Anyone else has email notifications turned off?

October 19th, 2012
Two reasons why I'm asking. One, it seems that no one else has email notifications turned off except me. I really don't want to think I'm that weird! I can't be the only one, right? Two, I just saw a comment by one 365er asking another if she was being ignored despite her dedicating one of her photos to him. (And tagging him a couple of times.)

I've had email notifications turned off since Day 1. It's nothing personal, I do this for every site or forum that I'm on, not just 365. I have limited time online, I don't want my email box to be stuffed with notices.

When I'm on 365, I do click on "Recent Notifications", so I do see them when I'm online. But, mostly, I don't respond because I know most of them are thank-you messages. (I appreciate these but I'd rather spend my time looking at more photos and maybe commenting on them than seeing dozens of thank-you messages.)

Sometimes, I see that someone has tagged me for something other than a thank-you message, and I respond. But I've probably missed some of these too.

I guess what I really want to say is, I'm not ignoring anyone on purpose, I just don't receive email notifications. And I do state this very clearly on my profile page! XD

October 19th, 2012
Haha, I wouldn't worry about it one bit Livia, you're awesome! Even with email notifications ON I miss a lot too! I do like getting the notifications though, that's why I have them on. But facebook groups? Forget about it, that's the first thing I turn off! :)
October 19th, 2012
Mine are turned off too.
October 19th, 2012
Mine are off too Livia :)
October 19th, 2012
Mine are off too Livia. Like you, I check the notifications when I'm online, but do admittedly miss some sometimes as well. We're only human and there are only so many hours in each day!
October 19th, 2012
@bluefirebucket @tigerdreamer @aleksandra Yay, I'm not alone! XD I feel less weird now. 8D

@grizzlysghost Thank you, Aaron. 8)
October 19th, 2012
Mine have always been off.
October 19th, 2012
Mine are off too. I probably check here more than my email.
Sometimes I miss things too or see them on my phone (hate typing on my phone) and forget to come back to them.
October 19th, 2012
On when Im at home off when I'm on holidays. I still miss stuff too.
October 19th, 2012
Looks like many more people than I'd thought at first have email notifications turned off! 8D

October 19th, 2012
Yeah I also have mine turned off as I check online just about every day to see what is happening so don't feel bad at all :)
October 19th, 2012
I turned mine off, too, a long time ago. I have a related, but inconsequential, question. I tried to set my notifications where I would get notice of favs, which are much less frequent than comments for me, thinking that would be a reasonable compromise. But, even though I marked the box for Fav notification, I never get it. Which is ok, just curious if anyone else has that experience.
October 19th, 2012
I'm totally in your camp Livia, I turned off email notification on day 2 and rely on the Dashboard and the Notifications. I try to comment on all of the postings of the people I follow and likewise try to respond to all comments. But when I'm away from home, all bets are off. I do what I can and have a standard line saying I'm sorry if I missed anyone.
October 19th, 2012
@rockinrobyn That's interesting, I never knew you could choose to be notified of specific updates. Maybe ask Ross why it hasn't worked?
October 19th, 2012
Ace members have that final notification question asking whether to receive emails about favs. I would bug Ross if it bothered me, but it doesn't. I was just idly curious. :)
October 19th, 2012
Mine are turned off! I check all my notifications when i click onto my project! Im not a big e-mailer though...:) @myautofocuslife
October 19th, 2012
if i got the number of comments that you do Livia i would probably have them off too but i havn't bothered as I rarely get more than a handful a day :) but 98% of the time i delete them without reading them anyway, lol
October 19th, 2012
@rockinrobyn I've set mine up the same as you for Fav's and don't get them either. It doesn't bother me too much either but I suppose if you switch email notifications off it must override the option of getting Fav emails.
October 19th, 2012
when you get "mentioned in a discussion" you don't get notified anyway I don't think, so you have to browse back to catch these. I have mine turned on and they get diverted straight to a 365 folder so they don't interrupt my normal everyday mails...and you're right this box is normally huge to my normal incoming!
October 19th, 2012
Mine are also off. I just look for the little red notification thingy
October 19th, 2012
Mine are also off, just like Janelle, I look at the red thingy. I don't really check my email, so it woul just take up unnecessary space!

You are not weird, Livia! :D
October 19th, 2012
You can tell by the notifications on 365, you don't really need it in your e-mail, if you don't want it. You are fine!! I don't send "thank-you's" but I always reciprocate by looking and commenting if someone visited my page.
October 19th, 2012
Mine is turned off since Day 1. I check 365 and send comments through my iPhone.
October 19th, 2012
there is some problem going on with the site. many people are not able to upload so it is not just email notifications. i have not been able to upload since last tuesday. get an error message. have tried every way possible. have emailed ross but know from reading thread it is hitting many.
October 19th, 2012
I have turned notifications off too. When I have time to visit a site, I visit it and check my notifications. It is fun to receive them and to respond as much as I can. I like to use my e-mail for different kind of correspondence...
I rather use my time viewing the photos of people commenting my work than reading thank you notes, although I love it, when people find something interesting to say about my comment, so basically I try to read all my notifications, but I also miss some...
So Livia, I think there are some super people here, who never seem to miss a post and always reply with kind thanks, but most of us seem to have similar approach as you. And I personally feel, you are doing great job viewing and commenting, thank you :)
October 19th, 2012
I've had my email turned off since day 1 also, I always look at the red button thingy and enjoy reading any comments there and respond to comments that are particularly interesting or require an answer. However, I have stopped sending thank you notes for comments, like others above, I would rather spend my time on 365 looking at all the wonderful photos and sending comments on them.
October 19th, 2012
Mine have also been off since day 1. Since the box turns red when there's a notification....I check there. I look at all the comments but don't do individual thank you's as I don't have the time to do that .... instead I say thank you in my photo description.
October 19th, 2012
I do not receive emails, nor do I read through "thanks" notifications. If I didn't think they appreciated getting comments I wouldn't have made them in the first place. i'm happy to respond to specific questions or comments tho, and hopefully i don't miss too many of those.
October 19th, 2012
Looks like you are not on your own. Offity-off-off here too, as I spend too much time sifting through emails and not responding to those. :) But I check notifications here when I see they have them and will respond if it is necessary.
October 19th, 2012
I turned off the email notifications as soon as I started getting more than two comments on my photos.
October 19th, 2012
Mine are on, but I miss stuff sometimes too.
October 19th, 2012
I have email notifications turned off. Each day when I post a new shot I go back through recent activity on the home page, going as far back as the preceding shot that I posted. I then go through the comments on the previous day's shot that I posted. I prefer to give individual thanks to anyone who has commented, but I fully understand that this is too time consuming, particularly for those of you who get lots of comments. I probably still miss a few things, but I o try hard to review everything
October 19th, 2012
I turned the email notificiations off a few months into the project. I was really struggling to keep up replying to every single comment. Not that I don't want to reply, but since starting a new job there is just not enough time in a day to do so. It was either cutting back on the comments or giving up the project altogether.
October 19th, 2012
Off here. Just go the red thingo on each visit.
October 20th, 2012
Thank you, everyone! (I'm not tagging any of you for this reply. We're all short on time here! ;D ) Wow, I had no idea so many people have email notifications turned off. Now I don't feel so weird anymore! 8D
October 20th, 2012
that reminds me... I need to change the setting and turn the email notifications of comments to off... they're taking over my inbox LOL
October 20th, 2012
Mine are on. It's my morning thing...drink tea and read comments. I really wish we'd be notified of mentions, I seem to miss a lot of those!
October 21st, 2012
@shutterbugger Yes I'm the same! It's what I do when I'm coming 'round first thing :) Its lovely to start the day reading something nice!
I thought we were notified (red box) of mentions in discussions?
When I come to the site I check the red box too of course and read the other comments. I've tried to turn off the 'someone has fave'd your photo' email thinking I'll pick it up anyway, but the box is ignoring me. Heigh ho.
@myautofocuslife Hunny we're all a bit weird here!! It's why we get on so well... :)
October 21st, 2012
@filsie65 nice isn't it!! Red box is good...but I wish mentions were mailed as well
October 21st, 2012
I think it is a personnal thing as you say based on time constraints; you have always made a point of asking people to not tag you in thank you's:0) You're not weird though. Congrat on T20, I will be checking out your shots during thisweek; holiday was amazing:0))
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