What's in a name?

September 5th, 2012
Hello all. Hope you're all well, and having fun snapping the next great photo. So the other day I couldn't think of a title for a photo I posted and aptly named it "Can't think of a good title." Original right?
Then it occurred to me, does the title matter? Does naming a photo enhance it, ruin it, or make no change at all? Tell me what you think.
And while your at it, post a photo where you think the title makes the capture. Whether it was dramatic, uplifting, or even humorous.
Thanks. :)
September 5th, 2012
This photo was uninspiring, but I thought the title definitely added to it.
"Planko the Assassin"
September 5th, 2012
I think that the name is everything. Or at least very important. I have the most fun coming up with the names.
September 5th, 2012
'Do these shoes make me look fat?'

My cat seems to have a obsession to laying on my stuff, and she is pretty big. I tend to take ALOT of pictures of animals and the title will probably end up as what I think they would say :P x
September 5th, 2012
@amandalomonaco Same here. Sometimes I think a photo speaks more then words, but most times, the title adds to it. Naming in itself is a sorta mini challenge for me. How to come up with 365 titles. What was your personal favorite Amanda? Post it if you can, would love to see it.
September 5th, 2012
@raggleroo Thats pretty funny Rachael. Great capture too. Thanks. :)
September 5th, 2012
I personally don't like to attach names or desciptions to all my photos because it does indeed sway the viewer. Some of my pictures are not meant to be literal but whatever the viewer wants to see without me planting a seed to sway their opinion. However, there are people who insist on knowing what they are looking at and don't like not knowing. So, for them, I keep it as brief as possible. ;-)

Here is one of those cases. It's a picture of the August 31st blue moon. Most people know the moon isn't really blue but there are also plenty of people who don't. So, I thought I gave it a title that would let people know it was not really blue but that I had edited it to appear so, in honor of the blue moon. There was a point in the comments that I wasn't sure if people understood that or not, so I mentioned it. Even after I mentioned it, there was some question. What do you think?

Today's Moon Brought To You By The Color Selenium
September 5th, 2012
An interesting photo tells a story (most of the time), so I think a title is very important because it's part of the story. To me posting a photo with no title or with IMG_5749 for a title is as if the person had thrown a pic on here without finishing the work. "can't think of a title" is different because people can help suggesting something.
However, I, too, have hard time finding a good title for some pics. Sometimes I think of a title immediately when I see the pic, sometimes I can't think of something original :-)
September 5th, 2012
When I usually upload mine straight from the camera on a public computer (and obviously can't save it) then I tend to keep the image number as the title.
September 5th, 2012
I think a fun unique title is very improtant and does add another eliment or dynamic to the photo. I think it really lends to the mindset and what the photographer felt when he/she snapped the photo.
September 5th, 2012
If there's a title, it will make a difference, because the name of a photo tells the world what you think your shot is all about, in a nutshell.

That's how I name my shots anyway. I look at it and think, okay, what's my subject saying to me? And if that draws a blank, I go the other way and think, okay, what do I want to say to my subject?

And so yesterday's shot was "Mr Weird, I'm Flabbergasted To Meet You!" XD
September 5th, 2012
I consider photography an extension of my art and just as I would name a painting I name those pieces that I single out as being amongst the best of my work, thats not to say I name all my photos (as a painter would not name all their preliminary sketches.) just those that I think deserve a title

Speed Demon
September 5th, 2012
Sometimes I write a humorous title, mainly because the photo is ordinary, but I want viewers to see the photo the way I did.

The following photo is a clear example of that, entitled,

Flight BF25, you are cleared for take off

September 5th, 2012
I think naming and labeling a shot is at least half the charm! Sometimes, I like that part better than the photo! I am very often thinking of the title even before I snap the shot!

September 5th, 2012
"yada, yada, yada. . ."

September 5th, 2012
Sometimes I add a title as it helps to show the viewer what I was thinking when I saw the image as in this one:-
Mickey Mouse ears

But sometimes I just let the image tell the story itself, either because I think that is all that is needed or because I can't think of an appropriate title so feel that it is best left blank rather than put something that doesn't make sense.
September 5th, 2012
@lyno now that title really made me laugh so was an asset !!
September 5th, 2012
Names add more than they detract. Although sometimes I use the first cliche name that pops into my head, and those probably detract. :)

Aaron @grizzlysghost is great with names. Here's a good example of a photo that was enhanced by, perhaps dependent upon, the name:

"Modern Daisy"

September 5th, 2012
I like names and have fun trying to come up with them. This is one I named Bokeh-Cola.
September 5th, 2012
anytime I do a Tabasco bottle, the title is integral to the shot, such as this one... Hot Pocket
September 5th, 2012
and sometimes, when you combine the right photo with the right title and the right description, you get a very lively conversation going that has everyone laughing so hard they cry, like with this one, titled "Can You Hear Me Now" and the description "girl, you so loud my eyes can hear you!"
September 5th, 2012
I love the titles. It just adds another dimension to the photo. Also I noticed that a title, description, camera ID and exif info was all a part of the National Geographic photo exhibit at the Smithsonian. I was leaning in to see just that. (Those little exhibit cards are so small)

The photos were tremendous, but the other pieces gave me a complete perspective.

While a photo should stand on its own, titles and descriptions let you know how the photographer saw it.
September 5th, 2012
@swguevin "While a photo should stand on its own, titles and descriptions let you know how the photographer saw it. "

Agreed! Though I myself have a hard time coming up with non-cheesy titles for my photos.
September 5th, 2012
Yep, I think it depends on what you are trying to accomplish with titling the photo. There are many arguements out there for both sides, but the biggest agreement is that whatever you choose to do affects how the photograph impacts the viewer.

If you are looking to share the impact on yourself, then you are likely going to title the photo with something that is going to tell the viewer what it is that you see. This definitely impacts what the viewer sees since they are now going to be looking for what you saw in the change which changes their story of what they see when they first look at the shot.

If you are wanting the viewer to tell their own story of the photograph and what is happening in it, then you are likely going to leave the title off. This allows the image to solely speak for itself without any influence from the photographer. However, this decision does not allow you as the photographer to share the impact it had on you, but you get to see and hear what others see that you may not have seen or intended when taking the shot.

I am still on the fence myself. I enjoy titling my photographs, but I have also given bad titles that led the viewer away from the actual impact of the photo, but this hasn't stopped me. In my street shots I am leaning toward not titling the shots any longer and letting the photograph stand on its own as I enjoy hearing what the viewer experiences without my two cents.
September 5th, 2012
That's tough to pick one. I think that my titles and my words are more my strength than the photos. I want to get skilled enough for them to match. Here is one from earlier in the year that was just a good reminder to me:

The title was: Stop: Look Around...Beauty is EVERYWHERE!

September 5th, 2012
And here is one more from recently:

You are Getting Sleepy...

September 5th, 2012
And just one more for good measure because it was my only photo of the year with just a title and no words. It was one of my funniest shots to date (I thought).

Beer Goggles

September 5th, 2012
I don't general name my images. I am part of my local camera club and for the competitions the photos need to be named. Sometimes I find this hard to come up with a name that will do the photo justice. Depending on the photo I do like to make my title slightly comical.

This one is called solitude -

This one is 'Rocking out'

September 5th, 2012
For me, who loves to play with words anyway - it's part of the fun. It's another way I amuse myself. I also add a quote.
I prefer photos with a name or text rather than just the number out the camera. For me it means the photographer has connected with their own pic and not distanced themselves from it. But then, people must do whatever floats their boat. It's their project. @jsw0109 Agree with Jeff... some titles can really get an interesting response!


September 5th, 2012
But, but, but, I wanted to be a ballerina.
September 5th, 2012
I think if the photo is ordinary or boring we can improve it with a good caption and elevate it a little. If the photo is amazing, it will speak for itself and the caption isnt overly relevant.
September 5th, 2012
@rockinrobyn Wow, thanks Robyn! You Rock! :)
September 5th, 2012
@lisjam1 Ohhhhh, that is brilliant! You had better (c) that right nao or I'm gonna steal it! ;-)
September 5th, 2012
@thebluegnu "Flush-trated!" You had better (c) that too! Awesome! :)
September 5th, 2012

Drinking buddies
September 6th, 2012
Let it bee

September 6th, 2012
I think titles are fun. I usually give one. I think they add to the effect.
September 6th, 2012

September 6th, 2012
@thebluegnu Now that is clever...
September 6th, 2012

I love naming my pics! It's part of the process for me.
This one I called "Sometimes We Feel Bloated and Hairy"
September 6th, 2012
@shirljess I agree, I think the name is part of the art of a photo...as each of my photos is a piece of me. If someone else loved the photo and not the name they could feel whatever they wanted, but the name I give it is a piece of me. I think what people name their photos is also a peek into their personality...showing their humor or likes and dislikes if it is a quote from a book or a movie. A name can also capture a mood
September 6th, 2012
@grizzlysghost I do that a lot...think of a name for a photo and then realize I better take the shot quick :D
September 7th, 2012
@jules88 I too have a Solitude...and I probably would have come up with the same notion even without that title.

I find it hard to come up with names too, but somehow feel compelled to title them. Most I have done are pretty obvious, rarely I do do the thing by having the viewer see what I saw.
September 7th, 2012
@amandalomonaco @raggleroo @dmortega @scatcat @la_photographic @shirljess @myautofocuslife @asrai @webfoot @grizzlysghost @lyno @stoat @rockinrobyn @lisjam1 @jsw0109 @swguevin @ladyjane @trbo @jules88 @thebluegnu @cookie123 @monika64 @httpgeffed @manek43509 @sharritta @kamb @hopess13 @kimdelee

Wanted to thank you all for joining in on the discussion. Sorry it took so long to get back. Been one of those weeks. I appreciate all of your comments and photos. Brilliant. Your insight, humor and passions for photography and this art is humbling to me. Thank you. :)
September 7th, 2012
I like picking out titles for my photos...I get a certain satisfaction when I hit on the "right" one. But, honestly, for most photos I don't think I'd notice if they didn't have a title...it's just a fun extra bit of creativity! :)
Here's my most recent photo:
"When the Lightning Hits Just Right"
September 7th, 2012

Because I loved that scene in the film "Dark Shadows" :-) I knew the title in the moment I took the photo
September 7th, 2012

Read this title somewhere, I wish it was my idea ;-)
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