and then return to my spot on the HP after commenting. All that scrolling was getting so tedious before I found out that!
July 10th, 2012
I find it's easier on an IPad... I can go back to where I was easily. I can't do this after looking at a picture large on my computer. I don't thank often I just don't get the time, although I would like too.
July 10th, 2012
I go down my home page & try & comment on as many shots as poss then if I have time I check out the latest & PP, just to see what else is out there!

Sorry I do tend to thank everyone who comments on my shots as I think it's polite & I feel weird not doing it but I think by now people know it ignore it if they feel like it :)
July 10th, 2012
Like Anne, I hit Ctrl and click on thumnail to open in new tab or you can also hit shift and click on thumnail to open in new window, too. It is quick and you don't lose you place on your home page. I also will go to my last picture or two and click on each person who commented to comment back. I have different ways each day depending on how busy I am.
July 10th, 2012
@northy gladly you can. You are one of my top commenters.
July 10th, 2012
Oh dear - I'm very random, but that's me all over! :blush:
July 11th, 2012
Not really. I look down my home feed a little and comment on a few. Then I look at the latest to comment on a few I don't follow. Or I do a chain. Pick a photo in my home feed, comment, then click on the person who commented before me, comment on their photo, click on the person who commented before me, etc. Whatever I have time for.
July 11th, 2012
Oh, and I don't do mass thank yous very often. I thank people for their comments by visiting their photos and commenting.
July 11th, 2012
I agree 100% with @timandelke and @sunnygreenwood. I'd much prefer others make a comment when deserved rather than thank me for my comments. It's too hard to keep up with the notifications and I'd much rather spend the time viewing, commenting and faving my friends' photos. I usually take an hour or so first thing in the AM to do that at the same time I post my photo for the day. Then if I have extra time during the day will add more comments.
July 12th, 2012
I see that's what you did with my pictures yesterday! Thank you so much for ALL your comments and time spent looking at my album! Hope your boss didn't catch you out :-)
July 12th, 2012
@lyno I see that's what you did with my pictures yesterday! Thank you so much for ALL your comments and time spent looking at my album! Hope your boss didn't catch you out :-)
July 23rd, 2012
@lyno Great discussion. I searched for this, actually, because I've been wondering the same thing. I would rather spend time commenting and viewing photos that I enjoy than going through all of the comments on my pictures and saying thank you several times (sometimes). I do appreciate everyone that looks at my pictures and takes the time to comment, but many times I don't have enough time to go through and thank them all.
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