How Personal?

November 28th, 2011
I was just thumbing through my project since I'm coming up on my last month (yeah, me!) and I realized that it was a fabulous representation of my life. Nothing nitty gritty, but if someone wanted to know what kind of person I am, what I enjoy and what is important to me - they could definitely get a sense of my true self just by looking through my project.

That got me thinking - how personal is your project? Is it a good representation of you or did you go a different direction with yours?
November 28th, 2011
Interesting thought. I'd say mine is personal. It's what I love, what I see, who is in my life. It's my life in photography. I never thought of it before, but it's another aspect of this project that is so wonderful!
November 28th, 2011
Mine is very personal, it's a record of my year, so it contains all that's happened to me. Good days I'll cherish and bad days that I got through - I suppose for anyone who's using 365 as a photo diary it can't help but be personal.
November 28th, 2011
I have a few days that are personal, but mine is mostly shots of birds, and squirrels.
November 28th, 2011
Hmm its a tricky one,from the subject of most of my photos most people probably wouldn't see it as personal at all or maybe randomly so but if you look through the techniques and the like that I use then they sum my mindset up better than anything else so I would say yes they are personal but not in a visual record kind of a way
November 28th, 2011
I'm not sure that the photos themselves are personal, but I usually add something in the caption that connects the photo to me personally.
November 28th, 2011
I think mine is extremely personal. I hope others can get a sense of that, they were intentionally done very creative and out of the box way of representing me. I just realized I only have 30 days left as well :D
November 28th, 2011
I'm not overly forthcoming when it comes to personal emotions etc. (I'm kind of like that in "real life" too) - but I think those that have followed my project throughout have come to know myself, my family, and even my dogs through my photos:)
November 28th, 2011
I think mine is very personal. I find it easier to open up to people in the community here first off because it is so supportive but also because you are still relatively anonymous.
November 28th, 2011
@pwallis What is this "real life" you speak of?
November 28th, 2011
I think that mine is personal in that I have a quirky sense of humor, and most people (coworkers, acquaintances) do not know this about me but it comes out in some of my photos, and especially in my captions underneath the photos.
November 28th, 2011
@gurry not that I've experienced it recently. But I hear there's quite a lot happening outside of the internet world!
November 28th, 2011
Mine is quite personal, in that it reflects what I do on that day, and some of my thoughts a feelings - but it is just a snapshot ;)
November 28th, 2011
Mine is not very personal at all. Sure, one might get a few glimpses at who I am, but not much. My motivation for undertaking this project was not to document a year in my life, rather to force myself to explore my camera and photography in general by trying new techniques, running through some of the standard "everybody does this one" shots, etc. In short, it was to get away from the type of photography I've always turned to before and learn, learn, learn... Some "lessons" have been more successful than others, but all-in-all I'm quite pleased with my progress.
November 28th, 2011
Oh yeah, mine is an open book. I have nothing to hide, so I share it with the world, not always intentional.
November 28th, 2011
oh definitely very personal...the pictures are a record of what we get up to as a family and how I see the world...the photos I take always say something about me I think...they reflect what makes me happy and keeps me sane.

Mind you, would someone who doesn't know me realise that?
November 28th, 2011
My project isn't personal in the meaning of photos of family etc as there is only myself & my hubby here (& our dogs) with everyone else back in England but I think it's very personal in the context that I'm shooting whatever I want to, learning more & more things about myself & my camera every time & writing something about my day or whatever with each shot!

So I would like to think it's personal but just not in the possibly traditional sense of the word :)
November 28th, 2011
I'm at the beginning (around 60 pics) and ,so far, I've to experiment as much as I could. I only published a shot of my son and I don't feel too comfortable with selfies yet (tried a couple of times but trashed the results). So, looking at what I've uploaded, I can say that my shot are not that personal: don't reveal too much about me apart the areas close to the office and to where I live.
November 28th, 2011
I'd say mine is fairly personal, I like to write a description about the photo, it helps tell the story. Sometimes I look at peoples photos and would like to know the story behind it.
November 28th, 2011
My comments are often quite personal. People who've been following me for a while will probably know me fairly well now!
November 28th, 2011
My photos are all of a memorable thing, place or person from that day, so I can look back and remember everyday. Some photos have hidden meanings to me that are personal to me or my friends and family, that may not mean anything to anyone else but I think that adds to it. Next year I'll do it more of things other tho memories :)
November 28th, 2011
@pprmntmochamama mine pretty much became a photo diary.
Good for me, guess it's pretty boring for my followers since they're all gone *shrug*
November 29th, 2011
Mine is personal much more so than I thought it would be as I am an extremely private person. I have often sacraficed better shots to include something that was more meaningful to my day. At the beginning, I was all about trying out new techniques and just improving my photography skills. I don't know if it is because it takes so much time or because I am now 7+ months pregnant and TIRED, but I often think about my day and try to pick out the one thing that I want to remember about that day. Sometimes it leads to interesting photos and sometimes it is just diary shots.
November 29th, 2011
Every photo I take is personal to me as it's what I see and how I interpret it. I was just talking to someone about photography and said that I look at things a little differently than most people do a lot of the time. We were sitting by some file cabinets and I told her the handles on the drawers would make an interesting picture. She started to understand just how differently my eyes "see" things.
November 29th, 2011
The experience is very personal for me but whether that comes through my shots and commentary every day I don't know.
November 29th, 2011
Mine worked the other way around. At the start I was taking pictures of the things that I liked that I passed on a daily basis. Then I realized how little of my own city I was seeing. So now my life is following my photographs because they led me to get off my backside and go look at the birds and flowers literally within two miles of my home.
November 29th, 2011
@davidchrtrans Mine is the same. Not very personal, just trying lots of new things.
November 29th, 2011
I have deliberately excluded a few aspects from my life. So yeah, while I like to hang out frogs and spiders, I have really only spent that 10minutes of each day for the project.
November 29th, 2011
I agree with @debsphotos, your pics reflect the way you see things. A relative who is also practising photography recently told me that he likes how I have captured some things that he has never seen under this angle. We all have a style, so in this respect I guess my project is personal.
But I avoid posting personal family shots, events, etc. (i do it occasionally though...) just because they don't belong to Internet. I don't need to show this to everyone. These pics are for the family and for memory. And I don't always post a pic that represents my day. In this sense it's not personal.
November 29th, 2011
I have never been good at keeping a diary. My reason for joining was two-fold: 1) To get to know my camera & improve my skills and 2) To have, by the end of a year, something to look back upon and get a glimpse of a year in my life. You tend to remember picture-moments much better!! I have only started now and we'll see how things progress, but I believe it is inevitable that you'll share personal moments. So, let's see where the next 350 days will lead me to!!!
November 29th, 2011
My project is personal (and representative of who I am) in the sense of it being photos of the little things I have made, bought or loved. My little clay projects, my BJD dolls, flowers I like, food I enjoy, etc. At the same time, it is not personal because it is not a diary. It isn't about what I've done yesterday or today, where I've been, who I've met, how I've felt, etc. I prefer to keep those bits to myself. I'm a private person. I would, for instance, never do a self-portrait. No point giving people nightmares. Heh.
November 29th, 2011
I don't think it's super personal photo wise, but my comments and photo descriptions are usually truthful about who I am and what I'm doing.
November 29th, 2011
@pprmntmochamama Congrats on staying the pace! Is my project personal? Well looking at the vast majority of my pictures I'd say it highlights what's important in my life currently. Need I say more...?
November 29th, 2011
Well said, @scatcat. You kind of completed what I was trying to say. :-)
November 29th, 2011
Sure, there are photos of my kids in it but even if I didn't have a single shot of my children, it would still be personal. Not nitty gritty, fine detailed but personal all the same.

"Personal" isn't only linked to family and such - I meant it more along the lines of a reflection of you. Basically, can someone thumb through your photos and get a true sense of who you are as a person. You can glance through my album and see all the things in this world that bring me joy or sadness... the descriptions help with this as well but to just look at my photos, you can get a really good feel of my personality, my likes and dislikes.

It's personal in the sense that, as many have eluded to, it's more a photo diary of my year... unintentionally but a diary all the same. You can 'tell who I am' without ever even speaking to me - does that make better sense?
November 29th, 2011
Oh yeh! Mine is personal!!!! I've used mine as a diary entry type of thing.... My photo represents my day!! I have used probably 20-25 fillers for the whole year but those fillers are usually a representation still of what has happened! If it was hot and we had a swim I would post a beach/ swimming shot from a past event! I haVe tried to keep it real!!!
November 29th, 2011
Mine is both! :) I have days where I take pics of what happened--special moments or things I did that day-- and other days I follow the weekly theme. For a while my friend and I were taking daily pics and sending it to each other. That for me was so much fun. I was posting those pics on here for the most part. Ah...I miss that. Either way I love looking at all your pics! I am amazed daily at the beauty people see in every day life and I am very, very blessed I found this website. :)
November 29th, 2011
My pictures reflect what I see around me. I like to take a lot of flower pictures because I love flowers. My commentary offers more of a glimpse into my personal life than my pictures do. However, I would say that I feel that my project is personal for me. It shows my journey through life during this year (especially my journey through the seasons).
November 29th, 2011
def very personal to me and my year
November 29th, 2011
Not really all that overtly personal - I try to keep it about photography and such. I'm not one to bandy details about my personal life all over the Internet.
November 29th, 2011
pretty god damn personal... i mean, totally beat the shit out of people with specialized license plates yesterday.

perhaps i should be a little less personal next year... haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
November 29th, 2011
@grecican I think you should do a whole year of nothing but sidewalk cracks. That ish would be awesome.
November 29th, 2011
November 29th, 2011
I like to think I've made some friends on this site since 1st January and I put that down to mutual sharing of "personal" lives in our photos and descriptions... I started this very much as a documentation of my year as 2011 was always going to be quite a monumental year for me. I have used it as a diary in some ways, as well as trying to get better as a photographer.
November 29th, 2011
@wrighty ~ I've loved your project... even when you scared the stuffing out of me several times this summer when you'd go long bouts without posting... I was worried something awful happened - the end result was just more beautiful photography.. and I do find yours to be a personal journey that I feel very fortunate to have 'shared' with you.
November 29th, 2011
This is definitely one of the most personal photo projects I've ever undertaken! Even though I have virtually NO people photos in mine yet (and only one straightforward selfie), every photo is a personal summation or highlight from that day. If I was bored and uncreative that day, the photo reflects that; if I was inspired, or excited about some wonderful happening, or involved in some momentous occasion, then the photo reflects that as well.

I've also gotten more involved in attaching commentary to the images (I did little to none of that in my first entries), and it's a great opportunity for me to practice my titling skills (something I've never been good at). So while there's little in the way of human portraits in my project, I think someone flipping through it as a book would get a pretty good idea of my interests, personality, and the particular way I view the world. Photography is so fascinating in its ability to bond people so quickly!
November 29th, 2011
@pprmntmochamama aaah that's lovely of you to say :) It's certainly been quite a varied year. Sorry for making you scared that something had happened to me!!
November 29th, 2011
I post mainly landscapes. I don't what you can glean from that. On occasion, I step out of that box and post odd things or picts that document an occasion or event.
November 29th, 2011
I started this in June and my mom died in July. I kept taking photos and diary entries the whole time. Most days, I tell about my day and sometimes I put in a shot that is just horrible but it documents my day/feelings.
November 29th, 2011
As I've written here many times in different contexts, I don't treat my project as a daily log. I treat it as an art project - that is to say - I just try every day to put up something I feel as good as possible about having photographed and/or edited recently (usually the past few days) That said, I was amazed when I went through all my 200-some so far photos the other day - just clicking back through all of them one by one - to find out how strongly they remind me of the specific day, mood, effort, pleasure that was involved. Some of them made me cringe, some of them made me feel delighted - all in all they seemed such a part of me. I can't say enough about what a wonderful experience this has been for me over the past several months - I had NO idea.

@espyetta - so sorry for your loss. I've lost a lot of the most important people in my life over the past several years. I can imagine your project is a great comfort to you while your loss is still so fresh and I hope that it truly is.
November 30th, 2011
Mine is incredibly personal.
November 30th, 2011
I have always been an open book and my photos along with what I write on here has been quite personal.
November 30th, 2011
Mine is a good rep of my family daily life and things we see along the way.
November 30th, 2011
It is and it isn't. I like my privacy but I think overall, my photos say a lot about me, which makes sense considering I did this every day for over a year and a half.
November 30th, 2011
My is intensely personal in that each photo, whether good or bad says something about me and elicits some type of emotional response from me. The pictures I post have a lot to do with who I am, the things and people I like and love and even the structure of my life.
December 1st, 2011
Mine is personal, I select what I am taking photos of and which ones to post. This would give a psychologist a clear insight to the inner me.
December 1st, 2011
@hjbenson That's an interesting thought - I wonder what a psychologist would say about MY project. Ruh roh. :)
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