Thread Hijackers Anonymous

February 2nd, 2013
You may not think it's a big issue, but thread hijacking is highly addictive and, if not properly treated, will quickly lead to Thread Hijacking syndrome (THS). Before you know it, you'll be up at one in the morning, obsessively refreshing the Latest Discussion page with bloodshot eyes and the peculiar stench that comes with a sedentary internet-based life, waiting with an undivided determination to be the first person to post something entirely unprecedented on any new thread that pops up.

You know who you are, no need to name names. It is no laughing matter. It hurts those around you but most of all, it hurts yourself. This thread was initiated for those of us who need support in our daily battle with THS. All are encouraged to take part. Please, do not be afraid to reach out.
February 2nd, 2013
ROFLMFAO... ahhhh gold.
February 2nd, 2013
Yes, they should be named and shamed
February 2nd, 2013
Don't worry, denial is the first phase of acceptance. @ozziehoffy @jase_h
February 2nd, 2013
Denial, no I actively encourage it. In fact last year there was club here dedicated to it.

February 2nd, 2013
@jase_h @spirrowshoot Jase, you embrace it!
February 2nd, 2013
OK, but could you follow me? I always follow back?
February 2nd, 2013
Oh, well then it looks like I'm out a job. @jase_h @ozziehoffy
February 2nd, 2013
In a past life, with enough alcohol, I would embrace anything ;)

February 2nd, 2013
@hopess13 Whoa, whoa, totally different thread lady.
February 2nd, 2013

*pouts and slinks away to find more follows without ever commenting*
February 2nd, 2013
@hopess13 Now that's the spirit. Remember, donations are warmly accepted.
February 2nd, 2013
LOL @ THS..... @spirrowshoot
February 2nd, 2013
@aprilmilani It's always funny until someone gets hurt ;)
February 2nd, 2013
But the cake! Where's the cake? Oh wait - that was a different thread, wasn't it?

@spirrowshoot @aprilmilani @hopess13 @jase_h @ozziehoffy
February 2nd, 2013
there will never be a better hijack than the hijack of the cat in a shack thread
February 2nd, 2013
@northy hahah I know, right!?

@jsw0109 Did I miss that one?
February 2nd, 2013
@jsw0109 That is legendary. I wasn't here two months before hearing about it.
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
@jsw0109 I no rite ;)
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
@rockinrobyn it's Friday night people - what the heck is wrong w us? ;p

February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
AND I'M ONLY SCREAMING BECAUSE ... well, I don't know why, ... never mind....
February 2nd, 2013
Enough with the shouting!

Are we posting our jokes here now, I can't keep up!
February 2nd, 2013
A guy walks into a bar...

February 2nd, 2013
@northy Right! Friday night and I'm building a miniature stone henge with wild rice whilst trying to intervene the self-destructive behavior of people I've never met!
February 2nd, 2013
@kjarn Bring'emon.
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot kewl! Ya gonna take a photo of it when you're done? ;)
February 2nd, 2013
Def want photo of the miniature rice stone henge. Yep. Uh huh.
February 2nd, 2013
@northy @rockinrobyn Yep, the things we do for photography, huh?
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
What are you kids doing on here on Friday night, at least its Saturday morning here.

What did the egg say to the boiling water
How can you expect me to get hard so fast, I just got laid a minute ago.

@spirrowshoot @rockinrobyn @northy
February 2nd, 2013
Stonehenge, why hasn't anyone shared their shots of Stonehenge yet?
February 2nd, 2013
Lol and I know who you are :) The first step is to admit you have a problem, if you don't see the PROBLEM

February 2nd, 2013
@boycotting Dude, where?

@kjarn Now that's more like it. Friday night complete.

@tammeray Yes, you would make a phenomenal therapist :)
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot in the store! go buy me some! :P
February 2nd, 2013
@boycotting chocolate cake ??
February 2nd, 2013
@tammeray for a sec there I thought WHO'S boycotting chocolate cake, and why would they DO such a thing!?!?? Forehead slap.
February 2nd, 2013
@tammeray any kinda cake you want it to be! :P
February 2nd, 2013
@ozziehoffy if you missed it, I'm sorry. It was the most fun I've ever had on 365
February 2nd, 2013
@m9f9l lol you made me smile :)
February 2nd, 2013
@boycotting Yeah okay just give me the dinero and I'll be sure to do that.
February 2nd, 2013
@hopess13 we have a stonehenge here in the Gorge. I almost stopped there on my way home yesterday, but I had to be somewhere :-(
February 2nd, 2013
@boycotting the cake is a lie.
February 2nd, 2013
@ozziehoffy Did you miss the cat in the shack thread? @jsw0109 is right, seriously the funniest thread of shots for 2012. Even better with cake.
February 2nd, 2013
Hi Jack...!
February 2nd, 2013
@andycoleborn The best one yet.
February 2nd, 2013
Sadly, I have nothing witty to say but that's not going to stop me from commenting...
February 2nd, 2013
@kynosmom how can you have nothing to say when there is the mention of CAKE ????
February 2nd, 2013
@tammeray I'm busy eating the cake?
February 2nd, 2013
@kynosmom but you can't have the cake and eat it too :S
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot It's a Sweeny rip off I must admit to... :-)

A 1970s tv series...
February 2nd, 2013
@tammeray Okay, I'll share.

February 2nd, 2013
@kynosmom yay first photo :)
February 2nd, 2013
@kynosmom what about this one :)
February 2nd, 2013
@northy @rockinrobyn
Ricehenge is complete.

February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
Paaah I just hijacked my own thread. ooooh dear.
February 2nd, 2013
@tammeray yummo!

@spirrowshoot that's awesome!
February 2nd, 2013
@soxfansara Exhibit A: Cake. Exhibit B: Ricehenge. :)
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot cool henge but its not CAKE :P
February 2nd, 2013
@tammeray Nope, and I wouldn't recommend eating it either. I hear gorilla glue causes indigestion.
February 2nd, 2013
You guys are cracking me up. I'll have to search the cat in the shack thread so I can understand.
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
Did someone say PI?

I haven't laughed so hard in so long.....and I resemble that remark!(ROLLING ON THE FLOOR SPITTING)@spirrowshoot
February 2nd, 2013

Sorry - feeling a little existentialist now...
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot That's hilarious!
February 2nd, 2013
@m9f9l Everytime I drive by the bridge to cross over there I say "Next Time," but I am always in a hurry to visit family in Oregon City or get back home
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot There really WAS a ricehenge!!!!

February 2nd, 2013
okay cake is one thing and stone/ricehenge is another but what about CAKEHENGE?
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot that is so cool!
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
Sorry no cake. But Ill share My Precious....
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot haha okay now i'm happy ;-)
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot that was the best! Thanks for sharing.
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot thats for dragging that up... thats the BEST!!!!!!!
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot Oh, were totally original, that was my exclamation of surprise that You were really making one :D :D I love it!!
February 2nd, 2013
Cheeses....I get called into work for a few hours and miss all this!!!
Not fair!!!
However I did get cake.
IMHO thread hijacking should be encouraged, everyone needs to snort coffee out of their nose occasionally.
@ozziehoffy @jase_h
Grecian was probably one of the best hijackers around.

I think you made a valient attempt to hijack the thread earlier on...well done.
February 2nd, 2013
@onie PMSL @ snorting coffee out of your nose!!! Bloody WA types!
February 2nd, 2013
Doesn't everyone do that??????
February 2nd, 2013
Uh, yeah. I'm just looking for more followers. Is this the right thread?
February 2nd, 2013
@onie I should leave it up to the experts, I am not worthy
February 2nd, 2013
@cmc1200 Apparently not, you can come pout and slink away with me though :D :D
February 2nd, 2013
Gave me a laugh!!!!! Think the others didn't get it.......
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot cracking up at your ricehenge...awesome!! I applaud your commitment to the cause here.

@cmc1200 I'll follow you if you follow me back! Oh wait, I know you already, don't I??
February 2nd, 2013
@hopess13 Damn! Maybe I'll just keep asking...

@tryeveryday Haha!
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot Love it! Great mind and photographer.
February 2nd, 2013
cupcakes, anyone?
February 2nd, 2013
I don't have a photo, but would like to go on record saying that the only cakes allowed in this house are homemade. You will need fast shutter speeds as they go fast. But for this group I will make at least two. And for coffee we serve Hawaiian Kona. Feel free to email your Rsvp's.. Or facebook or call, or cell phone, or carrier pidgeon, or open a door and just yell at the top of your lungs.
February 2nd, 2013
@summerfield Oh yum why thank you! :) DELICIOUS!!!
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot @kbalychev @swguevin @summerfield @taffy @cmc1200 @hopess13 @onie @sam_cr @aprilmilani @kynosmom @tammeray @andycoleborn @kjarn @spirrowshoot @jsw0109 @rockinrobyn @jase_h

A thread walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says "Lord give me the serenity..."

February 2nd, 2013
Genius :D

February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
I think everything have been said already, but I say it anyway.
February 2nd, 2013
@swguevin can't be right, according to your profile you've got 568 of them.
February 2nd, 2013
@hopess13 ok I'll follow you, but you don't have to follow back. Looks weird to start following you the day you posted a pinup though ;)
February 2nd, 2013
@cmc1200 I can unfollow, then follow again if you like?
February 2nd, 2013
@spirrowshoot love the ricehenge.
February 2nd, 2013
I think I should go and do something else than sitting here chatting with myself.
February 2nd, 2013
@summerfield you are making me hungry :(
February 2nd, 2013
People are talking about cake and I'm not involved? Am I now cured (of comment hijacking syndrome, the close relative of thread hijacking syndrome)? Ignored? Forgotten? Had enough cake? Whut? (Ah well, I was probably just sleeping, that's it.)

Dangit, I shouldn't have noticed this just before I'm going grocery shopping. I think this "cake" thing should really be changed into something like "salad" or "kiwi fruit" or summat. "Cake" is going to be the destruction of my waistline, fercrissakes.

Cake. Dang!

@jase_h @spirrowshoot and all the rest of you cake-mongers...
February 2nd, 2013
@hopess13 next time, carve out a little time, and let me know. I'll meet you there! :-)
February 2nd, 2013
A guy walks into the woods with a door....wait...that was me. Disregard that statement. In fact disregard any involvement I've had in this Which is it again? Might have to refer to the other I have a headache....need some cake.
February 2nd, 2013
@peterdegraaff BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! I love this!!! So creative :) I couldn't stop laughing!!!! :) :) :)
February 2nd, 2013
@losthorizon heheheheheh hey wait... I loved that shot of yours.... :)

ok... ok....shhhhhhh So I was thinking...ya know if anyone wanted to join.... shhh shhh.... We could go....shhhh (looking around).....go crash one more thread.... Shhhh don't let anyone know. They can't know we've slipped up.... Just one more thread... Then I'll post straight and honest for good I promise.......
@primitiveprobe @kjarn @jase_h @summerfield @spirrowshoot @ozziehoffy @northy @aprilmilani @joa @jsw0109 @m9f9l @tammeray @swguevin @cmc1200
February 2nd, 2013
@peterdegraaff HAHAHAAHA
February 2nd, 2013
@kbalychev ROFL... bad influence *pretends to be all innocent and stuff*
February 2nd, 2013

yeah, right :P
February 2nd, 2013
@jase_h Oh it's so totally true *does her best innocent expression*
February 2nd, 2013
Love cake. And 365. And that some are willing to say what most think.
February 2nd, 2013
@primitiveprobe It should say, I don't have a "cake" photo, but... Though now with all this talk of cake I feel obligated to head to the kitchen and start baking!
February 2nd, 2013
@swguevin ;) I would love some virtual cake when you're done.
February 2nd, 2013
@peterdegraff Perfect!

@kjarn Saucy!
February 2nd, 2013
@kbalychev Im thinking we all are a bunch of brats=P
February 2nd, 2013
@peterdegraaff You are crackin' me up!!!
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
I think this one, it didn't get much love and deserves a Jackin'

February 2nd, 2013
I'm bored
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
@primitiveprobe your point? ;p
February 2nd, 2013
@primitiveprobe Hahaha, Follow her! She has Pasties!!!!
February 2nd, 2013
@kbalychev BWAHAHAHA
February 2nd, 2013
@primitiveprobe Mentally stable is Boring!
February 2nd, 2013
@primitiveprobe @hopess13 Boring, and quite a bit overrated. :D
February 2nd, 2013
Whoahaha, did I say mentally stable was my goal, au contraire my friends.

@northy @hopess13 @joa
February 2nd, 2013
@primitiveprobe Oh, that was quite clear from the beginning. :D
February 2nd, 2013
@primitiveprobe LOL, I think, as Johanna ( @joa ) said...quite clear that is not the case! Mwahahaha
February 2nd, 2013
Little do you all know, encouraging THS on an anti-THS thread is actually an obscure Freudian tactic known as Reverse Threading Psychology.
February 2nd, 2013
so this thread is about rice cakes right? i don't like rice cakes...they smell funny
February 2nd, 2013
It's so quiet in here, have you TH'd a new thread?
February 2nd, 2013
I like punctuation!!111ONE
February 2nd, 2013
Loving the thread----but must eat my own "weed"-cake...first....burpppp !!:)
February 3rd, 2013
I need CAKE.. after reading and laughing through this thread...
February 3rd, 2013
Pursuant to the Urban Dictionary: (They even give an example involving a kitty toilet)

A thread hijacking occurs when one or more individuals commenting on the original posting, go off topic, creating a separate conversation. This is rude, and bad internet etiquette. If people want to discuss a different topic, they should start their own thread.

Below is a thread, consisting of an original posting and comments on that original posting. They illustrate a thread hijacking.

original posting: I'm so excited that my cat has learned to use the toilet with City Kitty! The training seemed like it took forever, but it's so worth it to not have to deal with a litter box any more! Has anyone else done this?

comment 1: Ugh! I just started training my cat, but he can't seem to move beyond the orange stage. How'd you get through that?

comment 2: I'm training my dog at PetCo classes. She's very smart. She learns the commands faster than the other dogs.

comment 3: I'm training my dog in PetCo classes too. They have great trainers. They're patient with the dogs and the people.

Comments 2 and 3 are off topic and are hijacking this thread. The person who made comment 2 should have started their own thread. The person who made comment 3 is guilty of continuing the hijacking.
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott Interesting. Very interesting. If commenters 2 and 3 didn't even deviate from the kingdom, phylem, or class of animal and are still defined as hijackers, then we have some serious issues jumping from cake to bar jokes.
February 3rd, 2013
First thing I thought of when I read 'THS' xD
February 3rd, 2013
@ozziehoffy hehehehe ;)
February 3rd, 2013
@aprilmilani hehe that we are ;) hehe
February 3rd, 2013
@primitiveprobe hehehe and we all love it that way ;) high five ;)
February 3rd, 2013
@jase_h :) :) :) smiles for youuuu :)
February 3rd, 2013
@pocketmouse hehehehe ;)
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott thanks for the read so what are the bars like in NYC ?
February 3rd, 2013
@tammeray - Every kind imaginable!
February 3rd, 2013
No more comments from me, don't want to be rude.
February 3rd, 2013
In honor of a Mr. Sorensen who suggested I use Schrodinger's Cat as a photo prompt:

Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar ... or does he?
February 3rd, 2013
@kjarn I'm confused - you don't want to be rude so you won't be posting any more comments? Or you're not posting any more comments but don't meant to be rude? Either way, we will miss you.
February 3rd, 2013
@spirrowshoot mwoahaha, the cat is in a box, how can it walk into a bar ? Trick joke;)
February 3rd, 2013
@spirrowshoot I read what @michaelelliott posted and I'd really hate to be rude or go against internet etiquette!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!

By the way I am joking :-)
February 3rd, 2013
@spirrowshoot hehehe clever... ;)
February 3rd, 2013
You are both wrong, he was already in the bar

@spirrowshoot @primitiveprobe
February 3rd, 2013
@spirrowshoot And still I got no freakin' cake!
February 3rd, 2013
But of course, whenever Dr. Scrödinger had some time off he brought his famous cat(box) to bars as pickup prop

@spirrowshoot @jase_h
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott @spirrowshoot Mr Elliott, you are thread hijacking this off topic thread by trying to bring it on topic, please respect the lack of topic :-)
February 3rd, 2013
Did someone say cat lucky i have a photo for that :)
February 3rd, 2013
Or did you say cat in a box ?
February 3rd, 2013
@ozziehoffy I got the best cake EVAH!
February 3rd, 2013
@michaelelliott I tried to get my cat to peel oranges but she was not interested.
February 3rd, 2013
@peterdegraaff I saw Melody's pics of it... totes amazeballs, as Jason would say!! @bobfoto
February 3rd, 2013
@peterdegraaff ROFL... cats hate orange peel... did you know that?
February 3rd, 2013
So this is about cake and bars? The ricehenge looks tres cool! Anyway, I saw a funny video of cats in french

February 3rd, 2013
@tammeray LOL, definitely alive that one.
February 3rd, 2013
@ozziehoffy - def totes.
February 3rd, 2013
Well, he may already be in the bar or he may not. He is both simultaneously when the door is closed, and neither when the door is open. Or something. I suppose once the drinking starts, quantum physics makes much more sense.

@primitiveprobe @jase_h
February 8th, 2013
@spirrowshoot I just wish I knew what the heck everyone is talking about when they mention "hijacking a thread?" Now, I'm going to really feel stupid.
February 8th, 2013
@granny7 Hehe, no worries. Thread Hijacking is when someone posts a discussion about a perfectly acceptable topic, and someone else comments on the thread trying to draw people away from the original topic. Two favored distractions used by the chronic Thread Hijackers include cake and bar jokes ;)
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