Post your night pictures!!

March 22nd, 2011
I would love it if I could get some night pictures on here with a small description of how you did it.. Unfortunately, I don't have one to share and that is because I don't know how to do them.. I love night photography.. especially urban city night life but really everything after dusk.

Please post you pictures and help teach me!!!!!!

March 22nd, 2011
Only night one's I have were shot inside at nighttime, so don't think those would count.
March 22nd, 2011
@lolanae Right?? That's my problem tooooo... -__-
March 22nd, 2011
@kole I'm hoping to attempt some once my husband is home at night, so I can go play with the camera while my daughter is sleeping. hehe
March 22nd, 2011
I did a few long exposures earlier in the year.

You get the idea :P

March 22nd, 2011
There was great light but not enough for me to get a focused shot handheld so I set up my tripod. The camera settings were:

Exposure: 0.625 sec (10/16)
Aperture: f/6.3
ISO Speed: 3200
Focal Length: 18 mm

I played around with the exposure until I got the lighting I wanted. My in camera light meter is a little off for what I like so I tend to use it as a baseline and go from there. I forgot to change the white balance but I was getting the results I wanted so I stuck with it. I left the ISO High because I wanted a short enough exposure time that I would freeze them. They were being fairly still but it was still long enough to get some movement in some of the frames. I suppose I could have opened the f/stop up some but part of that was the lens, when I zoom in, it only allows me to have it open so far.

If you are trying to capture light trails, or just cityscape at night, leave the exposure time on longer. I would have a lower ISO so there is less noise and the colors will be more vivid. My nikon says "bulb", your canon may say something similar but this is the setting that keeps the shutter open as long as the button is pressed, either manually or by remote. A tripod, even a basic inexpensive one, is a must for most nighttime photos.

Play around and see what you get, one of the best ways to learn! I am no expert, I read some books and then tried things out, I definitely learn better by trial and error, instead of just reading up on something.

March 22nd, 2011
I've done a couple, but my camera has two different night time modes, so I just set it to one of those and see what happens. Do you know if your camera has such a mode?
March 22nd, 2011
Only have this one. Nothing special I guess, just decent...
March 22nd, 2011
P.s. sorry if it is too dark on your computer, it came out great on mine so I left it alone.
March 22nd, 2011
if you like night pictures you should follow this guy, he surely knows how to do them! (@meckimac)
March 22nd, 2011
I shot this just after sunset with my 18-55mm lens, ISO 100, handheld. Of course, being Times Square, the ambient light from all of those billboards made that possible. Ideally, the best way to get crisp night shots is to have a tripod, but that's not always possible. When I'm faced with that situation, I open up to the highest f/stop I can and often increase the ISO. Normally, I shoot with my camera set to ISO 100 to get the least amount of digital noise possible, but the noise is a tradeoff I'm willing to make to get the shot. Sometimes it can even lend to the shot, especially in a dramatically lit candid night shot converted to b&w.

March 22nd, 2011
Here's another handheld shot with the ISO increased to 1600. it's not as clean, but I still love the way it came out.

March 22nd, 2011

Man I have a LOT!! I guess I'll stop there. lol
March 22nd, 2011
ok I lied, this one too.

Sorry for overtaking this thread!
March 22nd, 2011
March 22nd, 2011

March 22nd, 2011

March 22nd, 2011
This is a Star Trail picture, taken in an urban area with quite a lot of ambient lights.
How I did it: This is 120 x 30second pictures (ISO 400; F5.6) that have been combined using the (free) software found at Next time I do a pic like this I will trust myself to drop the ISO down to 100 - there will be less noise. (The camera has to be on a tripod, and you need to click each pic immediately after the shutter closes from the previous pic. It's better if you have a remote, use manual focus, and turn off the image stabiliser if you have one.)

March 22nd, 2011
This picture was taken on ISO 100/F4.0/10secs/manual focus/tripod/remote
I use "The Photographer's Ephemeris (download from to plan these shots. You need to know when the sun/moon rise/set will happen, and be correctly positioned to get the effect you are looking for. It's rare that I am in the right place at the right time unless I have planned it! Also, the sun and moon move surprisingly fast and you sometimes have a window of less than 2 minutes to get the perfect angle.

March 22nd, 2011
This picture was taken during the semi-final of the 2010 Fifa World Cup last year (Cape Town). ISO100/F11/15 secs. What was important to me was to capture the huge glow coming out of the stadium - I clicked the shutter as we heard the roar of the crowd with the first goal scored. That's why the F-stop is so high - it reduced the details of the city lights around the stadium.

March 22nd, 2011
I love pictures of fires - and this is one of my favourites where you can see the streaks. ISO 800/F4.5/0.4secs. I chose the high ISO to reduce the motion blur of the pictures - but left enough to get the fire streaks.

March 22nd, 2011
I didn't realize I had so many night photos. I won't post them all. I use the Night Landscape setting, no flash, on my point-and-shoot most of the time. I've recently learned about the exposure adjustment feature which I applied to my supermoon shot. It helped tremendously with the bright light contrast and allowed more detail to come through. The main thing to remember is to keep the camera still so a tripod is recommended because any movement will show up due to the slower shutter speed.

This particular picture is using overhead light only.
March 22nd, 2011

March 22nd, 2011
Night photography is one of my favorite things to do so I take a lot of night shots. Here are a few from my project:

March 22nd, 2011
Just a lucky shot after many useless ones ... my advise to you for starters - just keep trying different settings and watch the outcome and you'll learn - digital photography is luckily gratis ;-)

March 22nd, 2011

March 22nd, 2011
10 Minutes @ f/8, 10mm focal length. Illuminated only by the supermoon last saturday.

Also 10 minutes @ f/8, ISO 100, 10mm. Illuminated by very little & heavily tweaked in ACR to bring the detail back.
March 22nd, 2011
Night time shots are fun, but often very cold during winter. Bundle up and you won't get so cold. Tinkering is part of the process, until you get what you're looking for.

March 22nd, 2011

March 22nd, 2011
Nothing special. Just my p&s with flash. I got the snow shot i was trying to get!

This one is shot with high ISO
March 22nd, 2011

High ISO.

ISO 500, f/2.8, 1/15 exposure

ISO 320, 1/8 exposure
March 22nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones These are stunning!
March 22nd, 2011

My camera doesn't take very good night photos and without a tripod (which I don't even have) any motion blurs - it worked for this one though :-)
March 22nd, 2011

I dunno if you'd consider the last one night time, but it basically was at the time. It was at least pretty dark. hahaha
March 22nd, 2011
March 22nd, 2011
these are some i've taken outside at night

March 22nd, 2011
Didn't had a tripod with me, so I had to use streetfurniture instead.
March 22nd, 2011
@tnaki Thanks so much :)
March 22nd, 2011

i didnt really do anything different for these shots...its just hard to keep them from getting blurry so i would definently use a tripod :) haha
March 22nd, 2011
Oh, I just realized I only have 2 nightshots... it's so cold outside, no way I'm gonna take a picture out there. :-)

March 22nd, 2011

March 22nd, 2011

Camera balanced on a railing! The only trick you need to know is to keep the camera still. Shutter speed priority and play around with exposure times.
March 22nd, 2011
Taken during the Norfolk 365ers meet and Shoot in Norwich:-

The Forum had to do a bracketed exposure and an HDR Merge in photoshop

And part of a sculpture set on the theme of thought

March 22nd, 2011
Not so many night shots on my albums. This is one of my personal favourites though.

March 22nd, 2011
March 22nd, 2011
oh i forgot this one!
March 22nd, 2011
Epcot fireworks over our resort at Disney last week :-) 1000 ISO, f/5.6 and 1 second exposure. No tripod, so I set it on a fence post.

There are some gorgeous night shots here. Inspiring!

March 22nd, 2011

Oops, didn't realise I had so many
March 22nd, 2011
I love night time photography... working with long exposure on lights and water
How many do you want? lol

Its not to hard... all you need is a decent tripod and a remote (ebay $6 - I do everything on a budget lol)

March 22nd, 2011
Here are mine!

March 23rd, 2011

March 23rd, 2011

March 23rd, 2011
I gots lots, long exposure is my fetish!
skyfire 2011

australian war memorial



Northbourne Ave

I go out frequently at night just to do photography!
March 23rd, 2011

tripod with 5 second exposure

tripod with 3 second exposure
March 23rd, 2011

It's the only one I have for this project.
March 23rd, 2011
This one was taken through a window on one of the upper levels of the Empire State Building:

Slow shutter speed plus highway traffic:

Using the "Dusk/Dawn" setting on my camera, which gives everything a pinkish-purple glow:
March 23rd, 2011
Here is mine. This is actually one of my favorite photos I've taken. It's not "night' where it's very dark but it was past twilight.

March 23rd, 2011
@kirsty1975 Kirsty, any tips on how to get that much light on a night photo? The highway photo.
March 23rd, 2011
My first attempt at a night shot. Set up a tripod in the freezing cold, but well worth it. You can check the Exif info for the settings.

March 23rd, 2011
I don't have too many interesting night shots yet - will probably have a lot more later in the year when there isn't much daylight and I don't have much choice.

March 23rd, 2011
Just posted one today! Just long exposure, several trial and error attempts with the settings, and a tripod with shutter release switch:)
March 23rd, 2011
March 23rd, 2011

March 23rd, 2011
March 23rd, 2011
I never could get night shots either until I took a night photography class. Tripod + long exposure.

March 23rd, 2011

I was going for creepy....
March 23rd, 2011
@miata2u Peggy. I didn't put any info on as I added so many, lol. Here is how I did the highway one.

Set your iso to 100. For the starburst on the street lights put your f stops to f22 or narrower if you can. To get the trail of lights use shutter speed at 30 seconds. You can do less if you don't want long trails. It was fairly light still when I took that shot, more twilight really so no black in the sky. Once you've set up just play about. Change shutter speeds and see what effects you get. You can also widen your f stops if you prefer which will take in more light but you won't get the starburst at the widest. You can also play about to get bigger starbursts than others by playing with the fstops.

I would say the major thing you really need for any night shot though is the tripod. I haven't got things spot on yet so patience and time is great if you have it so you can take numerous shots. I think i have my long exposures sussed for shooting traffic but other night shots I'm still working on like my church one.

Hope this helps.
March 23rd, 2011

March 23rd, 2011
Out the window:

March 23rd, 2011
Don't want to hog the thread too much....but here is small selection of mine

March 23rd, 2011

March 23rd, 2011
I LOVE night photos! And (as you can plainly see) I also LOVE Disneyland!

Except for the moon- these are all Disneyland shots.
March 23rd, 2011
so many wonderful night pictures here...
March 23rd, 2011

March 23rd, 2011
March 23rd, 2011

March 23rd, 2011
Just put up this one today.
March 23rd, 2011
I only have a P&S so mine aren't anywhere near as impressive as most of these shots, but I like this one from a lantern launch I went to

And a shot of my beautiful city, Bristol
March 23rd, 2011
believe it or not, i have only taken one night photo..besides party photos. this is it. no tripod but i used the trash can.

March 23rd, 2011
All taken with a point-and-shoot camera.

March 23rd, 2011
March 23rd, 2011
This was taken in the car, whilst driving on the motorway...just to clarify ..not me driving ..
March 23rd, 2011
I like night shots, here's a couple of my faves

March 23rd, 2011
March 23rd, 2011
March 23rd, 2011

Here is a picture I took last night.
March 24th, 2011
ooh ooh ooh! I love night shots! All of mine were taken with no flash on the freeway in traffic on the way home from work/school:

March 24th, 2011

March 24th, 2011
March 24th, 2011
March 24th, 2011
March 24th, 2011
March 24th, 2011

One I just took recently & love!
March 24th, 2011
F-stop - f/6.3
exposure - 11.7 sec.
ISO Speed - 100
Focal length - 50mm
March 24th, 2011
Here are some:

March 24th, 2011

March 24th, 2011

March 24th, 2011
Here are two different kind of night shots. The first I took handheld out the window of my car. Nothing special technically except for a few adjustments to adjust for being a bit underexposed and to make it black and white with some better contrast. I had the assistance of an outdoor light, though!

This was a bit more work but not too tricky. I had to pull out the tripod because it was a 30 second exposure. The hardest thing was adjusting between shots to make sure Orion stayed visible. You never know just how fast stars move until you try to photograph them over a period of time. The streak was from an airplane I waited to fly over during the long exposure.

March 24th, 2011

March 24th, 2011
@kole This doesn't really show the whole night lights idea, but it WAS taken at very dark o'clock at the local train station! It's an HDR created from 3 images (-2, 0, +2) using Photomatix, then brought into Photoshop with a b/w layer added with a little sepia tone. I warped the sides using Transform/Warp then finished with a slight curves adjustment for contrast.

March 24th, 2011
Here are some of my night photographs from my point-and-shoot using the Day Time/No Flash (DT/NF), Day Time/Flash DT/F), and Night Time/No Flash (NT/NF) settings. Regardless of which settings I have used, I have had to hold my camera very still. Next purchase, a tripod.





My last one :-) NT/NF
March 24th, 2011

March 24th, 2011
March 24th, 2011
I actually did this with two shots composited together in PS
I wanted to get the mountains to show up in the shot w/o completely blowing out all the lights. I prob could have gotten more out of them if i had taken the time to paint maskings but i was satisfied with this result enough not to worry about it

March 24th, 2011
I don't know if this counts as night:

Sunset shots are even more beautiful if you increase highlights and shadows but if you overdo it, it looks artificial.

This was obviously done with flash. The night adds an ominous background but luckily the sky wasn't completely dark, yet.
March 24th, 2011

March 24th, 2011
March 24th, 2011
Hi, I did this by moving my hand in a heart shape and about 2 seconds exposure. I had to make a few to get this :)
March 24th, 2011
This one's an HDR of 3 photos... I wanted it to still look like a photo... Used a tripod... ISO 100 with long (10sec) exposure.

This one's a more tweaked-out HDR... 3 photos again... and tripod... and long exposure.

March 24th, 2011

Here is a place in Syracuse, NY. And I prefer night photography too, just trying to get better at it, but I think its a whole new world when the sun goes down.
March 24th, 2011

One of my Fav's took the boys for icecream
March 24th, 2011
@dauntlessmedia - Ah, this station looks familiar! And now I'm hearing that voice telling me that the train to Penn is "running on time."

So many great photos on this thread. Really cool to see what everyone is doing.
March 25th, 2011
My fave:

And a few others:

March 25th, 2011
March 25th, 2011

March 25th, 2011
30 second exposure, ISO 200, f/5.0, 18mm, on a tripod of course.

March 25th, 2011

March 25th, 2011
@kole - Have you learnt much Brandy? While some have offered some info, the majority have just stuck there night time shot up.... a pity they did not read your original post???
March 25th, 2011

ISO 200, f/2.8, 15 secs. Can't remember where I threw the focus. Camera is mounted to guard-railing with a slik ball head on a manfroto super-clamp.
March 25th, 2011
Terrible shot but it was 11pm and I had no photo yet.

This was shot at f2.8 to get more light in, ISO 200 (could've pushed this a bit higher and stopped down the aperature), 13 sec exposure. Not your typical moon shot as I was tyring to get the reflection in the water as opposed to the details of the moon. Probably not the ideal settings but I was fairly rushed a bit over it!

With most night photography you'll need use a tripod (or rest the camera on something stable) as a lot of the time you'll use longer exposures, but it really depends on what type of shot you are going for.
March 25th, 2011
Ok, one more..

April 7th, 2011

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