Photo Bomb 3

January 25th, 2013
Ok, I don't know if it's "3" or not... probably "300." But the last discussion I could find was three months ago, and we've a lot of new faces around here, so:

Show Me Your Photobombs! It can be anything from leaves to kids to animals to another photog; plant them here!

I'll begin:

Jake and I get bombed at the lake all of the time. During our last trip, the surface was in rare form, a perfect mirror! Let me tell you, it is hard to find the lake this pristine, and with the setting sun to boot.

Well, our worst of the day was this group of "privileged" youth, with their beers and camera phones. They run out to the gravel bar, laughing and whooping it up, and immediately begin "impressing" their female companions with their stone-skipping prowess.

Eventually the cold got the better of them and they left; with hardly a glance in our direction (though both Jake and I were snapping away at their little frat party). I wish they had asked me to take their photo with their iPhone; I would have liked to break my skipping record and it seemed the perfect shape!

It took about 20 minutes for the lake to settle down again, which is an eternity during the "golden hour!"

January 25th, 2013
@jsorensenart Jake, that about sum it up? :)
January 25th, 2013
I was trying out a moon shot. Only when I saw it on my pc screen did I see this plane going by but in fact I think it made the picture
January 25th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Yep that pretty much sums it up perfectly!
January 25th, 2013
Bit of an extreme photo bomb , ;). This was the other day, I was taking a photo of a lovely piece of art at an outdoor gallery/garden and my son thought bombing the pic would be hilarious. Which of course, it wasn't. ;)

January 25th, 2013
@juliehill That looks excellent! Are you sure it's not Santa? ;)
January 25th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Great shot to go with the story.

My latest photobomb happened when I was photographing the great textures of the melaleuca trees at Little Bay. This young kangaroo popped her head out from behind the tree to see what I was up to at just the right moment.
January 25th, 2013
But she looks so cute, like she belongs there!
January 25th, 2013
Hastings our dog, being naturally inquisitive, frequently photobombs my shots ... normally resulting in deletion. But this one from last years album is framed on our wall. It was supposed to be a macro shot of a single daisy - we call it his "wotcha doin'" look :)

January 25th, 2013
@juliehill -- there's a famous film about going to the moon -- your photobombed image completely reminds me of it! Georges Méliès' "A Trip to the Moon."
January 25th, 2013
I was desperate to shoot something, then finally found a ladybug climbing on a veranda glass and naturally our cat felt she has to take control of the situation :)
January 25th, 2013
January 25th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Your story made me laugh, thanks for sharing! I could totally visualize the scene.

@sassik That is such a great shot. The cat totally makes it! love the white with the red. :)
January 25th, 2013
@jyokota Thank you :-)
January 25th, 2013
Fun story. Sorry to hear they were disturbing. You could have asked them to stop impressing their friends though. Too bad you didn't break your record :-)
January 25th, 2013
Not really a photo bomb...

I make a lot of these accidental shots with my iPhone while grabbing it from my coat, turning it upside down, selecting Hipstamatic, aiming and focusing, all with a single hand without dropping the damn thing while biking around the city...

Sometime they results are good enough to post though :-)
January 25th, 2013
Repeative BOMBing by clouds - they keep hiding the moon from me ... but ever worse "BOMBs" are 365 Project display my images incorrectly :-(
January 25th, 2013
An outtake from the holiday photo shoot:

January 25th, 2013
I know it may look like I posed him here, but I was really trying to get a photo of this old church pew with some interesting light, Max walked in to the picture and decided he could add to my composition. This one ended up being better than any of the ones I took before he photo bombed me

January 25th, 2013
Can a mom brag? My daughter won the first theme last year with a shot that was photo bombed by her brother. She didn't renew her Ace membership so I can't post the actual photo, but here's a link to the announcement that she had won.
January 25th, 2013
I was trying to do a macro of this flower when a tiny bug suddenly appeared.

Kids like you describe are what always seem to ruin the fun of camping.
January 25th, 2013
@jcarrollphoto aww! He's handsome and he knows it. My furry buddies are always photobombing.
January 25th, 2013
How do I add my photo here? What a fun theme
January 25th, 2013
Here is mine from a couple of years ago :)

January 25th, 2013
Here's mine from November.
I've uploaded for the photo bomb discussion. We had went camping at Ft. Pickens. I got up before sunrise to walk across the street to the beach. I had been sitting in this spot and I could see this person approaching. I thought she would walk behind me. No, she didn't and I took three consecutive pictures of her. This was the first.

January 25th, 2013
My kiddo holding up the backdrop for me. I had no idea he was peeking until I was downloading the pics....Cracked me up!!
January 25th, 2013
@sassik That's beautiful. And so... cat.
January 25th, 2013
@skygirl It has to be a picture you've uploaded to this site. Go to the picture, on the right side of your screen you'll see a small box near the share button. Copy the text in that box, come back here and paste it in the reply box...
January 25th, 2013
There is a couple kissing down by the lighthouse (view large)...

January 25th, 2013
Here's my best photobomb. I was trying to take a macro shot of a clover (for an assignment to shoot "three") and Fergus decided that clover makes a good snack.

January 25th, 2013
@girlie it's so cute though
January 25th, 2013
My cats come out of the woodwork when I turn on my camera. On this day, I had set up a vase of flowers on the floor, in the only available sunlight, when I was photobombed in the sweetest way. This shot was a big hit!
January 25th, 2013
@timandelke @sassik Cats put their little noses in everything, don't they?
January 25th, 2013
@sjoblues Haha - they so like to help!
January 25th, 2013
I typically delete photobombed pictures... But most of the time its not someone else photobombing it. Its my own shadow!
January 25th, 2013
My son photobombing a shot of a local street in Crete last year ....... he was so pleased with himself!

January 26th, 2013
@alceyone That's fantastic!
January 26th, 2013
I have had some true "photobombs" that are not (yet) part of my project, but this is my favorite photobomb ever -- definitely one of those where the "bomb" made the original photo a better idea.. Here, I was feeling down that my friend had suffered a life-changing injury, and as I set the 10-second shutter, trying to capture my melancholy mood, my 3-year old offered his teddy bear and love. Best photo bomb ever! :)

January 26th, 2013
@rockinrobyn What I like most about this moment Robyn is that he was offering unsolicited solace; a direct reflection of what a great mom you are. He didn't conjure his response from thin air, he was taught this through the actions of a caring and involved parent. :) Great moment indeed!
January 26th, 2013
@grizzlysghost It is one of those candids that, for me, trumps inquiry into technical perfection/imperfection. Thank you for seeing Oliver's altruistic self. I appreciate it day in and day out.
January 26th, 2013
This is after my mom had tried to photobomb a photo I was taking of my three kids. As you can see, she's quite short and could quite get in between my two sons to really photobomb the photo. This is all of them laughing about it after the face.

February 4th, 2013
Train-ing Disaster ... my serious attempt to manufacture a train accident with my little miniature train, ended with me rolling on the floor laughing - shoot hi-jacked by one miniature toypom dog ...

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