Please don't confuse this with Kali's @kali66, "Fav Fav of Another 365er.
Do you ever single out any of your photos that you like better than the rest?
If so, this is a place where you can post one or more of your favorites.
Post your favorite and include a description as to why it's one of your favorites. I look forward to seeing some of your work that I may have missed when you posted it and reading your reasons for liking it so much.
This is one that I took in my first year on the 365 Project.
I faved it because my early interest in photography was due to my fondness of the work of Ansel Adams when I had a film camera. I did my own film and print development in my darkroom. I wanted to capture the wide expanse of Adams' zone-system which includes 9 zones of gray and pure black and white in a print.
I felt that this was very close.
@blueberry1222 - Thank you for your post! No it doesn't necessarily have to be an all-time favorite. Every now and then I'll take a photo that stands out to me in some way above all the others. That can be for various reasons. You captured your subject perfectly, a special edit, the lighting or capturing a special moment. Whatever made you feel more attached to a particular photo.
Soooo wished I tagged my weekly photo uploaded to "my favourite from my albums" I don't think I can choose, bit like selecting my favourite all time daughter!!
@30pics4jackiesdiamond - Sometime ago after being on the Project for some time, I took a photo that I was really pleased with. So I created a tag that no one else would likely ever use for tagging my special photos. I then went back through all of the photos that I had posted to see if any others fell into that category. Some of them received little or no recognition from those who follow me, but it was special to me. I did not know if anyone else might have done the same thing? I think that if you were ask any photographer if they have a favorite they would have a few. But I could very well be wrong.
This is one of my all time favorites because it was a spontaneous moment but a very powerful one for me. I seldom do people shots so I was pleased it turned out so well. l like the story that it tells and I actually won a ribbon in the local fair for it
This is an interesting question. I think all three of the above are gorgeous shots. I can't help notice that all three are b&w. And my all time favourite shot is also b&w.
Flipping through my album looking for this particular photo, I spotted many more shots I like. But I think this is the one that stuck to my memory.
This is a 2018 photo of an original photo that I took way back in 2007of my first grandson. I was very pleased with it at the time and it still resonates with me.
@monikozi _ When I first got started in photography I could not understand why anyone would take black & white photos with the advent of color film. Then I came across an Ansel Adams photograph and I felt that black and white can move a person even more than color.
@skipt07 I am flattered that you think so Skip but you are much to generous with your praise. Honored that you wish to follow me. @monikozi interesting observation
On reading your post I instantly went to this. I had been asked the question about my 365 favourite and at that time I didn’t have one and then I took this. This is what the street looked like through the lens but needed a little post processing help.
It was a stormy December sky in London. A weekend away in celebration of my birthday.
@wakelys I still think this one is magical Sue @allsop i can see why this is so special . Beautiful simplicity Andrew @monikozi this is so slurreal looking Monika @blueberry1222 what a wonderful ethereal quality Krista @skipt07 I think this piece emulates Adams work perfectly Skip
This is one that I took in my first year on the 365 Project.
I faved it because my early interest in photography was due to my fondness of the work of Ansel Adams when I had a film camera. I did my own film and print development in my darkroom. I wanted to capture the wide expanse of Adams' zone-system which includes 9 zones of gray and pure black and white in a print.
I felt that this was very close.
This is one of my all time favorites because it was a spontaneous moment but a very powerful one for me. I seldom do people shots so I was pleased it turned out so well. l like the story that it tells and I actually won a ribbon in the local fair for it
Flipping through my album looking for this particular photo, I spotted many more shots I like. But I think this is the one that stuck to my memory.
@monikozi interesting observation
It was a stormy December sky in London. A weekend away in celebration of my birthday.
@allsop i can see why this is so special . Beautiful simplicity Andrew
@monikozi this is so slurreal looking Monika @blueberry1222 what a wonderful ethereal quality Krista @skipt07 I think this piece emulates Adams work perfectly Skip