Got Sick...Missed About Two Weeks of Shots...What is the protocol?

October 24th, 2012
Hey 365 audience! I was doing really well on my project - only a few fillers but shooting daily and uploading my shots.

About two weeks ago, I contracted pneumonia and have been in bed...inhalers, antibiotics and hacking "Oh My!" I couldn't shoot.

This leaves me with a big gaping hole in my project calendar. I committed to this, and am going to keep going forward. What is the protocol for these missed shots? Should I just "fill in" shots as I take them? Maybe take a few shots each day, and upload one current and one filler? Just skip them and get over it? Give it all up and sell my gear on ebay and retire in disgrace?

I've read here that some people hate lots of fillers being uploaded and think its cheating. Others think it's just fine as long as you don't upload too many at one time. What do you think?

Thanks in advance,

October 24th, 2012
Sounds like you've been going through it! I hope you're feeling better now :o) This is your project and it's up to you how you deal with it. I personally don't like gaps so I fill in with other shots I like and haven't had room to use before. Sometimes I know that I've taken so many in one day that I'll use them as fillers for the following week and won't even pick up my camera. As for uploading a lot in one go, I think it's better to perhaps upload two at a time until you're back up to speed. HTH x
October 24th, 2012
I understand exactly what you mean. I was completely dedicated to my project last year - so much so that when I went into hospital to have major spinal surgery I still took a photo a day from my hospital bed with my compact camera! They were dreadful shots, but I am glad I took them.

However, this year I am much more lax, and if I miss a few days (ok, a lot of days) I just backfill with photos as and when I take them.

I think the problem that people have is when someone uploads their back catalogue in one go. It floods the recent page and, for anyone following them, it floods your feed as well. Most people will only upload 2 or 3 photos a day to keep from annoying people, as well as to give their shots as much exposure as they can.

Ultimately, though, it is your project, and you can do what you like within the bounds of your own rules. If your rules permit you to have a sick period, then fine. If you are allowed to use fillers, then also fine :)
October 24th, 2012
like others have said its your project your rules there are no 365 police to make sure you are doing it right because there is no one way of doing it right. :)
October 24th, 2012
I just don't want to get anyone upset. I play to win, and I don't like "cheaters". I didn't want to be a cheater, but like @psychographer, I don't like gaps...

Thank you @psychographer @cally @asrai
October 24th, 2012
I'm ill quite a lot and don't always get the opportunity to shoot every day, so for that reason alone I use fillers.. ....I personally try to only load about 2 at a time and leave long hours between doing so but as long as its your photography then do what feels right for you. I joined this project to challenge myself yes, but also to learn from others and admire their work, I don't ever worry whether they took the shot that day or a year ago really.....if it catches my eye and I like it then great! Hope you feel much better now :0)
October 25th, 2012
There is no protocol. Fill in the spaces or just move forward from here. It doesn't matter to anyone but you.
October 25th, 2012
@dmortega lol! Love it!
October 25th, 2012
"I just don't want to get anyone upset. I play to win, and I don't like "cheaters". I didn't want to be a cheater, but like @psychographer, I don't like gaps..."

FWIW; No one can cheat here. You make your own rules for your project. So, do we all. If someone does get upset, tell them to go work on their own project.

If you are compelled to not leave space but not post a picture, fill in the spaces with something like .... These spots left intentionally blank. ;-)
October 25th, 2012
Hahahah!! I added a couple of lines. ;-)
October 25th, 2012
Hope ou are feeling better. It's you project, so you get to make the rules. I'm on my second year, so I just post when I feel like it now. On my first year I filled in the blanks. I hated having holes.
October 25th, 2012
Hope you are feeling better. Someone on another thread suggested uploading one in the morning, one around lunch(if you can) and one in the evening until you are caught up. I don't see anything wrong with fillers. The idea is to get out there a take pictures when you can.
October 25th, 2012
@thomastoth I drop off this project from being busy to blue to sidetracked...I post ahead...I fall behind intentionally...your project...your rules...we all abide by our own take on this and respect others...:)
October 25th, 2012
October 25th, 2012
I think this is your project and you should carry on! I also think you should do whatever you want to with your empty spots!

Glad you are feeling better!
October 25th, 2012
@thomastoth Well I'm pleased that you're better! As everyone says, it's your project, you can do as you please. I would hate to leave a gap (and not finish a year from starting) and would fill those gaps soon so that the season is about right. Can you remember anything you did in particular on those 'absent' days, and replicate it. or use 'best of the rest' photos from just before / just after the gap? Otherwise treat yourself to a trip out and get some fresh air and great shots now. Take it easy and enjoy it.
October 25th, 2012
As has already been stated, it's your project and hence your rules! I was lucky enough to be able to take a shot a day and completed my year without using a filler! I know some who take a whole bunch of shots and then post 2 or 3 at a time to fill the week. You just work out what is best for you. One piece of advice though is not to upload too many in one go.
October 25th, 2012
As so many others have said, it is your project, so there can be no question of 'cheating' or upsetting anyone if you back-fill, as long as you avoid excessive mass uploads which totally block the 'latest' page and the front pages of all your followers, to the disadvantage of other users whose work is pushed off the page.

I am a great believer in using 'fillers' rather than throw good stuff away because the day's quota has been exceeded, or rushing into print with something that does not please me, just for the sake of posting 'same day', but only post them one of two at a time to avoid blockage.

October 25th, 2012
there are plenty of people that don't mind fillers. don't ask, don't tell!
October 25th, 2012
Put fillers in, there are no 365 police here to come after you.

Glad you are back and better :)
October 25th, 2012
its up to you, i hate gaps in mine so sometimes will take 3-4 in one day and upload them for the next days as fillers if i know i'm not going out or my ME is playing up.
October 25th, 2012
Lisa Pouncy said it so well that I didn't even take time to read the rest of the comments because that's exactly how I feel. This is your project to photograph whatever you want --- daily, fillers, whatever. There's really no one you need to please and like Mags said, no 365 police around to tell you what to do and pooh on any one if they feel differently ;-) I hope you feel better real soon and that's the main thing to concentrate on for now. Good luck and hang in there on your project.
October 26th, 2012
I'm not able to take my camera for the moment due to a stiff neck, so I use fillers and sometimes I download several photos in the same hour.... It doesnt matter I used to think and say it is my project and my rules ;)
Not a big deal but, I always try to see photos of people who ae taking time to comment mine, just a question of respect ! And also because I love it !
I hope you feel better, take care !
October 26th, 2012
@cocobella @kmrtn6 @boogie @msk1p2 @wordpixman @salza @filsie65 @sharritta Thank you!

I am going to take a new pic, and then fill in one of the old ones every day. That way, I continue to shoot and I fill in those empty holes without killing my home page or my followers home page.

Thanks a bunch!
October 26th, 2012
Oh my- pneumonia that's tough!! Do not retire in disgrace! Do fill in the blanks. As Lisa said, this is your project. Fill them in as you see fit. It's really up to you. Some folks are purists and that's ok. I am not. I will sometimes take several good shots on a given day and I save them for those times I can't shoot or have no inspiration. One thing I have learned though- when you have a lot of photos to upload it is definitely better to do a little at a time. People don't like going through lots of photos in one sitting, but it is also hard to respond to all the comments when you put more than 3 photos up in one day. Some my "rule" is to post the current day, one in my second album and then 1 "make-up" shot. I do that until all the spots get filled in. Once in a while I will post more but when I do, I write in my commentary that I do not expect or want people to comment on the make-up shot. I hope you continue to recover from your bout with pneumonia and am sending well wishes your way.
October 26th, 2012
@thomastoth I'm with the person who said don't upload a pile of shots at once. If I see a lot of shots from one person I'm following, I don't really have the stamina to look and comment on all of them, so that person is actually missing out. Other than that I agree that you should ENJOY your 365 page! Hope you are really better now.
October 26th, 2012
@quietpurplehaze @olivetreeann Thank you! I've started uploading a few at a time. Thank you everyone for your feedback.
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