About Me - project ideas ??

January 3rd, 2013

just want to introduce myself and attempt to find more people with similar interests to follow to make this a more enjoyable experience.

I live in the UK in suffolk and am a serious photography enthusiast, my photo bag contains loads of equipment and recently i seem to be doing things more for other people than myself. I hope this will be the perfect opportunity to make sure i use my camera and do something for myself.

Would love to hear from others and see what sort of ideas they have for their project or if like me they are taking it one day at a time... Please look at my photos so far...

Thanks for taking the time to read this and would love to get following some like minded people. :)
January 3rd, 2013
Welcome! I'm just starting my second year of the project. I didn't have a theme for mine--I just took it one day at a time. But I found that the habit of looking for that photo opportunity each day really helped train my eye for light and composition, and helped me to take time to really see the world around me. I got hooked, so here I am back again.

I hope you have as much fun as I have had!
January 3rd, 2013
@lissamc thanks for the reply. i think i'm going to just do a day at a time. I just hope i stick at it, i'm excited at all the shots i'm going to get and also look forward to stealing ideas (although some say it's cheating...)
January 4th, 2013
I have just started and had planned to do one day at a time, but as I thought about it I needed more focus. I have planned a different theme for each month of this year, starting in January with "things that make me happy". Then I will pick up on where I live, challenges, new experiences, and so on. Only time will tell if it works for me, but it has made me think about what and where I want to capture. I am a very average/amateur photographer, but having fun with this.

Good luck with your project.
January 4th, 2013
@ashminphotography I work in the art department at the local community college. The drawing students are assigned 'master copies', where they try to recreate the drawings of the old masters. It teaches them some basic skills and tools, which they can then go on and apply to their own visions and works. So I'd say trying to recreate some of the cool shots here are a good way to learn, and then you can use what you've learned for developing your own style. I know I've picked up some tips here!
January 4th, 2013
I started this project for myslef...then it morphed into me taking photos I thought others would like...then in Aug it hit me what I was doing and I made sure that the rest f my year was for me...my favorite photos. I may not have gotten as many FAVs, but I sure like my own stuff better! :D

So, my advice to you is always pick the one You like, always take the shot You want and always be true to your own vision!

January 4th, 2013
Some photos are random shots I took over the course of the day, but then other times I am trying to learn a new photography skill (like, for example, creating bokeh) and will have a planned set-up and a series of shots from that shoot, if I succeed in getting anything worthy of showing. Yet other times, my shots are from "field trips". :-)
January 4th, 2013
Welcome! I'm from Norfolk so not too far from you, but I study in Sheffield.

I like to take it a day at a time. Some days I feel creative, others I'll take a picture of my dinner. I try to have my camera on me at all time as you never know when a great shot might come together, but I use my phone camera occasionally as well.

I had a friend that had a theme for her project, she took a picture of a rubber duck every day, you may have seen it on Look East early 2011. She doesn't upload any more though, unfortunately.

My boyfriend is trying to attempt something different everyday, such a style of photography, camera settings, etc.
January 4th, 2013
Welcome to 365 Ashley!
January 4th, 2013
Welcome to 365. Just have fun with it. I got too stressed out my first year, then I reminded myself it was to be fun and relaxed more. You don't need a perfect shot every time. You can use fillers if you want so long as you post everyday. I'm in my second year and still love. Get involved in some of the themes, they are fun and give you ideas for shots. ENJOY!!!
January 4th, 2013
Welcome! A year is a long time so you will have lots of opportunity to try many new things and you will find that the project goes in phases. There will be times when you are enthusiastic and other times when it won't be as fun. Just keep taking photos and trying new techniques and styles. Oh and don't get caught up with the popular page or people fav'ing your shots. Some of my favorite shots didn't receive one fav and then there were others that I didn't really even like and they became really popular. Just do the project for yourself. Enjoy!!
January 4th, 2013
@egad @sailingmusic @grizzlysghost @mizikei20 @5unflow3r @hopess13 @lissamc Thank you all for your comments, some excellent words of wisdom. Really excited about the next year to come and your right. it's all too easy to try and be popular as opposed to enjoy the year. Rule no 1 for me. Select a subject i want !! going to take it a day at a time for the moment. quite like the idea of shooting the alphabet (a letter a day..) will have to start shooting with my phone more though i'm sure as lugging my kit about all day is a bit unrealistic. (am i the only one though who takes a picture on my phone and goes "i wish this was more versatile" ?) Thanks again all who contributed !!!
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