Lack of inspiration

October 24th, 2012
Hi guys.

I am away from the site for a while.
I have seen several topics about this subject, but anyway, here it goes.
I am tired of photographing the same things.

I went to most commonly photographed places of my city and now everywhere i look seem uninspiring. No place seem to really atract me in the daily basis. I cannot go to different places all the time.

Most of my routine is not inspiring me to take photos and carry my camera with me.
What would you do to get a new perspective, to overcome the boredness?

Nowadays nothing seems to challenge me enough. I guess that is the whole point.
I need the thrill of trying a challenging idea.

Any hint?
October 24th, 2012
there is a new challenge called mundane here....the current one is photographing a toothbrush...I find it sort of refreshing to take a moment and see what you can do with a simple every day object
October 24th, 2012
You might be inspired by taking "100" portraits of strangers, by speaking with the person to learn about them and try to capture it with your photo

Or come up with a title first, then create the photo

Or Scavenger Hunt for every day of the month with predetermined items

I hope that inspires you
October 24th, 2012
option 1 - put your camera down for a few days and don't worry about it... chances are your muse will resurface before long and away you go...

option 2 - keep carrying and keep shooting... chances are your muse will resurface before long and away you go... ;p

option 3 - give yourself a challenge or a problem to solve and go at it... @loztsoul mentioned the toothbrush challenge and @paige3 mentioned the 100 strangers project... it doesn't matter what you pick... just focus on making the best photography out of it... if your at a loss for ideas and haven't the time to do "get pushed", go check out some of the results and see if that gives you any ideas...

most of all, don't stress it!
October 24th, 2012
I get like you sometimes. I work ridiculously long hours, and during the work week, can only shoot things I see along my drive to work and back. It can make for the same scenery day after day after day... to help keep my creative juices inspired I check out the numerous challenges we have going on here. It helps me break up the doldrums and helps me focus on specific things.

Don't give up and don't despair. This happens to a lot of us. It's part of the ebb and flow of our development. Always keep your camera with you though, because the one time you don't, that's when an inspiring shot will present itself...Murphy's Law!
October 24th, 2012
@gabrielklee same here, just no inspiration at the moment. I will try getting into the challenges again, the get pushed challenge and the street photography challenges are good ones to make me think about my photography but at the moment I'm not excited by my photography....I'm sure it will come back :)
October 24th, 2012
Those uninspired days, weeks, etc. happen to every photographer. Like the others I find the challenges keep you thinking about something new each day. There's usually a monthly list challenge which is good if you're looking for different ideas. I also enjoy creating a challenge. It's been fun to see who joins in and what they do with it. My current challenge is Either Or October which has an "O" word or it's opposite to choose from each day. One of my own personal challenges is what I call the 30 second challenge. I choose a room and a genre (color, b/w or sepia) then walk in and see what I can shoot in 30 seconds. The idea is to get me thinking quickly and freely. Some pretty fun and creative shots come out that way. I have not done the Get Pushed challenge yet, but that sounds like a good one for you because the person you're paired with chooses a goal for you to reach that week. The best thing to do is to keep at it and not to worry about the low inspiration. It will come back in time. Photographers go through cycles just like the seasons.
October 24th, 2012
take pics at a different time to usual, the light is different in the early morning and evening - it may give you a new perspective on the "ordinary" things you see.!
October 24th, 2012
@olivetreeann Ann I really like your 30 second idea. I may well have to use it!
@gabrielklee setting yourself a challenge is a great way to help over come the lack of inspiration. Another thing I've tried is going through my favs and seeing if I can recreate one. Also try something new or out of your comfort zone.
October 24th, 2012
Normally if I'm running out of inspiration, I change lenses! Usually have a 10-20 or a 17-85 on my body - when i'm running low on ideas I switch to either my 100mm or my 50mm which forces me to look at the same scenes in a different way...sometimes challenges help - the get pushed one is great (there are hundreds of others on here...) or checking back through your favs and taking a shot you really like of someone elses and seeing what you can do to recreate in your own style. We all go through the ups and downs...before you know it you'll be on a roll again!
October 24th, 2012
Hi :) I've only been here a few days, and had an incredible response when I asked a similar question!

I would say - take the advice of the people on here! Look through the pics on that thread and have a look through other people's pictures. You'll be surprised what can inspire a good picture I think :)
October 24th, 2012
I go through cycles of being uninspired and then motivated. When I am uninspired, I try to visit one of my favorite places to photograph. If I don't have the time for this, I try one of these things: try to find something different, shoot from a different perspective, shoot one subject from various angles, shoot at various points in the day, try to photograph something ordinary and make it seem special and/or pretty, .... I love the ideas in this thread. These ideas will be great when I am uninspired next time.
October 24th, 2012
"I have seen several topics about this subject, but anyway, here it goes."

Did you read those topics? There are lots of ideas which people have shared, some repeatedly. Not sure what you want to hear that may be different.

My only suggestion would be to join a local photo group, online and in real life. Get out with others. This will help you to see things differently in real time. Check out
October 24th, 2012
@loztsoul ---- Ha! There is something for everyone here, isn't there? ;-)
October 24th, 2012
A change of scenery always does it for me. Take a different way home from work. Ride a bicycle around town. You'd be amazed at all the cool little interesting things you miss when driving a car.
October 24th, 2012
@dmortega lol yup :)
October 24th, 2012
I know that I used to drive and search for a landscape shot but its when my wife actually started walking and hiking you notice all the little things...some of my more popular photo's have been the amazingly unnoticed small things composed creatively
October 24th, 2012
a few different ideas: similar to the mundane one, but its something I do frequently when I start to get bored.... 1) pick something you see all the time and find a way to shoot it in a way that makes it interesting and/or compelling. One of my more popular shots was a shot of a fire hydrant. 2) Go totally random. Just walk around and don't even bother bringing your viewfinder up to your eye. Just randomly snap photos - lots of them. You'd be surprised, but you'll always get at least one really interesting shot, which of course gets you to start looking at your surroundings in a new light. 3) Try a single subject challenge. Do a week long series of shots of the same thing, but find a different way to shoot it each time.
October 25th, 2012
@jsw0109 oh I agree...I can't tell you how many times I return to a place I think I have played out and walk away with fresh shots I am very pleased with!
October 25th, 2012
I've had a long stretch of crappy photos of nothing. the world around me seemed very uninspiring. It was tough to come on 365 and see everyone's AMAZING shots when I've been shooting crap. Yesterday I drove a new way home from my son's practice and I remembered a fun spot where I'd shot over a portrait over a year ago. Went back and it was amazing and different without a model and in a new season. Reminded me that "oh, yeah, I LIKE photography" Hope you rediscover what you like about it for yourself!
October 25th, 2012
I think we all have times when we feel uninspired and don't know what to shoot. At one time, I set myself my own challenge - I tried to shoot one colour a week, for example I took photos featuring a particular colour, e.g. green for a whole week, yellow for a whole week and it made me really look around for things to shoot, not just outside but within the home as well. There are lots of good ideas here so I'm sure you won't feel uninspired for long!
October 26th, 2012
Hi Gabriel. I know what you mean, you could join us with this callenge:
October 26th, 2012
October 27th, 2012
Thank you all for the support. I really need to go after different things to try. I just need to be more open. I will keep that in mind.
November 18th, 2012
Hi Everyone
I hope the admins dont mind me posting this here...
i have just released a series of Photography Assignment Generator Apps on the Apple App store that may help you out with your challenge! I know how difficult at 365 challenge is, and even when you just want to come up with something interesting to shoot.

With the apps, you can choose from a list of over one hundred individual assignments, or have the app choose one for you. There are also hundreds of thousands of potential assignments with the random objects, place, techniques, and scavenger hunt. Each assignment has a series of example image(over 700 images in the app) to demonstrate the assignment.
You can set up a daily reminder as well so the app will help keep you inspired and on track!

There are three versions:
-The full version for SLR/Advanced Point and Shoot photographer
-A version tailored to those who shoot with their iphone/ipod touches
-the free version that lets you try it out!

An ipad version is currently under development, will follow with android.

You can find more info on the apps here:

If anyone has any questions/comments, please contact me at
Thanks, I hope you check them out and I hope they can inspire you!
Noel Chenier
November 18th, 2012
oh, here is the link to the app store:

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