Goals for the new year?

December 30th, 2012
Does anyone have any photographic goals for 2013?
December 30th, 2012
upgrade to a Canon EOS 1100D! :) and then: let the fun begin! :D
December 30th, 2012
I want to master some aspect of either my camera, my composition/lighting/etc or my processing each month. So 12 aspects mastered by the end of 2013. I am thinking how to best use my camera for the best DOF/exposure and indoor studio lighting are high on my list
December 30th, 2012
I want to take some great portrait shots and long-exposure night shots, and also buy a fisheye lens and a tripod :)
December 30th, 2012
@sarie - you?? :)
December 30th, 2012
Yeah--I'd like to learn Photoshop Elements better. I'm going to have to take a class or something for that. I'm not doing real well with just the book. LOL

I'd like to learn my camera better as well. I'd also like to make money with my photography, but as much as I love photographing children, I really hate portrait photography. My love is still life photography and I just don't know how to make money with that. LO
December 30th, 2012
I think mine would be to set up a better studio (my cardboard box and upturned table are cool and all, but....), and experiment more with video.
December 31st, 2012
@grizzlysghost LOL cardboard box. It's more than I have. i've seen some excellent photos of what appear to be huge cardboard boxes with one side removed, the inside painted stark white and then one thing placed in it. If I had room and better lighting I'd so try it.
December 31st, 2012
One of mine is to actually complete the 365 project in ONE YEAR :)

I've been here for 2 and really dropped the ball (mainly I think since I got my iPhone and use Instragram all the time).

Also to get my fiance his first DSLR (Or maybe he gets mine and I get a new Nikon ;))

Do a photography course or two, and hopefully be able to look back and see that yep I actually have improved :)
December 31st, 2012
@inara Me too Kim!

One thing I'd like to focus on is getting out more during the golden hours in this beautiful area of the world that I live in.

Set up some sore of work area for the dark days of tax season so I can quickly take late night shots.

Do more of the challenges.
December 31st, 2012
Take better photos :)
December 31st, 2012
@abirkill LOL yes. When I started my project in July of 2011, I wanted my photography to improve....I'm not sure it has as much as I'd like.
December 31st, 2012
Haha @abirkill , I'm not sure how you will manage that; your bar is already set VERY high! :)
December 31st, 2012
To complete my 365. I started on July 1. So, I am half way done today!

To continue to learn and improve my knowledge and skills. I feel like I have already learned a lot in six months. But the more I learn, the more I realize how much more there is to learn.
December 31st, 2012
I did pretty well for year 1. Year 2 was a mess. I'd like to do better for year 3.
December 31st, 2012
take better pictures... learn to use lightroom... be more organized in workflow and file management... get up the guts to actually show people my pictures (apart from family)...
December 31st, 2012
@grizzlysghost You're very kind :)

I do have a tendency to be my own worst critic -- when I look at photos I took 1-2 years ago I am happy to see improvements, but equally, there are a few shots I took 1-2 years ago that I'm still finding hard to beat.

I feel like I need to move to the next level, but I'm not there yet. I can take what I hope are good shots, but I want to be able to take great shots. I'm not quite sure how to get there, though, other than more practise (which is unquestionably needed, but probably isn't on its own the whole answer).
December 31st, 2012
@m9f9l yeah I've realised most of my problem is i am not out when the light is great (early morning or on dusk)< a cos already at work usually and b) on my way home from work.

Need to remedy the work situation with lottery I think LOL>
@northy I was like you and would not show anyone as am worst self critic, but once I showed one person (was actually the Chaplain at my work), as I trusted him to not be "too critical" lol. After that I am now all over FB or deviantart etc. Have gone from someone who always felt my photography was my private world to being happy to share what I see with others (of course the perfectionist in me only shows off the best) :)
December 31st, 2012
@northy We see your photos all of the time Northy... or are you saying we... we are... family?
*tearing up... LOL
December 31st, 2012
I just picked up a camera two years ago so I want to continue to build my skills. I read the following article and think I’m probably “stage 3” so this year I’d like to be firmly in “stage 4” and on the cusp of “stage 5”. Although one day I’d love to have the skills of a professional, I have no desire to earn a living with my camera.

December 31st, 2012
i'd like to learn how to do portraits, and also try to do the 100 strangers project here. it's a lofty goal, i know i'll be lucky if i get 10 during the year. so much to learn, too little time! happy new year, everyone!
December 31st, 2012
@grizzlysghost well... uhm.... yeah! bwa ha haaaaa! ok... you guys have a choice... you can IGNORE my photos ;p
December 31st, 2012
I plan to participate in more outings with my local camera club. I started off 2012 really into my photography and then life got in the way about half way thru the year.
December 31st, 2012
@abirkill I find so many of your shots to be brilliant and I think you bring up a good point... the learning and perfecting of one's craft is a lifelong journey, my goals for the next year is simply to continue to grow technically and artistically
December 31st, 2012
@abirkill @grizzlysghost hear hear ! The bar for both you guys is way up there already
December 31st, 2012
For me its just to find the time to get outdoors !!
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