~ Happy New Year and Apologies ~

January 3rd, 2013
Firstly Happy New Year to all members of 365... Hope its Happy, Healthy and Prosperous!!!

Secondly many apologies to all my followers for my lack of presence over the last month or so... in fact I am so sorry to say I have even lost followers but I cannot blame them....
The last month or so has been pretty awful due many health problems within the family.
Firstly I have had a tooth extraction that has resulted in damage to my sinus lining and this is still an ongoing problem and I am not due to see my dentist until January 16th.
I also put my back out after falling out of bed.... and that resulted in mega painkillers.... thankfully I am back on my feet again.
Then we discovered two lumps on our beloved Basil which had to be removed and thankfully were only fatty lumps...
We lost a very dear friend and neighbour to cancer and that was a very upsetting time for all concerned.....
We have been blighted with illness ~ various nasty viruses etc that are doing the rounds and knocked Christmas off the radar for us all...
Our son developed pneumonia, but is thankfully on the mend and finally today my husband who never has time off work, is home very poorly and finding breathing very difficult... and has he has a heart condition it cannot be taken lightly and so we are off to a doctors appointment this afternoon......

I will however begin to catch up with you all very soon.... I have missed my project which is taking forever to complete because of my various absences ... the longest 365 ever.. lol!!! And above all I have missed all the various friends I have made on 365... So once more apologies to you all.... you have been much missed!!!
Jane xxxx♥xxxxx
January 3rd, 2013
Oh Jane, what a terrible time you have had. I wondered where you had got too. 365 will always be here, just pick back up when you are ready :)
January 3rd, 2013
So sorry to hear of everything you've been going through. I hope 2013 proves to be a better year for you! Can't make up for everyone, but just clicked to follow you so you'll be one up at least :)
January 3rd, 2013
I have sure missed you and hope you all get better soon!! I know how it feels. Big holes in my project due to personal issues as well. :(
January 3rd, 2013
I hope this year is better for you.
January 3rd, 2013
Taking care of yourself and your family is nothing to apologize for! I hope the next 365 days treat you all better.
January 3rd, 2013
Sorry to hear Jane! Not a very good start of the new year... I hope you all get better very soon!
January 3rd, 2013
Goodness! When it rains, it pours! Sending up some prayers for peace, health and comfort in the coming weeks for you and your family!
January 3rd, 2013
In my prayers Jane.
January 3rd, 2013
@onie ~ Leonie so lovely to hear from you and thank you so much for your kind words ♥
@istacy1011 ~ Stacey you are truly a sweetheart... I am so going to enjoy following you, bless your heart! ♥
@elizabeth264 ~ Elizabeth so lovely to hear from you... hoping all is well with you and yours! ♥
@johnnyfrs ~ Bless your heart and thank you.... fingers and toes are crossed!! ♥
@valhamil ~ Bless your heart and thank you so much for your kind words ♥
@mastermek ~ Mek you are truly sweet... thank you so much ♥
@olivetreeann ~ Thank you so much for your prayers they are indeed appreciated.... hopefully things can only get better... it has been a rotten time ♥
@kittikat ~ Bless your heart Kitti.... your prayers mean so much! ♥
January 3rd, 2013
Aah, now I understand! So sorry to hear of all your recent troubles. Let's hope 2013 is a good one for you :0)
January 4th, 2013
Jane... so sorry to hear of your troubles.. I've been away for several months due to a family emergency... do what you can....do for yourself.... and get everyone better!!!
January 4th, 2013
Whew! hope 2013 is the start of wonderful things for you
January 4th, 2013
A pleasant 2013 must be in store for you! Glad to hear from you.
January 5th, 2013
The end of 2012 sure has been a terrible time for you and your family.
I wish you all the best for this year!
January 5th, 2013
Oh my goodness Jane! I wondered where you were ! I am so sorry about all of that! It sounds like mostly, you guys are better now though? I have been going through my friends list to say Happy New Year and had not gotten to your name yet when. Saw you had posted n someone's pic. I followed that link to your wonderful shot of sweet Basil! I hope your new year will bring more good things than this December brought. I thought at years end there may have been a glitch and sme friends fell off frm following because they friended me again....one of them was Katy, and I know she did not drop me n purpose. Maybe that is how you lost followers? Or maybe they just quit the project? Anyway, welcome back!
January 8th, 2013
Best wishes for 2013 ... hope everyone recovers quickly .. hopefully see you soon
January 12th, 2013
Goodness honey, you deserve a break (and a holiday)
Take good care of yourself Cx
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