anyone have any good photo ideas to share?

February 7th, 2013
i was wondring if anone had ny ideas on what to take next ! ive so far got a list of about 10 things but i was wondering if you had an better ideas?
February 7th, 2013
What are the ten things?
February 7th, 2013
Question is - what to you want to take photos of?!

There's loads of ideas here for you:

Or maybe check out doing the monthly challenges?
February 7th, 2013
What's your list of 10 - they might be interesting to some of us.

Browse the weekly themes - there's a Feb one running here -

Mundane object here -

Keep an eye out for the tag challenges - basically you browse by 'tag', and with your eyes shut choose two at random. Then take a photo that represents those two words.

Look at the 'latest' page for inspiration.

Good luck!
February 7th, 2013

You already started by making photos of the thing around you. Keep doing so and try to find out why specific objects are appealing. Ask yourself why you started your project and stick to your goal. This way your subjects will come to you.
Welcome and succes with your project
February 7th, 2013
look around and start snapping
February 7th, 2013
take pictures around you
be creative with your pictures.
take pictures of your kids,family outtings. sports,weather. what ever you have your mind set on.
or just driving around and see something pull over and shoot.
February 7th, 2013
Look at the Digital Photography School website. DPS is another great site for learning and insptiration.
February 7th, 2013
how about Local transport , it be good what people comes up with!! could be anything from horses, buses, cars, what every you can come up with.
or people at work? lets see what people comes up with!!
February 7th, 2013
I'm trying the Feature-4-Feb challenge at the moment, different word every day. I enjoy it a lot, even though it takes some effort to manage every day. But enjoy looking at shots of others on that day its amazing to see the diversity of photos to the same "word of the day"
February 7th, 2013
What about pictures, a monthly challenge of course, or a week of old sign, posters, oil can's, anything over 50 or 75 yrs. of age or older. Their are a lot of restaurants that have things, you might have them in your attic or garage, etc. I find old things that aren't even used anymore that we might have enjoyed interesting.
February 8th, 2013
I find having my camera on me means I can take those opportunities that arise... I have been known to pull the car over suddenly because I can see the potential in a really big puddle! Being open to what's happening around you really works for me. I also have some ideas tucked away for days when I just don't have inspiration or serendipity doesn't intervene, when I've seen an object in the house that could be interesting for instance, but something better came up, I'll note that idea for a day without ideas. I do the Get Pushed weekly challenge too, and I find that's really good for getting me thinking beyond my usual shots.
February 8th, 2013
I find that hitting the "browse" button on this site, looking through others' photos, trying to figure out how people took the interesting photos the way the did, trying to develop an eye for what interests/intrigues/appeals to me of what others have taken -- all this inspires me to see my own world in a photographable way. Enjoy! I sure am.
February 8th, 2013
Have you ever tried to photograph you ABC's
February 8th, 2013
I would say maybe consider buying a months photo magazine. Lots have projects in to do. Also browse the popular page or suggestions page.
February 8th, 2013
Hi Eloise,

Here are a few things that I use occasionally:

Book titles or passages/ phrases from a book, maybe from a favourite author or poet (if you are into that sort of thing)

Song or album titles or lines from the songs themselves. You can take inspiration from the lyrics of your favourite performer. Or you could try raiding your parents music collection - you may not like what you hear, but lyrics are Googlable (is that a word? - suppose it is these days!). The performer's interpretation could inspire you to look at the world slightly differently.

Film titles or favourite lines from films.

February 11th, 2013
Thanks very much for everyone's comments. As I am at school, the majority of the things I take will be indoors or in the garden as I don't go out much on my own. The things I have thought of are all toys or house things, games, kitchen stuff etc. I can take them of my family too. I am doing get pushed so this has given me a couple of ideas so far. The ABC is a good idea, and one I hadn't thought of. I've also looked at the weekly theme and the mundane objects challenges. They are good ideas too. Thanks everyone @kenteroo @amyamoeba @hehe1308 @mastermek @tbats22 @stude73 @chapjohn @justjim @khirsch @granny7 @spankyjane @jyokota @bkbinthecity @brav @iii :-) Eloise
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