Photo jealousy

February 4th, 2011
Is is just me, or does anyone else get insaaane photo/camera jealousy when browsing through pics on here? my internal monologue has on endless repeat *sigh* I wish I had that camera *sigh* I wish I could take photos like that. It makes me feel inspired but also depressed at the same time!
February 4th, 2011
Yes I do! There are some uber talented people on here who take amazing photographs. Mine are rubbish compared to most of the peoples on here, but I enjoy doing it so hey ho =) @lil
February 4th, 2011
@lil Oh your photos are amazing by the way!!
February 4th, 2011
@lil totally super new and can't help but always wonder...."will I EVER be as good as __________?" Its inspiring at the same.time though.
February 4th, 2011
yes, i feel the same way!! :)
February 4th, 2011
I stopped comparing my photos with any one elses here. There is simply no way I can duplicate what others are doing and refuse to waste my energy feeling bad about it. And so should you!

We all are limited by where we are and what is available to us on a daily basis. As you continue on your project you will grow and develop an eye for what interests you. It is a journey about getting to know yourself more than anything. So, no matter what anyone else is doing, keep working on improving your own skills.

BTW, you are off to a good start with your project. :-)
February 4th, 2011
Ditto.. I'm confident enough to say I have the amateur talent and the eye to capture a pic, but honestly, not enough time in hands to go around taking pics or editing them everyday what with kids classes, homework, schedules etc. etc. I wish I had more time *sigh*.... a pro setup would be nice too *sigh sigh*.... ;-)
February 4th, 2011
I do. I'm always thinking, "I wish I'd thought of that". But I use that to inspire me.
February 4th, 2011
Yes, always!!
February 4th, 2011
Oh yeah, only I call it lens envy, camera envy, picture envy :-).
February 4th, 2011
@jessicapena hahah so true, but I think one of the best things about this site is when you can see all the info about aperture/iso/exposure people use, it's so handy when you see an amazing photo and you can go 'ooooooooooh so that's how they did it!'
February 4th, 2011
@shimpygk hah yeah I feel the same, added on top of that that I don't have enough money to buy a super fabulous camera...
February 4th, 2011
@dmortega thanks! but I have to say I get so frustrated sometimes when my camera won't do what I want it to! I look at other people's shots and say to it 'why can't you be like that?!' then it spends some time in the naughty corner....
February 4th, 2011
Ohhh, yes, I do! I envy them for their camera, their creativity and their editing-skills, because I lack those. But then I get great comments on my pictures and I'm a happy girl again... ;-)
February 4th, 2011
i totally have picture envy....even ones that i think came out pretty good of my own, i still think pale in comparison to others that i see
it just gives me the motivation to take better pictures!
February 4th, 2011
Everyday. I was really discouraged thinking I could never live up to anyone else heres work but I gave up on that. I need to shoot for me. It is hard though when I see some truly amazing shots and I am about to take a picture of my dogs ear or something because i am just not out and about and able to take amazing shots a lot.
February 4th, 2011
@dkg are you kidding me? hah alright well you're one of those photographers I'm jealous of... love the angry birds btw!!
February 4th, 2011
I think most of us on here know the feeling. But I agree that those pictures might make me jealous for a moment but I find myself thinking about them later in the day, wondering whether I could put my own spin on the idea and try something as well. Way worse, of course, but at least having new inspirations is fun!
February 4th, 2011
I get picture envy...bad :( I need to quit doing it because it stifles my creativity and want for photography. I constantly have to remember that "I am me, these are my photos and if I like them, who cares what others think?"
February 4th, 2011
Always. But I think it helps to compare your photos to your photos. I know I've improved in the month that I've been on here, and I can't wait to see what I can come up with in the next 11.
February 4th, 2011
really? thanks
i just took a look at yours, they are fantastic!
February 4th, 2011
@mamur but what if you think "I am me, these are my photos and I'm only 60% happy with them" !!!
February 4th, 2011
@lil practice, practice, practice...look at the photos that you do like (of others and/or your own) and ask yourself what you like about them. Is it the color, angle, subject, composition, etc... Then I try to learn from what you like... As so many people say it's about the journey not the destination...I fight myself a lot and only recently have been trying to break myself of the negative talk. Just think about what you can do to make yours better than focusing on how bad yours only makes it worse.
February 4th, 2011
I have to agree.. soooo jealous of those of you with great macro lenses. They are so out of my budget!
February 4th, 2011
Ohhh yes.... Sure do! :o(
February 4th, 2011
@mamur hey, thanks for the advice! it's not that I think my photos are bad, more that I get frustrated that my camera can't do what the amazing cameras can... no matter how hard I try I can't get nice crisp shots with amazing light and clear close ups, I get especially jealous when I see an amazing photo and I look at the info and it was taken with a point and shoot! props to the people who take amazing photos with p & ses!
February 4th, 2011

Oh yes, I have it. :) I did get a nice camera as a Christmas present and I feel so blessed by that - but I look at all the talented photographers and artists and I am envious. :) But I"m hoping that those photos will motivate me to be more creative and get better.
February 4th, 2011
Every. Single. Day. Lol it's terrible!
February 4th, 2011
What @dmortega said. :-)
February 4th, 2011
Let me tell you a "secret" : it`s more about knowing the main rules of composition and a little post-processing,then the camera that was used to take the shot.
February 4th, 2011
Actually, no. At the start I was baffled by how all of this amazing stuff was supposed to 'inspire' me when I didn't feel like I could produce anything like that... but otherwise, no, I love my camera and I'm learning new things every day. You can buy a better camera but there's no point if you don't know how to use it :)
February 4th, 2011
@dmortega Excellent point!

We also need to keep in mind that everyone is different. I shoot with a Nikon point & shoot and my iPhone and I have learned that it is not the equipment so much as the person behind the lens. Yes, I would love to upgrade my camera again sometime but upgrading my camera is not going to change how I see things per se. Also, people edit. A lot. I don't have Photoshop and am limited to editing with applications on my phone. Don't compare... Just learn, enjoy what you are doing and you will continue to grow and improve.
February 4th, 2011
FWIW, I use a point-and-shoot. I work with the settings and do not rely on automatic settings whenever possible. I think I've done fairly well, especially with a few moon shots I've gotten. I am trying different settings all the time to learn what they do and how they effect the pictures. The rest is what I find interesting enough to take a picture of, edit it, and then post it here for all to see. ;-)
February 4th, 2011
I don't find myself getting 'jealous' but I do find myself saying extremely often "wow I am going to get that good one day"

I find everyone has extremely different tastes and I find that I get inspired and challenged by looking as some of the amazing people on here.. like Jinx, Vaderkip, Rebbecca, Martin.. so many people inspire me
February 4th, 2011
I dont sit there thinking I wish I had etc., but I do sit there saying oh wow, Im going to try that style one day....
If you think in the positive rather than the negative you will see a difference in how you look at not only your work but others as well....

I guess having a healthy ego helps.!!!!
February 4th, 2011
i do feel like that a lot when browsing on here ..... but i have to say i also get a major lift when someone says they like something ive done :)

so now i try things that others have done but try to put my own twist on it too :)
February 4th, 2011
YES! I can only hope to one day be as good as some of you guys on here!
February 4th, 2011
Definitely! Yours, mostly, haha :) I agree with Doreena though...your project is a personal thing, and everyone has a different way of documenting what is around them. Fancy equipment gets certain results, but in pure documentary terms (and the story your project will tell in years to come), your eye and creativity are your best friends.
February 4th, 2011
Yeah, theres a couple of people on here who i follow that im always like... WOW how do they take these amazing photos EVERY DAY!!!!!!!
I used to look at pro photos of friends on FB and think i'd love my photos to look that good.. i've finally gotten to the point were i think my photos (of my kids at leasts) fall into the 'im really happy with that photo' category.
I find insperation in this site, i try not to compare yet my mind still boggles over the people whos photos one after another are mind blowingly stunning!!
February 5th, 2011
@lil I AGREE! I think That is what makes me come back on here every day!
February 5th, 2011
@lil I agree...I just keep reading forums and taking photos and playing with the editing software. It's helping (I hope)
February 5th, 2011
Same here! :-) However, like many others have said, you can use them for inspiration! There's been a number of photos that I've seen on this site where I think "I WANT TO DO THAT!" and then I try. I usually end up with something cool with my own take on it, and tend to learn something in the process. :-)
February 5th, 2011
@lil There are so many inspirational photos on here - each day I want to try something new but so busy with my day job. ;-)

And, because of Flamez ( @Flamez) I'll be using up my Saturday playing with bubbles, and fruit and anything else the bubbles will latch to. :)
February 5th, 2011
@lil Agreed totally, but also a source of inspiration and the +ve comments from others keep you going
February 5th, 2011
@lil I know how you feel. its kinda discouraging and yet motivating at the same time!
February 5th, 2011
ah, i thought I was the only oneee.
February 5th, 2011
Yup! happens to me all the time. XD I hope that in a couple months I will start to develop my eye a little better...
February 5th, 2011
@miley89 @mamur @geertje @dmortega @russianblue @lil The trick is to have your internal dialogue tell you to get "motivated", "inspired" and not "depressed". I love the GREAT photos on the site, and the support from other 365ers. I've realized now that even if I do a great one, there's even a better one on the site! And better meaning, I like it even more! WE all have different tastes and ways we view these images, don't be discouraged when you are your own worse critique.
February 5th, 2011
I am always looking at others' work and wishing I could do something half as good. But I bet for everyone on here saying that, there is someone else looking at YOUR work and wishing they could do what YOU do! :-)
February 5th, 2011
I get major envy! I am new to all this but am loving learning along the way too. I have a basic point and shoot, but am having a new dslr soon and i can't wait:-) I am a believer too that we are our own worst critiques!
February 5th, 2011
Yes, I do get envious...wishing I had thought of 'that' BUT I use the envy in a positive way, and have a list of things I want to try. I use a Canon 450d, but more often now (as I have a slipped disc) a Lumix z28 and my i-phone. I've just downloaded the histamatic app for it - which is fantastic! There are some phenomenal photographers on here, and on other sites I use - EPhotozine and Red Bubble for example. Use them as inspiration, rather than letting your envy stifle your creativity.... :)
February 6th, 2011
I have been amazed at the amazing photos, creativity and perspectives. I too think wow - I wish I could do that! 21 days ago I didn't even have my own camera, now I am on a massive learning curve and taking the best photos I've ever taken in my life. I feel envious that I don't live in a place that has snow I've never even seen snow! - or some of the photo opportunities that others have. But I make the most of what I have and look for opportunities - and rememer it is meant to be FUN - not depressing!
February 6th, 2011
@lil try a different camera.
February 6th, 2011
i'm with you, but on the other hand, this is not a competition so i don't feel the pressure either, i do find that i get inspired a lot from this project and i think this is good enough for me. just enjoy it!
February 6th, 2011
Sometimes, I look at a photo and think that I could never get a photo like that. Most of the time, I think that I would like to do something like the photographer did and that I will be able to do so some day. I try from others by looking at the photos. I love looking at photographs. It is one of my favorite, if not my most favorite art form.
February 6th, 2011
Not at all I feeel totally inspired, in awe sometimes but totally and absolutely inspired!
February 6th, 2011
Every building starts with a brick. You'll get to the top when its finished. In the mean time do the best with what you've got. More expensive equipment just makes things a bit easier. It kind of takes away from the art of photography I think. In this digital age people think less about their shots because they can fix things i post processing and also snap hundreds of photos without wasting film.
February 6th, 2011
@lil I feel exactly the same! I have it in my mind now that I really want/need a DSLR to "take pictures like that", but deep down I know that it doesn't matter what kind of camera you have or how much you've paid for it, the most important thing is vision. I love this Project and its ability to help me think outside the box while looking at the world through everyone's lens... one day I'll get my DSLR - I just can't justify it yet.

February 6th, 2011
LOL I totally hear what you're saying and I have done my fair share of sighing at some of the brilliant photos here. However, I feel totally inspired and will often ask "how did you do that?" Most times people respond with tips & tricks that help me improve and inspire me even more! :)
February 6th, 2011
The people on this website are so talented. Everyday I log in I say to myself "wow" when I look at pictures. It leaves me wanting more and makes me work harder to come up with something creative and entertaining.
February 6th, 2011
I am totally envious of so many people. Sometimes it gets me down, other times it just gets my creative juices flowing!
February 6th, 2011
I tend to love to learn from the photographs, so I don't really feel jealous of them, but I will admit to feeling jealous of peoples ability to edit their photos in photo shop. I have the program, and still don't have a clue how to use it. It's frustrating me, and I know I need to take a class. People talk about how easy it is, but when you have never been exposed to it, it doesn't feel that easy. :(
February 6th, 2011
I feel totally the same way. I tried this last spring but quit because I spent so much time looking a people's fabulous stuff and feeing mine wasn't good enough to post. I'm giving it a go again and telling myself even if I can't take a fabulous photo I just have to keep trying.
February 6th, 2011
Oh, this is me so many times, but I just keep on keeping on. I'm in a bit of a rut now, and so want to take that great photo...but it hasn't happen. I keep learning though, and can see that I've definitely improved, and just hope that continues.
February 6th, 2011
Agreed, nice to know I'm not alone though. I think a lot of what is holding me back is the fact I'm using a pretty basic digital camera or my iPhone. I hoping with a birthday around the corner and all the hints I've been dropping I may just get something a little more exciting to work with =) Having said that though I'm really trying not to have those feelings. I know a lot of people on here do this for a living and have been working a long time to get the shots they have. A lot of people are also lucky in that they have some pretty awesome scenery to work with. That I think it is what i'm more jealous of, it's not so much the photo or the way it looks, it's the fact they got to have that as an option to take a photo of.

I think I have to keep reminding myself the reason I signed up for 365 to start with, was to push, test and keep myself interested in something I knew at one point or many would make me want to give up and leave me feeling uninspired at times!! While I know deep down I'm doing this for me and me alone. It doesn't hurt to have a photo or 2 that you know people just can't stop talking about!!
February 6th, 2011
me too....
February 6th, 2011
Happens to me all the time, especially with the endless snow pictures. It's so not fair that we don't get snow like that here :(
February 6th, 2011
@slmatntwi And you have all that sunshine and beautiful monuments :-(.

@lil I LOVE that we are sharing such different worlds. And no, I will never get a macro on my P & S the same way that I see on here with lenses of over $1000. But it makes you work harder if you have a P&S. Jealousy is a wonderful indicator of knowing exactly what it is that you want, so generally I find that these folks just make you strive a little harder, and definitely inspire.
February 6th, 2011
@lil Maybe all you need to to know your Camera and it's full capabilities. Wishing and getting jealous won't help you at all, and untill you have read the manual and tried all the different things it can do , then stop doing this for a week and see how quickly you miss seeing the great photos on here.
Being jealous with only block your own talent, I just love the site and I don't think I'm great but I love seeing people call in and leave a comment for ME!!! That is exciting. Best Wishes to your coming weeks, kick the green dragon habit and just have fun with what you have.
February 6th, 2011
No jealousy at all, inspiration, ideas and different view and perspective. It makes me think outside the box
February 6th, 2011
I can feel inspired by/jealous of the creativity of other people's ideas; other people's ability to spot a good photo opportunity that I might have missed through a lack of imagination; other people's courage to just go ahead and take a photo that I might have missed through inhibition .. and I hope that I'm learning from all of the inspiration!
February 6th, 2011
I don't know if "jealousy" is the word... I think I use everyone else's creativity and photography to inspire myself to constantly better my own work. I think this is probably why I'm too hard on myself and my own worst critic. I just know that practice makes perfect (usually?) and I continually strive to keep outdoing myself.
February 6th, 2011
I know what you mean, I was actually discussing this subject with a friend a couple of days ago. I wouldn't call it "jealousy", but I often find myself thinking "I wish I had his/her talent/creativity! *sigh*"
February 6th, 2011
Sometimes feel almost ashamed with what I post. Find the pictures of others so fantastic , then make myself look again for people like me just trying to get to grips with acamera , say something about their lives.After less than a month I already have used two modes on mt P &S that i never used before , so ..on ward and upward.
February 6th, 2011
I get jealous about some of the places that people are able to take pics. While I'm stuck in piles of snow in boring Wisconsin some people are getting pictures of flowers and waterfalls and castles.
February 6th, 2011

but I'm hoping that through the year I'll get better! :) x
February 6th, 2011
i don't feel jealous at all, more like inspired.. ^___^

inspired to get better... 99% of the people here on 365 are soooooooooo talented... ^__^
February 6th, 2011
@lvmychunkalunka haha read a few posts above you.. someone somewhere is envious of your snow. If anyone wants rain come and be envious of me. It has not stopped for days and I am fed up with it now. I did get some cool shots of snow before xmas but that is in my previous 365 album. So far this year it has been completely uninteresting. Roll on Spring :)
February 6th, 2011
Heck yes I do! My jealousy kinda goes in spurts though. When I'm in my could-care-less mode, that's when I get the best shots (or so I think anyway ;)
February 6th, 2011
Some times I log on and am totally shock at the quality of the photos on 365. Some of them look so edited, professional stock, totally polished and some of them aren't. I wished I had the skills that some folks have here, but I'm doing this project to learn how to take better photos.
February 7th, 2011
There's a saying about 'not being good enough to get mad'. That applies to me and photography ~ I'm not good enough to get jealous. :) I love seeing the fabulous work of so many extremely talented photographers. It's inspiring and motivating.
February 7th, 2011
Forget about jealousy! Look at it and go "I bet I can do that" Or "I bet I can do better with a camera half that good". Then push yourself to go or try something new!
Good luck, I can't wait to see what you come up with.
February 7th, 2011
Indeed, but I have been jealous of other photographers for all of my life.
February 7th, 2011
I just started 365 on January 1st. I have A LOT to learn...and constantly feel my pics are no where near as good as anyone elses... But luckily, I chaulk it up to my inexperience...hopefully that will change over lots and lots of time.
February 7th, 2011
Absolutely. My thing is in the lenses though. I wish I could better photos with a different lens. Some of the neatest photos I have seen are done with macro lenses...I. Want. One. Anyway, if I see a great photo, one that I absolutely love, one that truly inspires me, I try to my version of that photo. It doesn't always look as great as the one who inspired me, but on a few occasions, I do like what I see. My advice, just keep practicing. Keep doing what you are doing and eventually, you will make it happen.
February 7th, 2011
I know what you mean for sure. I try to watch and learn, and everyone is so helpful on this site, but I do not know which lenses to buy for a beginner to get the right photo I am trying for. But I just keep plugging on, and hopefully I might actually learn enough to do a great photo one day. We can only hope lol.
February 7th, 2011
I think it is only natural. I find that I'm really hard on myself and don't like most of the shots I take.
February 7th, 2011
Sure a little green munchkin is hanging around somewhere but I'm getting very good as keeping it locked up as one can always learns something from someone ... whether it's 'oh that's good' OR 'Oh I never thought of that' OR 'Nope, don't think that works' or 'clickk someone else very quickly'

This is a sharing site and friendly most of the time to boot so don't get over negative or positive 'egotistical' as that leads one into a downward spiral.

February 7th, 2011
It's natural. I'm very hard on myself as well, when I take pictures. I over-analyze and become picky on what I want to put up. Honestly, some days I feel lazy and don't really want to put up my best. But I realize, all of my BEST photography work are stored away on my external hard drive.
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