To the people that unfollowed me yesterday:

February 1st, 2013
So sorry about the dead flowers!

Seriously, I am an amateur with very limited tools, creativity or time. I am on here to have fun and learn. If you unfollowed me because I haven't been a good follower, sorry about that too.
February 1st, 2013
It may be that Ross has actually cleared out some dead accounts. It happens from time to time, and just means that you aren't being followed by people who don't post here anymore :)
February 1st, 2013
@cally LOl! thanks! I was sure it was the dead flowers. Hahahah! :)
February 1st, 2013
Ha you spelt "followers" wrong :P That's alright!
February 1st, 2013
@cally .hhhmm. I posted a pic of dead, wilted flowers yesterday. Not followers! lol. :)
February 1st, 2013
Twas a joke about dead flowers and dead followers. It's actually a good photo of dead flowers though - I wouldn't be upset to have taken this!
February 1st, 2013
@cally You crack me up! thanks! :)
February 1st, 2013
I also lost some so maybe its an annual clean up!! Followers not flowers.that is!!
February 1st, 2013
@fannyb Lol! thanks. Nope, I actually figured out who one of them was!
February 1st, 2013
do not apologize for your photos.
February 1st, 2013
LOL - you posted dead flowers AND I posted grave sites - and we both lost FOLLOWERS ... gotta be more mindful of people's feelings :-)
February 1st, 2013
@githaofegestal I really like your grave site shot!! - and I was really only kidding about apologzing for my dead flowers. I was, however, genuine in my apologizing for not always being the best follower with comments,etc.
February 1st, 2013
LOL - you got me ... your colour tone is amazing for dead things - I should have tried that on mine ... I'm totally with you about the commenting back - gets very time consuming and not always too easy to keep track of ... keep posting! :-D
February 1st, 2013
I like gravesites, dead flowers and all!
February 1st, 2013
@githaofegestal @sgoodin1 Thank you! keep posting!!
February 1st, 2013
:-D @sgoodin1
February 1st, 2013
How many people unfollowed you? I've never noticed my numbers, but now you've got me curious. As for being a good follower, I think everyone has times when they get busy and we all do the best we can. I had about four days recently when I just didn't have time for comments. It's the reason I almost left the site. But then I decided my life is more joyful with 365, so I started back up with the idea that most people who follow me know I'm busy and that I will comment when I can.
February 1st, 2013
@lauriehiggins Only a few. I hover around 157 followers give or take a couple. I like your philosophy that your life is more joyful with 365. that is the way I am too. I had stopped for months because I didn't have time to comment and view everyone's photos the way I would like to but then I started back up.
February 1st, 2013
There loss. Im not the best follower. But Im still with ya.
February 1st, 2013
@aprilmilani Thanks! and I am so happy to have ya'!
February 1st, 2013
Lucky you...I'm still here :-)
February 1st, 2013
@elizabeth264 That is exactly why I stopped too. It wasn't because of the pressure to take a photo. It was that I felt awful on the days I didn't have time to comment. Still do. I figured out a long time ago that having too many followers makes this project impossible to keep up with. I'd rather have a few close relationships than hundreds of superficial ones.
February 1st, 2013
I like the dead flowers! Very victorian.....
February 1st, 2013
@mastermek :+) thanks.
February 1st, 2013
@lauriehiggins I totally agree!
February 1st, 2013
@elizabeth264 I would fav you if I could!:)
February 1st, 2013
@pammerritt :+) Thanks!
February 1st, 2013
I think a lot of it has to do with folks who started 1 Jan and decided it's not for them, so they are deleting their accounts. I've lost quite a few, and as far as I'm concerned that's the only reason someone would unfollow me LOL ;-)
February 1st, 2013
A lot of people join and follow and then forget about the project. If there is no activity on someones project after a certain amount of time their project gets deleted, along with the list of follows. Loosing followers isn't as bad as it looks on your end. It's just Ross cleaning up! :)
February 1st, 2013
@grizzlysghost I am sure that is the only reason why someone would unfollow, you, Aaron! :)
February 1st, 2013
@orangecrush thank you so much!
February 1st, 2013
it does look like Ross cleared out some of the zombies. yay! @lauriehiggins you know I feel exactly the same way as you. it's better to be here than not. . .we just have to craft it in a way that works for us and our lives.
February 1st, 2013
Yes, Paula is right. Do not apologize for your photos. Your project, you rule!!!! Following you now!
February 1st, 2013
@cnlane Cool. Thank you!
February 1st, 2013
@lauriehiggins it is why I came back with a new account so I could limit who I was following in order to keep my lists small. I appreciate the followers I have but feel less stressed about commenting on their work then working on my own work.
February 1st, 2013
It's probably just a coincidence. Everyone has those days when a few people seem to unfollow them at the same time. Could be Ross doing some cleaning, could be that people are deleting their own accounts. I like your photos and I doubt that anyone would be that offended over a dead flower. I think it's pretty---lovely muted colors and stuff. Of course I keep my cut flowers about one week after most people would toss them...I like all parts of the changes that they go through. :-)

I don't comment everyday...I have catch up days and try to at least hit everyone who has commented recently, and any new friends, and a few old favorite people.
February 1st, 2013
@5unflow3r Thanks, Trina! I am truly surprised at all of the response I got on this! :)
February 1st, 2013
In the reality of life who the heck cares who follows them. Do what you enjoy, what you can, and what you like. Really, it doesn't matter cause you are here to learn and grow and most of the comments don't help you do that anyway. But the articles, photo ideas and blogs are the real way you win on this sight. Just my ramblings.
February 1st, 2013
@elizabeth264 why not try doing something that would really offend people to test if it makes a difference. Be controversial. My guess is you will attract more followers. My guess is that as everyone has lost followers it is just the clearing out of dead accounts.

@phillyphotos haha. I expect you to comment on my photos every day (not). Know what you mean.
February 1st, 2013
@sailingmusic @peterdegraaff Thanks for commenting. I really do appreciate it!
February 1st, 2013
I liked this image and I'm still with ya!
February 1st, 2013
@farrah thank you! (I am actually a little surprised at how seriously people took this post. I was joking about apolozing for the dead flowers.:))
February 1st, 2013
@stepheesue @5unflow3r Good thoughts, my friends. I'm still working on the balance, but so glad to be back. @phillyphotos You and Paula Wallis are much wiser than me! @peterdegraaff You gave me a good laugh.
February 1st, 2013
@peterdegraaff I can do one, but all of you with ace accounts are killing me. I used to do it on the bus, but switched routes and it is wall to wall people bundled up in winter wear so i cannot even change the song on the phone let alone comment on photos.
February 1st, 2013
Why is it that my list of followers never gets cleaned up? It's the Night of the Living Dead in there. @orangecrush @peterdegraaff
February 1st, 2013
just follow you now :)
February 1st, 2013
My followers rise and fall each day. I agree the drop in followers is due to zombie accounts closing. For someone to actively choose to unfollow someone is a scummy thing to do. But if they do I say F'em! Have a nice day :-D
February 1st, 2013
@michaelelliott Lol! that is the spirit!
February 1st, 2013
@orangecrush @elizabeth264 @5unflow3r @sailingmusic
I've been experiencing similar "unfollowing" observations that have left me wondering whether I'm doing something wrong with my photography. Then again, it's not a popularity contest. It's about sharing your passion an observations of the world. Thanks for the reminder not to take it personally.
February 1st, 2013
@phillyphotos I get up at 5am and drive to work for an hour and half each day. Used to do lots of comments in spare time but now it is really what I see, when I have a moment. @elizabeth264 @michaelelliott I really don't keep track of followers or friends at all. I know who visits my page and I try to maintain a relationship with them over time. @meisen325 you are near DC and are complaining about the living dead! lol. @lauriehiggins @stepheesue ying and yang.
February 1st, 2013
@julz Thank you! Yeah, i guess just don't take it personally!
February 1st, 2013
@peterdegraaff Thanks, Peter. I adore your work.
February 1st, 2013
I lost some yesterday too... and I'd posted a picture of my boy banging at the door trying to get to me, thought maybe his determined face pushed against the glass had scared them off! Which is scarier, angry babies or dead flowers? ;)
February 1st, 2013
@peterdegraaff Yeah, I don't need more zombies in my life!!
@michaelelliott Really? I have unfollowed people (says she, sheepishly) and surely some people have unfollowed me (says she, peevishly). Should I feel scummy?
February 1st, 2013
@meisen325 No, I don't think so! I don't really care if those that 'unfollowed' me were zombies or just not that interested in my stuff, or want to make room for new, or whatever... no need to feel scummy at all, I've certainly 'unfollowed' on occasion, you can only take in and comment on so many images. Everyone should feel free to refresh when they want, won't bother me.
February 1st, 2013
I liked the photo!
February 1st, 2013
@spankyjane I think he is sweet!!~
February 2nd, 2013
I lose followers every time I post anything haha! :D
February 2nd, 2013
Sometimes this site drops followers off too. I know that I've not unfollowed someone and then realised that they were no longer on my friends... and had to re-follow.

@grizzlysghost... you MIA on my shots :P
February 2nd, 2013
@tamsg4 hahah! :)
February 2nd, 2013
@meisen325 - I'm just talk'n trash. People can follow or unfollow what ever they want. I really don't care a wit :-)
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
@5unflow3r i feel the same way about flowers. I like seeing the changes they go through.

@elizabeth264 it is a lovely photo though! I like the colors :-)
February 2nd, 2013
@spankyjane AWWW such a sad photo! ;~{
February 2nd, 2013
@spankyjane @elizabeth264 Ha! Now I feel compelled to follow you both~ just to see what hijinks ensue :)
February 2nd, 2013
Well, I think its a great shot! New follower :)
February 2nd, 2013
@lauriehiggins @stepheesue Nicely said! The commenting gets overwhelming for me because I have to really think about what to say on people's photos, doesn't come naturally most times. I took a break but had to come back because this is a great community, and I missed the friends I made the first year. Looks like some great people joined after I left, too. :)
February 2nd, 2013
@kynosmom I'm a writer by profession, but I have to really think about what to say too. I'm not breezy by nature, so the quick fly-by comments just don't come to me. I'm glad you are back. You were among the first dozen people I followed on here. And yes, there are so many wonderful new people to discover! For example, I recently discovered Elizabeth, who started this great discussion. Thank you, Elizabeth! @elizabeth264
February 2nd, 2013
This New Hampshire newbie just found a kindred New Englander to follow. Looking forward to your pics!
February 2nd, 2013
Good grief...I have no idea who follows me or unfollows. This is for me, and for no one else, although I do LOVE the comments :)
February 2nd, 2013
@kynosmom @lauriehiggins it's hard to say something original and I get tongue-tied more often than not but I try to say how the photo makes me feel and something specific that moves me. Or, if not, just be totally unoriginal. Thus, the doing the best I can. . . :)
February 6th, 2013
It's interesting, isn't it, that the one or two that unfollow seem to matter so much (and I'm speaking personally there too)


>>Feeling Blue - my 365
February 8th, 2013
I can't imagine anyone hitting unfollow because they didn't like one photo? It's not something I would personally do, but we are all different. That's why it's such a great site to be on. Hang in there, nothing wrong with dead flowers, we see plenty of live ones (-:
Variety is the spice of life.
February 8th, 2013
@granny7 Thank you! :) I can't imagine that, either. in fact, I was half joking and really my apolgies are for not always commenting on people's photos in a timely manner.
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