365 population

August 29th, 2012
Just curious... How many people are active on 365 Project?
August 29th, 2012
A whole lotta people.
August 29th, 2012
*Raises hand*
August 29th, 2012
Hands up everyone
August 29th, 2012
*Raises hand*
August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
yep :)
August 29th, 2012
*Hand up*
August 29th, 2012
I never post anything.
August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
@cameronknowlton apprently its around 10k, it was asked not long ago in May 2012 sometime. Ross replied to it in a post.
August 29th, 2012
@cameronknowlton there are tonnes of discussions on this topic. just use the search function and you will find ross's answer :) I think I remember that there are around 2500-3000 active users but many more visiting the site every day.
August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
(raises hand)
We did a count on this earlier this year... got into the low hundreds before it disappeared into the ether. If you look on the daily tab there are about 2000 photos posted every day, some of course post more than one, some miss a day...
August 29th, 2012
I'm active-ish, have finished my 1st year & am staying on for 2nd but not posting every day though I do pop in & check out everyone else daily :)
August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
Still here
August 29th, 2012
Okay, everyone who's got their hand up may leave to go to the bathroom.

August 29th, 2012
I'm still here!!!
August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
Im here every day if not working im here every other hour. lol
August 29th, 2012
Yo - Im here :)
August 29th, 2012
All you need do is Browse Latest or the Popular pictures to see the number and who is posting.
August 29th, 2012
Here every day
August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
I'm not sure why this number is so elusive...most communities boast their headcount, but I have yet to see exactly how many members we really have... It would be nice to know.....Ross???

August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
i'm still here.i also would like to know the percentage of robot faces are out there,i feel we get overlooked.
August 29th, 2012
Numbers are misleading. The number of 365 members may be high, but those who actually continue with the project is significantly lower. I have over 265 followers, but many of them have stopped posting. I think I lose 3 followers a month that way.
August 29th, 2012
There are lots of people who have acounts, But there are fewer people actually keep on uploading now. x
August 29th, 2012
Me me me ^_^
August 29th, 2012
Sorry I am late. I was off wandering around with the dogs. I'm here.
August 29th, 2012
Present and accounted for ;-)
August 29th, 2012
I'm a good girl and upload every day! I've been doing it since October last year
August 29th, 2012
@cromwell Sorry Crom, it'll be on less by the weekend, will you miss me?? ; )
August 29th, 2012
@lorraineb -- I miss you already!
August 29th, 2012
Thanks for all the replies, guys. I asked because web analyics and internet marketing/SEO are my day job, and I'm always interested in a web site's metrics.
August 29th, 2012
@cromwell ; )
August 29th, 2012
.........ere me !
August 29th, 2012
im here
August 29th, 2012
I'm active every day on 365, love it here!
August 29th, 2012
In an earlier thread I asked Ross ( http://365project.org/discuss/general/12804/number-of-365-users), here's his answer:
"Well you could, but lots of people use the site but don't upload every day.
Currently the way I count it is logins within the last 30 days. And that number comes out at around 10,000 people.
Although close to 100,000 have attempted it."
What a project! Though some days it's tough, I like it so much!
August 29th, 2012
Thanks, @djepie, that's a great answer, and a pretty good measurement methodology on Ross' part.
August 29th, 2012
*hides in corner*

JK, heeelllooo!
August 29th, 2012
Still going strong.
August 29th, 2012
Good job, @godders, and everyone else who has lasted the test of time. I'm still in my first month, and have wavered a few times. (@godders, I like your panoramas.)
August 29th, 2012
10,000??!! Makes my viewing figures seem insignificant LOL!
August 29th, 2012
at the moment I am mainly sporodic :-0
August 29th, 2012
I do not post eveyday, but I do keep the images current when I post 3-4 times a week. When I am done with my initial 365project, I will consider using this site differntly. Maybe ACE memership for more creative projects.
August 29th, 2012
I'm here and have managed to post everyday since I joined but have only been working one job as its been the summer holidays - back to two in a week's time and determined to remain a daily regular - let's see!
August 29th, 2012
I know the feeling, @plainjaneandnononsense... I've been on 1/2 time during my first month, let's see if I've improved my shooting focus and editing process efficiently enough to manage shooting *and* working 2 SEO agency gigs.
August 30th, 2012
I'm present!

I've been here since the start of January. Every photo uploaded was taken on the day, no fillers! Its hard work fitting it all in around work, study and family some days, but so worth while and such a great learning experience!
August 30th, 2012
I'm present quite a bit, but sometimes life is too busy to keep up with the project. I really enjoy the people here.
August 30th, 2012
I am...since April 2010...LOVE it here..don't want to leave...the people are just awesome =)
August 30th, 2012
@aleksandra that's so good...I am on daily but have used fillers as life and shift work sometimes got in my way!
August 30th, 2012
August 30th, 2012
almost done with year 2 :D
August 30th, 2012
Me - and I love it :-)
August 30th, 2012
This article by Laurie Higgins, @lauriehiggins, a freelance writer for the Cape Cod Times, was printed in the paper last year, and was also posted on this site in November. She's taking a bit of a break from the project now, but her article is worth reading. It's amazing to see how many people - both active and inactive are on this site. What I find more amazing is the percentage of people who actually finish the project. I've sent this to a few of my friends who are very near to finishing their projects, just to let them know that they're in the 2.5% - quite an accomplishment!
August 30th, 2012
@sparkleplenty1 Now I don't feel so bad. I passed my 365th photo, but I don't consider it a "finished project" because I didn't do it in 365 straight days. It took me closer to 18 months. But now that I know I'm not in the minority, it actually gives me motivation to keep going, and I guess in some weird sense, it's okay if I never finish, in the true sense of putting up one photo every day for 365 days in a row.
August 30th, 2012
August 31st, 2012
One time a few years ago we did a count. The first person responded with 1, the next with 2, etc. I do not remember what it ended at.
August 31st, 2012
@cirasj well done!
August 31st, 2012
still active, will finish my first year in 10 days :)
August 31st, 2012
@peeliks, mazal tov!
August 31st, 2012
@peeliks That's great. I am stopping after 1000 days, which is in 27 days. I just may go to the end of the month.
August 31st, 2012
@sparkleplenty1 That is a great article - thanks for posting it! :)
August 31st, 2012
This is my second year, so much I enjoy about 365...
August 31st, 2012
I'm here, a little over halfway through my first year! Absolutely love the project :) I struggle sometimes with posting every day but I don't have any fillers this year .. even if the pics are terrible I still put them up :P
August 31st, 2012
Great to hear, @steviemichelle, I wondered about what I now know to be fillers, and I have extended respect for those who shoot and edit daily (@cromwell, you're exempt, keep the Star Wars shots coming).
I'm staring down the barrel of a week (or even month) long project of setting up my pro site, and have been struggling with the idea of a Retro week/month where I apply my current processing skills to my top photos going back 15 years or so, for incorporation into the new site. I know the 365 Project is what we each decide to make of it, but I feel intrepidation about 'breaking the seal'. How have others addressed this internally?
August 31st, 2012
I'm here on my first year too... have so far managed one photo every day, taken on the day, with no fillers, but is has been tough some days and I have loads of bad photos!
August 31st, 2012

2.5% and 1.5% carry on beyond that!!! I suddenly feel quite happy.
August 31st, 2012
im here as my first year. Been here since June 1st is when i started
August 31st, 2012
put whatever you want on Cameron. If 2.5% succeed I'm guessing the ones who get hung up on a photo a day strictly taken every day are among the 97.5%
August 31st, 2012
am still here
September 1st, 2012
@sparkleplenty1 Great article. Thank you for sharing.
September 1st, 2012
Hi! I just started the 365 on July 22nd. I am enjoying the site so far.
September 1st, 2012
I am!!!!
September 7th, 2012
I've been here since the middle of May. No fillers so far. I love browsing all the photos. I am learning a lot .. and many of my daily photos are not life shattering, but I am taking them each day. This is a super group.
September 7th, 2012
I joined in December 2010, but can't seem to keep it going for more than a few months in a row before I burn out, ha! I do love it though, and I have learned so much, which was the real goal. It's a great community and so inspiring to see everyone else's photographs too.
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